User File #40022327607873666

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#40022327607873666 - GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - Internal changes.

Uploaded 6/29/2017 9:35 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Changes to the script are mostly just internal. Consolidating some functions so the ones that are functionally identical between rotating and static have only one copy of the function, rather than two. Stuff is rearranged, and now things are changed for better maintenance. The visual output of this change should be non-existent.
However, that wasn't the only change. I did other small changes, such as properly detecting whether a machine exists, and whether a race has started. Recording mode is dormant if not racing, instead of constantly trying to write to its tracker, and when dormant, is indicated by less saturation in the red REC. Small, but I did refine a false positive out of my detection.
Uploading largely because I'd like an online backup, but having it publicly available wouldn't hurt. Haven't had any other ideas that immediately come to mind as useful to implement now.
--GBA F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - General script
--Lower-left is the north-oriented display
--Lower-right is the facing-oriented display
--For use with BizHawk

local key_ToggleGhostRecord= "M"

local StaticX,StaticY=  60,220 --Center position
local StaticR= 60              --Radius
local StaticS= 0x0400          --Scale

local RotateX,RotateY= 180,220 --Center position
local RotateR= 60              --Radius
local RotateS= 0x0200          --Scale

local RadarColors= {
[0]=0xFFFFFFFF, --White   Note, the player can be any of first four.
    0xFF00FF00, --Green   Depends on which spot the machine starts in.
    0xFFFFFF00, --Yellow
    0xFF00FFFF, --Cyan    I advise bright colors and distinct hues.
    0xFFFF40FF  --Purple

local GhostColors= { --Try something darker, a'ite?
[0]=0xFFC0C0C0, --White   75% brightness of the main ones.
    0xFF00C000, --Green
    0xFFC0C000, --Yellow
    0xFF00C0C0, --Cyan
    0xFFF000F0  --Purple
local GhostEqualRadar= 0xFF606060 -- If ghost is identical, a "don't care" color.

local TrackerFile= "FZMV_PosTracker.txt" -- set nil to disable; no, not "nil".
local flag_RecordGhost= true --Overridden by false if file found.
local GhostTrailFrames= 20   --1/3 second ahead and behind

client.SetGameExtraPadding(0,0,0,120) -- Yay, bottom border


--Function renames (I like descriptive names. Renames are for convenience.)
local R4u , R4s= memory.read_u32_le , memory.read_s32_le
local R2u , R2s= memory.read_u16_le , memory.read_s16_le
local R1u , R1s= memory.read_u8     , memory.read_s8

local SqrtTwo= math.sqrt(2) -- In case I deal with a square or two.
local CrLf= string.char(0x0D,0x0A) --New line stuff.

--Widely important variables, as opposed to locally important
local InternalFrame= 0   -- What frame is the game itself on right now?
local PlayerSel= 4       -- Machine the player controls.

--mTracker[WhichPlayer].Stat[Frame]     Machine Tracker.
--Keeps a record of positions of every machine on every frame.
local mTracker= {}; for i= 0, 4 do mTracker[i]= {x={},y={},Exist={}} end

local function WordToAngle(v)  return (v/32768)*math.pi  end --cw rev/65536 to cw radians
local function FetchInternalFrame()  return R4u(0x15998,"EWRAM")  end
local function PlAddr(pl)  return 0x12D60 + 0xCC*pl  end     --Machine address
local function FetchPlayerExist(pl)  return R1u(PlAddr(pl)+0x9F,"EWRAM") == 4  end

local function FetchAddrDomainGBA(a)
--Stand-in for System Bus. Highly desired when you got a full pointer.
--I don't know all regions, though.

  if     (a >= 0x02000000) and (a < (0x02000000+memory.getmemorydomainsize("EWRAM"))) then
    return a-0x02000000, "EWRAM"
  elseif (a >= 0x03000000) and (a < (0x03000000+memory.getmemorydomainsize("IWRAM"))) then
    return a-0x03000000, "IWRAM"
  elseif (a >= 0x08000000) and (a < (0x08000000+memory.getmemorydomainsize("ROM"))) then
    return a-0x08000000, "ROM"
    error(string.format("Unknown address %08X", a),1)

local function HexPlusMinus(v,digits)
--String.format does not prefix a - for hexadecimal values, instead using a
--twos complement of the value. This function is to inject that sign.

  local str= "+"
  if v < 0 then str= "-"; v= -v end
  return string.format(str .. "%" .. digits .. "X",v)

local function InRace()
--Returns nil if not even in a track.
--Returns false if not really doing much racing.
--Returns true if we are racing.
--At least, that's the intent. These memory addresses suggest things.

  if R1u(0x0BFA,"IWRAM") == 0 then return nil end   --Is track loaded?
  return R1u(0x0BFB,"IWRAM") == 5                   --Are we racing now?

local function PartialFillTable(T,x,y,r,s)
--Exists mainly to relocate or rescale drawing area without re-fetching stats.

