Most recent changes in texts

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6166M (r3) despoa 12:37 PM Diff
9271S (r2) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:53 AM Diff
9266S (r4) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:53 AM Diff
6168M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #6168 5:13 AM Diff
9264S (r4) eien86 3:33 AM Diff
9284S (r11) CoolHandMike Replacing with an additional file from author 206 frames total saved 3:32 AM Diff
9301S (r1) yamalpaca0412 Auto-generated from Submission #9301 2:55 AM Diff
9266S (r3) KusogeMan 1:52 AM Diff
9300S (r2) KusogeMan 1:06 AM Diff
9300S (r1) KusogeMan Auto-generated from Submission #9300 1:01 AM Diff
9299S (r1) nymx Auto-generated from Submission #9299 12:35 AM Diff
Bizhawk (r119) CloakTheLurker changed Discord channel name 12:27 AM Diff
9298S (r1) Rxser Auto-generated from Submission #9298 6:33 PM Diff
9269S (r4) eien86 6:10 PM Diff
9264S (r3) eien86 cannot sync please help 6:01 PM Diff
9297S (r1) IgorOliveira666 Auto-generated from Submission #9297 4:28 PM Diff
9226S (r4) eien86 4:21 PM Diff
Reviews (r124) InputEvelution 4:13 PM Diff
6167M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #6167 3:01 PM Diff
9180S (r11) despoa Claimed for publication 2:17 PM Diff
9261S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 2:17 PM Diff
9265S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 2:17 PM Diff
9284S (r10) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 11:17 AM Diff
9261S (r3) CoolHandMike Accepting to Standard 6:09 AM Diff
9284S (r6) CoolHandMike Accepting to Standard 3:33 AM Diff
9284S (r5) CoolHandMike Replacing with faster new movie file that uses Kamakura in the beginning as well as Santos. 12:57 AM Diff
9284S (r3) illayaya 12:21 AM Diff
9296S (r1) SuperSqank Auto-generated from Submission #9296 10:28 PM Diff
2663M (r4) Bigbass Added photosensitivity warning 9:23 PM Diff
9265S (r3) CasualPokePlayer 8:29 PM Diff
1767M (r13) CloakTheLurker added flashing lights warning 8:12 PM Diff
2745M (r5) CloakTheLurker added flashing lights warning 8:12 PM Diff
2783M (r3) CloakTheLurker added flashing lights warning 8:11 PM Diff
5776M (r2) CloakTheLurker added flashing lights warning 8:11 PM Diff
9180S (r10) eien86 Removing ref to source 8:01 PM Diff
9295S (r2) Technickle 7:17 PM Diff
9295S (r1) Technickle Auto-generated from Submission #9295 7:16 PM Diff
9269S (r3) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:13 PM Diff
9264S (r2) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:12 PM Diff
9180S (r9) eien86 important note about sourcing the tape 7:08 PM Diff
9180S (r8) eien86 7:06 PM Diff
9272S (r6) eien86 6:11 PM Diff
9180S (r7) eien86 5:44 PM Diff
9180S (r6) eien86 5:23 PM Diff
9260S (r8) despoa Claimed for publication 4:28 PM Diff
9120S (r19) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 3:36 PM Diff
6166M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6166 3:21 PM Diff
9293S (r2) CasualPokePlayer 8:29 AM Diff
9292S (r3) CoolKirby updated encode, track times will be added next edit 7:34 AM Diff
9272S (r5) eien86 Claimed for judging 6:02 AM Diff
9294S (r1) alexheights1 Auto-generated from Submission #9294 3:39 AM Diff
9292S (r2) dekutony 12:43 AM Diff
9293S (r1) CasualPokePlayer Auto-generated from Submission #9293 10:51 PM Diff
9291S (r3) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 5:05 PM Diff
9254S (r7) fsvgm777 8:39 AM Diff
6165M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6165 8:20 AM Diff
9284S (r2) CoolHandMike Claimed for judging 8:02 AM Diff
9292S (r1) dekutony Auto-generated from Submission #9292 6:23 AM Diff
9286S (r2) keyword 1:57 AM Diff
9291S (r2) HappyLee 1:25 AM Diff
9268S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 12:51 AM Diff
9254S (r5) nymx 12:50 AM Diff
9291S (r1) HappyLee Auto-generated from Submission #9291 12:42 AM Diff
9290S (r2) xy2_ 10:27 PM Diff
9290S (r1) xy2_ Auto-generated from Submission #9290 8:35 PM Diff
9289S (r1) Mikewillplays Auto-generated from Submission #9289 8:11 PM Diff
9288S (r1) alexheights1 Auto-generated from Submission #9288 4:52 PM Diff
9287S (r1) Rxser Auto-generated from Submission #9287 4:21 PM Diff
9120S (r18) feos 3:21 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Castlevania3/StairDismountingGuide (r1) scrimpeh 3:02 PM Diff
9120S (r17) feos host the game 2:22 PM Diff
System/SupplementalUserFileExtensions (r14) feos htm 2:19 PM Diff
9120S (r15) feos and finally 10:52 AM Diff
9120S (r11) feos even more sync capriciousness 10:47 AM Diff
9120S (r8) feos locale 10:18 AM Diff
Reviews (r123) feos accepted 8:38 AM Diff
JudgeGuidelines (r17) feos list review points 8:31 AM Diff
9286S (r1) keyword Auto-generated from Submission #9286 7:46 AM Diff
9267S (r3) CasualPokePlayer Claimed for judging 5:36 AM Diff
9265S (r2) CasualPokePlayer Claimed for judging 5:35 AM Diff
6110M (r3) TiKevin83 3:28 AM Diff
9285S (r1) CasualPokePlayer Auto-generated from Submission #9285 1:41 AM Diff
9283S (r5) KingKappa 9:42 PM Diff
9248S (r5) fsvgm777 6:24 PM Diff
6164M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6164 3:06 PM Diff
9284S (r1) illayaya Auto-generated from Submission #9284 12:00 PM Diff
9282S (r5) SuperSqank 10:21 AM Diff
9282S (r4) SuperSqank 9:49 AM Diff
9283S (r4) KingKappa 2:52 AM Diff
9283S (r3) KingKappa 2:43 AM Diff
9283S (r1) KingKappa Auto-generated from Submission #9283 1:11 AM Diff
9261S (r2) CoolHandMike Claimed for judging 10:32 PM Diff
9282S (r3) SuperSqank 9:12 PM Diff
9282S (r2) SuperSqank 9:10 PM Diff
9282S (r1) SuperSqank Auto-generated from Submission #9282 9:07 PM Diff
9260S (r6) Darkman425 7:53 PM Diff
-1G (r1) adelikat Try to clarify when this should be assigned 5:17 PM Diff
9120S (r4) feos 4:13 PM Diff
9120S (r3) feos 3:57 PM Diff
System/SupplementalUserFileExtensions (r13) feos vbs 3:50 PM Diff
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12 13 14
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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