Submission #9416: Tegron's Windows acai cOrner "neutral ending" in 04:48.18

neutral ending
(Submitted: Neutral Ending)
(Submitted: easyrpg-player English)
libTAS v1.4.6 // EasyRPG Player v0.8
Synced on libTAS v1.4.6 with EasyRPG Player v0.8 (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS via WSL 2).

Command used:
libTAS -r acaicorner.ltm ./easyrpg-player --window --project-path "'./acai cOrner v1.1'"
Submitted by Tegron on 12/17/2024 7:03 AM
Submission Comments

Game objectives

How to run this TAS

This TAS uses Easy RPG Player v0.8 instead of v0.7.0 as in this TAS due to the fact that version 0.7.0 cannot run in libTAS 1.4.6, only version 0.8 can run this version without any problem.
For encoders: libTAS 1.4.6 + EasyRPG 0.8 is only possible to run on Ubuntu version 24.0X.X (I don't know about 23.0X.X and other Linux versions) because ubuntu version 22.0X.X will cause no sound in the game, TAS desync by 4 frames and probably a couple of other bugs
It's possible that TAS sync with libTAS 1.4.5 + EasyRPG Player v0.7.0 but I am not sure
This game in libTAS must be started by the command --window --project-path "./acai cOrner v1.1"
acai cOrner is an RPG, we are Mizuki, we fell into the sewers, we feel different, now Mizuki is a magical girl, there are monsters everywhere, the further we go, it is harder to breathe, we have to escape.
In this game there is a timer that after a few countdowns Mizuki can die, the further we go, it'ss more difficult to breathe, TAS does not care about this because we have a lot of time to complete this TAS
The game has 3 endings, Neutral, Wrong and True Endings, this TAS chooses the neutral ending
To get this ending, we have to not take the guitar from the very beginning and complete the game

RNG manipulation

  • This game has a RNG system in which ghosts, rats, monsters (only if you take the guitar) move randomly, when getting the keys, on the Spade Key I skipped the text box 1 frame later to manipulate ghost movement, on this key there is a chance it will enter the entrance blocking the way
  • At Diamond Key, before going down I lost 7 frames to manipulate rats movement to get the key faster
The only way to manipulate RNG is to skip the text box in another frame or enter the location in another frame, opening the menu will not change the RNG

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Replacing with file provided by the author here

eien86: This movie achieves the neutral ending of the game (there are also the "True" and "Wrong" endings), a few seconds faster than the current RTA WR held by the same author. The execution looks flawless, although there doesn't seem to be much challenge to overcome anyway. The bulk of the effort seems places on routing, which seems decently done.
Accepting to Standard "neutral ending"
Thanks to mohoc for the sync
fsvgm777: Processing.
Last Edited by fsvgm777 on 2/1/2025 2:29 PM
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