  T.x= x; T.y= y; T.r= r; T.s= s
  T.Left= x-r; T.Top= y-r; T.Right= x+r; T.Bottom= y+r

local function FillTable(T,x,y,r,s,pl)
--This exists so I only have to do one calculation for multiple uses.
--I pay in table dereferencing, though.

  T= T or {} --construct, in case we were fed nil as first parameter

--Most of these won't change frame by frame. Possibly wasteful to retry.
  T.x= x; T.y= y; T.r= r; T.s= s; pl
  T.Left= x-r; T.Top= y-r; T.Right= x+r; T.Bottom= y+r

--Player stats...
  local a= PlAddr(pl)
  T.Addr= a  --Address, in case there are special stats I did not get here.

  T.PlX= R4s(a+0x00,"EWRAM")  --Player X
  T.PlY= R4s(a+0x04,"EWRAM")  --Player Y
  local Facing= R2u(a+0x78,"EWRAM")
  T.Facing= Facing
  Facing= WordToAngle(Facing) --Convert to mathematical angle
  T.AngleF= Facing

  T.Sine= math.sin(Facing); T.Cosine= math.cos(Facing)

  return T --If we were fed the table, the caller doesn't need to handle this

local function InBounds(T,x,y)
--Returns true or false, generally for drawing area.

  return (x >= T.Left) and (x <= T.Right) and (y >= T.Top) and (y <= T.Bottom)

local function FetchOldPos(pl,frame)
--Grabs stored position data. Joy.

  pl= pl or PlayerSel             --Defaults for unspecified parameters.
  frame= frame or InternalFrame
  local machine= mTracker[pl]

--nil, for never recorded. False, for recorded not existing.
  if not machine.Exist[frame] then return machine.Exist[frame] end
  return machine.x[frame], machine.y[frame]

local function RecordPos(frame)
--For now, it directly reads from memory and stuff it into stored position data

  frame= frame or InternalFrame  --If unspecified, assume current frame.
--Uh, now that I think about it, we're always going to assume current frame.
--Frankly, we're doing direct memory reads. This will always be current frame.
--I see a redesign in the future.

  for pl= 0, 4 do
    local a= PlAddr(pl)
    local machine= mTracker[pl]

    if FetchPlayerExist(pl) then
      machine.x[frame],machine.y[frame]= R4s(a+0x00,"EWRAM"),R4s(a+0x04,"EWRAM")
      machine.Exist[frame]= true
      --leave x,y alone. If there's reason to grab stale data, I won't erase.
      machine.Exist[frame]= false

local function LoadTracker(filename)
--Exists because we can't run script, movie, then another movie.
--Well, we could, but a second movie triggers core reboot. This kills lua.
--Though, a persistent position tracker file might be useful anyway.

  local FileIn, err=,"r")
  if not FileIn then print("No ghost loaded"); return end
  local count= 0
  for data in FileIn:lines() do
    local frame= tonumber(string.sub(data,1,8)) --Want a decimal value.
    if frame then
      count= count+1
      for i= 0, 4 do
        local Pl= mTracker[i]
        local x= tonumber(string.sub(data,10+i*18,17+i*18)) --Decimal
        local y= tonumber(string.sub(data,19+i*18,26+i*18))
        if x and y then
          Pl.Exist[frame]= true
          Pl.x[frame],Pl.y[frame]= x,y
          Pl.Exist[frame]= false
      end -- for each machine
    end -- if frame exists (sanity)
  end -- Data lines

  if count == 0 then
    print("File opened, but no frames loaded.")
    flag_RecordGhost= false
    print("Ghost loaded from file. Frames: " .. count)

local function SaveTracker(filename)
--Stuffs our tracking data into a persistent tracker file.
--I'm making my own file format on this, which is probably just plain text.

