User Awards
Publication Awards

Computer TAS of 2017
DOOM Final Doom "The Plutonia Experiment" by Clumsydoomer & 38_ViTa_38 in 12:53.28

Exotic platforms TAS of 2017
PCECD Final Zone II by Noxxa in 08:07.11
PCFX Chip-chan Kick! "2 players" by Noxxa in 11:38.26

First edition TAS of 2017
PSX Rayman by scrimpeh & got4n in 1:02:37.67
N64 Donkey Kong 64 by RingRush in 27:37.60

GBA TAS of 2017
GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "all furniture, best ending" by hellagels in 13:45.57

Lucky TAS of 2017
PSX Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories by GenericMadScientist in 40:05.94
N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "All Dungeons, Temples & Ganon Trials" by homerfunky in 1:42:29.53