Hi ElectroSpecter. Not much, some stages are even slower than your run due to speed entertainment tradeoffs. The big time savers so far are that sacrifice on Fire-Ball Frenzy and the Kaos fight, both on Mekanos.
edit: um... I'm not so sure anymore if it's worth the trouble to redo a 40 minute + movie to save those few frames... anyway I'm at Fish Food Frenzy 760 frames ahead.
edit again: redid the Kreeping Klasps and now I'm 783 frames ahead, but still at Fish Food Frenzy :(
edit once again: I'm at Krevice Kreepers now, 853 frames ahead.
edit one more time: I'm working on Krack-Shot Kroc, and I'm 1107 frames ahead now.
another edit: fighting against Bleak, 1202 frames ahead now, new wip as soon as I finish him.
yet another edit: no time saved on Bleak's House, so I guess there's no point to post a new wip now.
I'm doing Buzzer Barrage and testing a small trick that might save time here,
pressing the opposite direction on the right frame makes you fly backwards.
should be on the above edit: by the by, I've found out how to spawn webs at will:
one of the webs must hit a wall, then you can spawn as many webs as you want.
(it may save time on Donkey Kong Country 2 102% too, I'll test it.)
I wanna be a vested editor: the backward flight worked just great, and now I'm at Kong-Fused Cliffs, 1243 frames ahead.
Kong-Fusing edit: nothing much new on Kong-Fused Cliffs, just a few frames saved for not stomping on some Kopters.
last edit (not yet): I'm doing Floodlit Fish now, but from this point on I don't think there will be any important time saver, maybe in the K. Roolenstein fight, so, I'll see you there.
pointless edit: Floodlit Fish done, but I'm kinda frustrated with the result, so I'm redoing...
not so useful edit: okay, now this is more like it, Floodlit Fish is 43 frames faster. I'm doing Ropey Rumpus at the moment, 1388 frames ahead now.
frustrated (again) edit: Barbos, the most complex boss in the game is a nightmare to manipulate, I guess it will be the only slower boss fight of the new run...
whew! edit: almost the first slower boss, but the second phase of the fight was good. I'm testing Kiddy alone on Creepy Caverns now and he is doing great, 1470 frames ahead so far.
new glitch edit: at the end of Creepy Caverns Kiddy have to slow down a bit (1462 frames ahead now) to avoid some Boo Barrels, but then a Clasp bumped into him sending him straight through a red Buzz:

Lightning edit: Kiddy also did great on Lightning Look-Out, 1507 frames ahead now, but Dixie is the best kong for Koindozer Klamber, so it may be slower.