Submission #5884: Spikestuff's NES Pictionary "Alternative Game" in 01:03.25

Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Pictionary: The Game of Video Quick Draw)
Alternative Game
(Submitted: Alternative Game)
(Submitted: Pictionary - The Game of Video Quick Draw (USA).nes unknown)
BizHawk 2.2.2
Submitted by Spikestuff on 4/1/2018 12:03 AM
Submission Comments
Right, cause this got rejected, might as well write up the Submission Text for this April Fools TAS. (Was going to do the same thing if it was accepted)


Pictionary is the game everyone knows and loves... on console for some smart reason.
The point of the game is to get to the end much like the actual board game.
In the "Alternative Game" mode you're able to continuously fail each image that you're attempting to create.
As you fail, you can actually select the "winner" on who was closest to it. Just abuse the crap out of it and you're pretty much done.
Adjust timing and when to actually enter the next screen and get an instantly fast 6 roll, instead of going straight to the board as it slows you down.
Fastest possible rolls to land on a 6.
A 15 frame (well 14 if you account for that frame between Hawk and FCEUX) improvement over warmCabin's usermovie.

Masterjun: These dice are clearly rigged. I have played this game and it doesn't land on 6 all the time.
Masterjun: This game is based on a board game, which we don't allow, but it also has video game elements in the form of minigames scattered through. However, these are skippable, so this game is classified as a board game. Meaning this game has no place in the Vault.

Spikestuff: Just to point out, on if the off chance that this was going to be magically accepted. I was going to change the Nickname list to include both warmCabin and DrD2k9 for their continuous work on the game, and their findings. Mainly cause this was an April Fools TAS I mainly decided just to single name myself out.

ViGadeomes: judging back the 3 without looking more.
ViGadeomes: While this movie plays a different mode than both others, the lack of virtual task on this mode (no matter what you draw to choose who will play this turn, you always choose you, meaning the only thing that is done here is rolling a dice until the end, no matter the result, you can always choose you to be the next person to play) puts this mode against our definition of a video game and thus can't be published.
Moving it to Playground.
Last Edited by ViGadeomes on 1/6/2025 11:42 PM
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