  FileOut, err=,"wb")
  if not FileOut then print(err); return end --Sorry, didn't save.
--Presumably, you still have the movie file, and can generate a new ghost data.

--Though, if we did succeed... Stuff it in file.
  local PlayerExisted= mTracker[PlayerSel].Exist --Shouldn't matter who, just want not nil.
  for frame,_ in pairs(PlayerExisted) do --Can't guarantee all frames exist
    local s= string.format("%8d|",frame)
    for i= 0, 4 do
      local machine= mTracker[i]
      if machine.Exist[frame] then
        s= string.format("%s%8d,%8d:",s,machine.x[frame],machine.y[frame]) --8 digits should be sufficiently large.
        s= s .. "--------,--------:"
    FileOut:write(s .. CrLf)
    --Note that pairs won't necessarily have it in order.
  print("Ghost saved to " .. filename)


local function GetStaticDisplayLoc(sT,PosX,PosY)
--Apply offsets. Apply scaling. End.

  local x= math.floor((PosX - sT.PlX)/sT.s+0.5) + sT.x
  local y= math.floor((PosY - sT.PlY)/sT.s+0.5) + sT.y

  return x,y

local function GetRotateDisplayLoc(rT,PosX,PosY)
--Rotatey stuff.

  local x= PosX - rT.PlX
  local y= PosY - rT.PlY

  x,y= -rT.Sine*x+rT.Cosine*y, -rT.Cosine*x-rT.Sine*y
  x= math.floor(x/rT.s+0.5) + rT.x
  y= math.floor(y/rT.s+0.5) + rT.y

  return x,y

local function GridUnderlayS(sT)
--Might be nice to have a dark colored map underneath the radar.
--For now, have these grid lines.

  local range= (sT.r+0.5) * sT.s

--Vertical lines
  local Vline= (math.ceil((sT.PlX - range)/0x4000)*0x4000 - sT.PlX) / sT.s + sT.x
  while Vline <= sT.Right do
    Vline= Vline + 0x4000/sT.s

--Horizontal lines
  local Hline= (math.ceil((sT.PlY - range)/0x4000)*0x4000 - sT.PlY) / sT.s + sT.y
  while Hline <= sT.Bottom do
    Hline= Hline + 0x4000/sT.s


local function MomentumCompass(sT)
--Yay, compass! In case you're lost! ... Somehow?

--Facing first. So its line is painted under the momentum line.
--    local z= sT.AngleF
    local z= WordToAngle(R2s(sT.Addr+0x78,"EWRAM"))
    local x= sT.x + sT.r*math.cos(z)
    local y= sT.y + sT.r*math.sin(z)
    gui.drawLine(sT.x, sT.y,x,y,0xFFFF00FF)

--Momentum second.
    z= WordToAngle(R2s(sT.Addr+0x7A,"EWRAM")) --Momentum
    x= sT.x + sT.r*math.cos(z)
    y= sT.y + sT.r*math.sin(z)
    gui.drawLine(sT.x, sT.y,x,y,0xFF00FF00)

local function MomentumAngle(rT)
--Always facing forward, so omit the facing line. Only our momentum line counts
--Might as well note north, though.

  local a= rT.Addr
  local Facing= R2u(a+0x78,"EWRAM")
  local Momentum= R2u(a+0x7A,"EWRAM")
  local Diff= (Facing - Momentum + 0x8000)%0x10000 - 0x8000

  local Angle= WordToAngle(Facing)
  local HalfR= rT.r/2
  local x= rT.x - HalfR*math.cos(Angle)
  local y= rT.y + HalfR*math.sin(Angle)
  gui.drawLine(x-1,y  ,x+1,y  ,0xFF808080)
  gui.drawLine(x  ,y-1,x  ,y+1,0xFF808080)

--Momentum, relative to facing
  Angle= WordToAngle(Diff)
  x= rT.x - rT.r*math.sin(Angle)
  y= rT.y - rT.r*math.cos(Angle)

local function SetRotating(mT,Rotating)
--Some functions do things different depending on north or facing.
--Others... Are completely identical. Leave the identical ones alone.

