User File #23965587579556294

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#23965587579556294 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - VBA display script

Uploaded 7/7/2015 6:41 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Second exhibit. Apparently, I was making a visual compass or something. My guess for the numbers are about as good as yours, and I sure hope yours is any good, since I believe they relate to speed, position, facing, and momentum. The numbers on the bottom right may have something related to boosts, I'm pretty sure their purpose will be obvious when you try to boost.
The compass would be much better with some margin off to the side, or on a separate canvas, which VBA doesn't have. Any plans to port this to an emulator with such capability should look to adjust the display for that feature.
local R1u, R1s= memory.readbyte , memory.readbytesigned
local R2u, R2s= memory.readword , memory.readwordsigned
local R4u, R4s= memory.readdword, memory.readdwordsigned

local function HexStr(v)
    local Str= "+"
    if v < 0 then v= -v; Str= "-" end
    return Str .. string.format("%4X",v)

local function WordToAngle(v)
-- Input: Angle in 1/65536 of a revolution
-- Output: Angle in radians

    return (v/32768)*math.pi

local CompassX,CompassY , CompassL= 120,80 , 60
local function CompassHUD(n)
-- Looks nifty, provides an intuitive feel (I hope), but you still need numbers

    local a= 0x02012D60 + n*0xCC

    local Facing, Momentum= R2s(a+0x78),R2s(a+0x7A)

    local z= WordToAngle(Facing)
    local x= CompassX + CompassL*math.cos(z)
    local y= CompassY + CompassL*math.sin(z)
    gui.line(CompassX, CompassY,x,y,0xFF00FFFF)

    z= WordToAngle(Momentum)
    x= CompassX + CompassL*math.cos(z)
    y= CompassY + CompassL*math.sin(z)
    gui.line(CompassX, CompassY,x,y,0x00FF00FF)

local function MachineHUD(n)
    local a= 0x02012D60 + n*0xCC

    local x, y= R4s(a+0x00), R4s(a+0x04)
    gui.text(  0,  0,string.format("%8X",x))
    gui.text(  0,  7,string.format("%8X",y))
    gui.text(  0, 14,string.format("%8X",R4s(a+0x74)))  --Speed
    gui.text(  0, 21,string.format("%8X",R4s(a+0x78)))  --Facing & Momentum

    x= x - R4s(a+0x08)
    y= y - R4s(a+0x0C)
    local v= math.floor(math.sqrt(x*x + y*y))
    gui.text( 36, 14,string.format("%5X",v)) -- Change in position

    v= (R2u(a+0x78) - R2u(a+0x7A) + 0x8000)%0x10000 - 0x8000
    gui.text( 36, 21,HexStr(v))


    gui.text(224,  0,string.format("%4X",R2u(a+0x8A)))  --Pow

    gui.text(224,153,string.format("%4d",R2u(a+0x8C)))  --Boost timer
    gui.text(224,145,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0xA1)))  --Trigger timer

local function BasicHUD()

02012D60 [size=0xCC]
  +0x00,4s = X pos
  +0x04,4s = Y pos
  +0x08,4s = X pos (-1 frame)
  +0x0C,4s = Y pos (-1 frame)
  +0x10,4s = X pos (-1 frame)
  +0x14,4s = Y pos (-1 frame)
  +0x18,4s = X pos (-2 frame)
  +0x1C,4s = Y pos (-2 frame)
  +0x20,4s = X pos (-3 frame)
  +0x24,4s = Y pos (-3 frame)
  +0x28,4s = X pos (-4 frame)
  +0x2C,4s = Y pos (-4 frame)
  +0x54,4s = Height
  +0x74,2u = Speed
  +0x78,2x = Facing
  +0x7A,2x = Momentum
  +0x84,2s = Vertical speed
  +0x8A,2u = Pow
  +0x8C,2u = Boost timer
  +0x8E,2u = Boost timer (false; Counts down only when accel pressed)
  +0x94,4x = Apparent health
  +0xA1,1u = Boost trigger timer (hold the boost button!)