Facing and momentum compass on the lower left.
Rival radar on the lower right.
Various RAM Watch alternatives and minor calculations in various places on the screen.
This is a start. Not sure how helpful the visuals are, but the visuals should hopefully give a decent idea. I use hexadecimal in a lot of places, considering how many important things are apparently nicely divisible by 256, but if those aren't liked, look through the various string.format scattered about and change that X to a d. Or ask me to do that for you and re-upload, I suppose.
I have a soft spot for hexadecimal. Easier for me to remember 0000, 4000, 8000, and C000 for the compass points rather than 0, 16384, 32768, and 49152. So clean.
Anyway, hopefully this script is a nice enough starting point. Some things from
an older VBA script was used.
Before I forget, the rival radar has a minor glitch. Namely, I restrict the viewing area to a square, and then rotate it. Whoops, the rotation spins my square around. I really should rotate, then trim to within the square...