  if Rotating then --rT
    mT.GetDisplayLoc= GetRotateDisplayLoc
    mT.GridUnderlay = function() end --null, I don't have a working solution.
    mT.MomentumWatch= MomentumAngle
  else --sT
    mT.GetDisplayLoc= GetStaticDisplayLoc
    mT.GridUnderlay = GridUnderlayS
    mT.MomentumWatch= MomentumCompass


local function RivalRadar(mT)
--The rival watch.
--Oriented based on player's machine facing.

  for pl= 0, 4 do --Player also gets painted, naturally always in the center.
    if FetchPlayerExist(pl) then
      local a= PlAddr(pl)
      local x,y= mT:GetDisplayLoc(R4s(a+0,"EWRAM"),R4s(a+4,"EWRAM"))

      if InBounds(mT , x,y) then
        local clr= RadarColors[pl] or 0xFFC0C0C0  --Fallback shouldn't happen...
        gui.drawLine(x-4,y  ,x+4,y  ,clr)
        gui.drawLine(x  ,y-4,x  ,y+4,clr)
      end --If pixel is in bounds
    end --If machine exists
  end --For each machine
end --Function

local function GhostTrails(mT)
--Colored trails of various machines. Blue for the future. Red for the past.
--Of course, I don't know your future, but I know your past's future.

  local ClrStep= 0xFF / GhostTrailFrames
  local Sf, Ef= InternalFrame-GhostTrailFrames, InternalFrame+GhostTrailFrames
  for pl= 0, 4 do
    for f= Sf, Ef do
      local x,y= FetchOldPos(pl,f)
      if x then
        x,y= mT:GetDisplayLoc(x,y)
        if InBounds(mT,x,y) then
          local RB= (f-InternalFrame)*ClrStep
          if f < InternalFrame then --In the past
            RB= math.floor(math.abs(RB))*0x00010000
          else --In the future
            RB= math.floor(RB)
        end -- If pixel is in bounds
      end -- If machine existed
    end -- For each nearby frame
  end -- For each machine
end -- Function

local function Ghosts(mT)
--Shows old positions of current frame.
--If it matches our immediate position, we pick a boring enough color.

  for pl= 0, 4 do
    local x,y= FetchOldPos(pl)
    if x then
      local addr= PlAddr(pl)
      local mx,my= R4s(addr+0x00,"EWRAM"),R4s(addr+0x04,"EWRAM")
      local clr= GhostColors[pl]
      if (x == mx) and (y == my) then clr= GhostEqualRadar end
      x,y= mT:GetDisplayLoc(x,y)
      if InBounds(mT,x,y) then
      end -- If pixel is in bounds
    end -- If machine existed
  end -- For each machine
end -- Function

local function PlayerTrail(mT)
--Well, the game keeps a short list of old positions. Let's display them!
--Some things don't have trails, for some reason...

  for i= 0, 3 do
    local x= R4s(mT.Addr+0x10 + 8*i,"EWRAM")
    local y= R4s(mT.Addr+0x14 + 8*i,"EWRAM")
    x,y= mT:GetDisplayLoc(x,y)
    if InBounds(mT,x,y) then

local function GetMixFunctions(mT)
  mT= mT or {} -- constructor, in case of nil
  mT.RivalRadar = RivalRadar
  mT.GhostTrails= GhostTrails
  mT.Ghosts     = Ghosts
  mT.PlayerTrail= PlayerTrail
  return mT


local function GridUnderlayR(rT)
--Rotated underlay. Now that should be a fun exercise in trig.
--Incomplete function. I'm seriously out of practice in my math, and am not
--getting the Y lines to behave. Do not use this function.
--I have tackled this for a while. I now think I forgot to add offsets based
--on where the corner is, and assume center position instead.

--Get our triangle sides
  local Angle= WordToAngle(rT.Facing%0x4000 - 0x2000) --45 degree offset
  local Hypotinuse= rT.r * rT.s * SqrtTwo --Radius, scale, to corner of square

  local LongSide=  math.cos(Angle) * Hypotinuse
  local ShortSide= math.sin(Angle) * Hypotinuse

  local Xx= {v= math.ceil((rT.PlX - LongSide)/0x4000)*0x4000, min= rT.PlX - LongSide, max= rT.PlX + LongSide, left= rT.PlX - ShortSide, right= rT.PlX + ShortSide}
  local Yy= {v= math.ceil((rT.PlY - LongSide)/0x4000)*0x4000, min= rT.PlY - LongSide, max= rT.PlY + LongSide, left= rT.PlY - ShortSide, right= rT.PlY + ShortSide}

  Angle= WordToAngle(rT.Facing%4000) -- Don't need the diagonal now
  local Sine=   math.sin(Angle)
  local Cosine= math.cos(Angle)

  local Tangent  = math.tan(rT.AngleF)
--  local Cotangent= math.cot(rT.AngleF)

--  while x < MaxX do

--    Xx.v= Xx.v + 0x4000
--  end

  while Yy.v < Yy.max do
    local x1,y1 , x2,y2
    if Yy.v > Yy.left then
      x1,y1= GetRotateDisplayLoc(rT,
--        rT.PlX - (Yy.v-Yy.min)*Cosine/Sine,
        rT.PlX + (Yy.v-Yy.max),
      if Angle ~= 0 then
        x1,y1= GetRotateDisplayLoc(rT,
--          rT.PlX + (Yy.v-Yy.min)*rT.Cosine/rT.Sine,
--          rT.PlX - (Yy.v-Yy.min)*rT.Cosine/rT.Sine,
--          rT.PlX + (Yy.v-Yy.min)*rT.Sine/rT.Cosine,
--          rT.PlX - (Yy.v-Yy.min)*rT.Sine/rT.Cosine,
    if Yy.v > Yy.right then
      if Angle ~= 0 then
        x2,y2= GetRotateDisplayLoc(rT,
          rT.PlX + 0x2000,
--          rT.PlX + (Yy.v-Yy.max)*Cosine/Sine,
      x2,y2= GetRotateDisplayLoc(rT,
        rT.PlX + 0x2000,
--        rT.PlX + (Yy.v-Yy.min)*Sine/Cosine,
    if x1 and x2 then gui.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,0xFF404040) end
    Yy.v= Yy.v + 0x4000


--Misc display

local function ClrBySign(v)
  if v < 0 then return 0xFFFFFF00 end
  if v > 0 then return 0xFF00FFFF end
  return 0xFFFF00FF

local function MachineHUD_hex(n)
--Pick a machine, show its stats.
--So long as there is a vague reason to do so, things are in hexadecimal.
--Otherwise, decimal.

  local a= 0x12D60 + n*0xCC

  local x, y= R4s(a+0x00,"EWRAM"), R4s(a+0x04,"EWRAM")
  local Facing, Momentum= R2u(a+0x78,"EWRAM"), R2u(a+0x7A,"EWRAM")

  local Hysteresis=,"EWRAM"),0x10) ~= 0
  local clr= nil
  if Hysteresis then clr= 0x80FF2000 end

  gui.pixelText(  0,  0,string.format("%8X",x))
  gui.pixelText(  0,  7,string.format("%8X",y))
  gui.pixelText(  0, 16,string.format("%8X",R2s(a+0x74,"EWRAM")),0xFFFFFFFF,clr)  --Speed

  x= x - R4s(a+0x08,"EWRAM")
  y= y - R4s(a+0x0C,"EWRAM")
  gui.pixelText( 33,  0,string.format("%4X",math.abs(x)),ClrBySign(x))
  gui.pixelText( 33,  7,string.format("%4X",math.abs(y)),ClrBySign(y))
  local v= math.floor(math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)) -- Distance formula
  gui.pixelText(  0, 23,string.format("%8X",v),0xFF00FFFF) -- Change in position

--Facing, momentum, and their difference.
  gui.pixelText(  0,160,string.format("%4X",Facing)  ,0xFFFF00FF)
  gui.pixelText(  0,167,string.format("%4X",Momentum),0xFF00FF00)
  v= (Facing - Momentum + 0x8000)%0x10000 - 0x8000
  gui.pixelText(  0,174,string.format("%4X",math.abs(v)),ClrBySign(v))

  local Height,VertVel= R4s(a+0x54,"EWRAM"),R2s(a+0x84,"EWRAM")
--  gui.pixelText(207, 21,string.format("%8d",Height))
--  gui.pixelText(207, 28,string.format("%8d",VertVel))
--Acceleration: -12 per frame. -16 if not holding down after some point.
--I assume it's always -12, so you know the farthest you can go.
  if Height > 0 then
    v= math.ceil((VertVel + math.sqrt(VertVel*VertVel + 4*6*Height))/12)
  else v= 0
  gui.pixelText(224, 14,string.format("%4d",v))

  gui.pixelText(224,  0,string.format("%4X",R2u(a+0x8A,"EWRAM")))  --Pow
  gui.pixelText(224,  7,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0xA2,"EWRAM")))  --Lap seg
--  gui.pixelText(224, 21,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0x9E,"EWRAM")))  --Split

  gui.pixelText(224,153,string.format("%4d",R2u(a+0x8C,"EWRAM")))  --Boost timer
  gui.pixelText(224,145,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0xA1,"EWRAM")))  --Trigger timer

local function MachineHUD_dec(n)
--Pick a machine, show its stats.
--No hexadecimal here. It's all decimal.
--Don't recommend viewing angles like this.

  local a= 0x12D60 + n*0xCC

  local x, y= R4s(a+0x00,"EWRAM"), R4s(a+0x04,"EWRAM")
  local Facing, Momentum= R2u(a+0x78,"EWRAM"), R2u(a+0x7A,"EWRAM")

  local Hysteresis=,"EWRAM"),0x10) ~= 0
  local clr= nil
  if Hysteresis then clr= 0x80FF2000 end

  gui.pixelText(  0,  0,string.format("%8d",x))
  gui.pixelText(  0,  7,string.format("%8d",y))
  gui.pixelText(  0, 16,string.format("%8d",R2s(a+0x74,"EWRAM")),0xFFFFFFFF,clr)  --Speed

  x= x - R4s(a+0x08,"EWRAM")
  y= y - R4s(a+0x0C,"EWRAM")
  gui.pixelText( 33,  0,string.format("%+5d",x),ClrBySign(x))
  gui.pixelText( 33,  7,string.format("%+5d",y),ClrBySign(y))
  local v= math.floor(math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)) -- Distance formula
  gui.pixelText(  0, 23,string.format("%8d",v),0xFF00FFFF) -- Change in position

--Facing, momentum, and their difference.
  gui.pixelText(  0,160,string.format("%5d",Facing)  ,0xFFFF00FF)
  gui.pixelText(  0,167,string.format("%5d",Momentum),0xFF00FF00)
  v= (Facing - Momentum + 0x8000)%0x10000 - 0x8000
  gui.pixelText(  0,174,string.format("%5d",math.abs(v)),ClrBySign(v))

  local Height,VertVel= R4s(a+0x54,"EWRAM"),R2s(a+0x84,"EWRAM")
--  gui.pixelText(207, 21,string.format("%8d",Height))
--  gui.pixelText(207, 28,string.format("%8d",VertVel))
--Acceleration: -12 per frame. -16 if not holding down after some point.
--I assume it's always -12, so you know the farthest you can go.
  if Height > 0 then
    v= math.ceil((VertVel + math.sqrt(VertVel*VertVel + 4*6*Height))/12)
  else v= 0
  gui.pixelText(224, 14,string.format("%4d",v))

  gui.pixelText(220,  0,string.format("%5d",R2u(a+0x8A,"EWRAM")))  --Pow
  gui.pixelText(224,  7,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0xA2,"EWRAM")))  --Lap seg
--  gui.pixelText(224, 21,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0x9E,"EWRAM")))  --Split

  gui.pixelText(224,153,string.format("%4d",R2u(a+0x8C,"EWRAM")))  --Boost timer
  gui.pixelText(224,145,string.format("%4d",R1u(a+0xA1,"EWRAM")))  --Trigger timer

local ImportantMachineBackClr= {[21]=0x400000FF,[22]=0x400000FF,[23]=0x60FFFFFF}
local function BasicHUD()
--Generally for basic calculations and all that.
--Also a scratch field for various tests.

--EWRAM:0A0EE,1u - Track internal ID
--  gui.pixelText(120,0,R1u(0x0A0EE,"EWRAM"))

  for i= 0, 4 do
    local addr= 0x12D60 + 0xCC*i
    local machine= R1s(addr+0xB0,"EWRAM")
    local clr= RadarColors[i]
    if not FetchPlayerExist(i) then clr= 0xFFA0A0A0 end
    local bclr= ImportantMachineBackClr[machine]
--    gui.pixelText(231,160+7*i,string.format("%2d",v),clr)

  for x= 0, 4 do
    for y= 0, 22 do
      local addr= 0x12D60 + 0xCC*x + 4*y + 0x80



local function DisplayHUD(mT)

local StatsTbl= GetMixFunctions()
if TrackerFile then
  event.onexit(function() SaveTracker(TrackerFile) end)

while true do
--Our overhead.

  InternalFrame= FetchInternalFrame()

  local keyboard= input.get()
  if keyboard[key_ToggleGhostRecord] then flag_RecordGhost= not flag_RecordGhost end
  PlayerSel= R1u(0x2B63,"IWRAM")
  if PlayerSel < 5 then
    FillTable(       StatsTbl,StaticX,StaticY,StaticR,StaticS,PlayerSel)
  if flag_RecordGhost then
    local clr= 0xFFA06060
    if InRace() then
      clr= 0xFFFF2000


--eof. Well, extra data on hand below.

IWRAM:0BFA,1x - Track loaded?
IWRAM:0BFB,1x - Mode
IWRAM:0BFF,1x - Cup select
IWRAM:0C01,1x - Track select
IWRAM:106C,4u - Timer (?)
IWRAM:2B62,1u - Player machine ID
IWRAM:2B63,1u - Player machine memory internal position

EWRAM:0A0EE,1u - Track internal ID
EWRAM:0A100,1x[Count=0x4000?] Input log history (4.5 minutes)

EWRAM:0E560,2x[x=64][y=64] An array of track block index

12D60 12E2C 12EF8 12FC4 13090
EWRAM:12D60[Size=0xCC][Count=5] Machine data
  +00,4s - X position (main)
  +04,4s - Y position (main)
  +08,4s - X position (1 frame  ago)
  +0C,4s - Y position (1 frame  ago)
  +10,4s - X position (1 frame  ago)
  +14,4s - Y position (1 frame  ago)
  +18,4s - X position (2 frames ago)
  +1C,4s - Y position (2 frames ago)
  +20,4s - X position (3 frames ago)
  +24,4s - Y position (3 frames ago)
  +28,4s - X position (4 frames ago)
  +2C,4s - Y position (4 frames ago)
  +4C,4s - Dist traveled?
  +54,4s - Elevation
  +74,2s - Speed
  +78,2x - Facing
  +7A,2x - Momentum
  +84,2s - Vertical velocity
  +8A,2u - Power
  +8C,2u - Boost timer
  +8E,2u - Boost timer (mirror)
  +94,4x - Apparent health (for that visual health meter?)
  +9E,1u - Which split did you take on the track?
  +9F,1u - == 4 if exists. 0 if not.
  +A1,1u - Timer for holding down boost
  +A2,1u - Lap segment
  +A8,1s - Tilt effects
  +A9,1s - Tilt effects
  +AA,1s - Tilt effects
  +AB,1s - Tilt effects
  +B0,1x - Machine identifer (what it is; 23 is a mine)
  +B6,1s - ID?
  +B7,1u - Boosts available
  +BA,1u - Position
  +C8,1x - Bitpacked:
    ...x....: Over speed limit, hysteresis in effect
EWRAM:131CF,1u - ? Player machine selection related?
EWRAM:15998,4u - Frame count
EWRAM:1599C,4u - Frame count

ROM:049CCC[size=0x40][count=7] - ?
ROM:04EA58 - ?

ROM:2C1CC0[size=0x30][count=25] - Machine core stats
  +00,1u[4] - Acceleration (for each gear)
  +04,2u[4] - Top speed for each gear
  +0C,1u    - Friction for being over speed limit of 4th gear (boost maintenance)
  +0D,1x    - Padding?
  +0E,2u    - Speed to drop to from over 4th gear limit (hysteresis)
  +10,1u    - Boost Acceleration
  +11,1x    - Padding?
  +12,2u    - Boost top speed
  +14,1u    - Friction for being over boost speed limit
  +15,1x    - Padding?
  +16,2u    - Speed to drop to from over boost limit (boost hysteresis)
  +18,2u    - Boost Time
  +1A,2u    - Jump
  +1C,2u    - ?
  +1E,1u    - Friction: Coasting (accelerator released)
  +1F,1u    - Friction: Braking
  +20,2u    - Steering rate
  +22,2u    - Momentum rate (balance)
  +24,2u    - Momentum rate (Blast Turn)
  +26,2u    - ?
  +28,2u    - ?
  +2A,2u    - LR drift speed
  +2C,1u    - ?
  +2D,1u    - ?
  +2E,1u    - Body
  +2F,1u    - ?
FB - -B
ST - -3