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1 2 363 364 365
880 881
System/WelcomeText (r13) Noxxa make it more of a sentence 7:46 PM Diff
System/WelcomeText (r12) feos replace icon with words, not sure which words are best tho 7:44 PM Diff
System/WelcomeText (r10) feos TBD 7:30 PM Diff
Movies (r116) feos promote Special categories more, so newcomer page is easier to run into 6:45 PM Diff
5779S (r4) Noxxa 6:16 PM Diff
5802S (r3) fsvgm777 6:13 PM Diff
5803S (r3) Noxxa 5:22 PM Diff
5802S (r2) ThunderAxe31 nicovideo module 5:20 PM Diff
5803S (r1) EZGames69 5:14 PM Diff
5802S (r1) kopiapoa 4:56 PM Diff
ArticleIndex (r137) feos Newcomer Corner is only linked from About. not too inviting 12:02 PM Diff
5794S (r5) Noxxa 7:30 AM Diff
5779S (r3) Noxxa 7:24 AM Diff
HomePages/dekutony (r226) dekutony 12:15 AM Diff
5797S (r3) Noxxa 11:19 PM Diff
5778S (r6) Noxxa 11:18 PM Diff
5800S (r9) ThunderAxe31 5:18 PM Diff
HomePages/Challenger (r2) Challenger More modifications and added new stuff 4:44 PM Diff
Awards (r69) Nach Move Funny to retired - even though it's possible we may unretire it 2:08 PM Diff
5792S (r11) ThunderAxe31 1:59 PM Diff
Awards/2017 (r1) Nach Awards for 2017 1:47 PM Diff
5798S (r9) feos never start long lines with spaces please 11:58 PM Diff
1295M (r4) feos removed irrelevant note 3:17 PM Diff
HomePages/ThunderAxe31 (r65) ThunderAxe31 wishlist 2:05 PM Diff
5801S (r3) MarbleousDave 4:19 AM Diff
5801S (r2) MarbleousDave 1:04 AM Diff
5801S (r1) MarbleousDave 12:40 AM Diff
5791S (r4) Spikestuff 11:45 PM Diff
5799S (r6) Noxxa 11:43 PM Diff
3614M (r2) feos 10:28 PM Diff
3614M (r1) feos Keitai Denjuu Telefang: Speed Version 10:26 PM Diff
5795S (r5) feos pub 8:11 PM Diff
5795S (r4) Masterjun 8:08 PM Diff
5791S (r3) Masterjun 7:58 PM Diff
1429M (r3) feos name from the manual, italics 4:09 PM Diff
1295M (r3) feos name from the manual, italics 4:08 PM Diff
5800S (r6) Spikestuff 12:51 AM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/Awards/History (r18) Noxxa tas of 2017 12:15 AM Diff
5781S (r15) fsvgm777 6:05 PM Diff
3613M (r1) fsvgm777 Bionic Commando 6:02 PM Diff
5796S (r6) fsvgm777 5:43 PM Diff
5796S (r5) feos Accepting 5:40 PM Diff
5800S (r5) Noxxa 5:27 PM Diff
5800S (r4) Noxxa 5:26 PM Diff
5800S (r3) ThunderAxe31 5:24 PM Diff
5800S (r1) Spikestuff 5:17 PM Diff
5790S (r11) Nach 4:59 PM Diff
5790S (r10) Nach 4:47 PM Diff
5793S (r10) ThunderAxe31 1:52 PM Diff
5793S (r9) ThunderAxe31 1:28 PM Diff
5788S (r4) feos 12:55 PM Diff
5798S (r7) feos Judging 12:53 PM Diff
5796S (r4) feos Judging 12:52 PM Diff
5788S (r3) feos accepting 12:49 PM Diff
5781S (r14) fsvgm777 10:44 AM Diff
5781S (r12) feos 10:18 AM Diff
5787S (r7) fsvgm777 9:32 AM Diff
5781S (r10) fsvgm777 9:24 AM Diff
5781S (r9) fsvgm777 5:51 PM Diff
3612M (r1) fsvgm777 Princess Rescue 5:48 PM Diff
5775S (r12) feos Pub 12:43 PM Diff
3611M (r1) feos Lord of the Sword 12:37 PM Diff
5781S (r8) fsvgm777 11:38 AM Diff
5789S (r8) fsvgm777 11:35 AM Diff
5781S (r7) fsvgm777 11:17 AM Diff
5799S (r5) Noxxa 10:04 AM Diff
5789S (r7) feos thanks for embedding the pic, that's totally what I wanted 9:29 AM Diff
5789S (r6) feos accepting 9:28 AM Diff
5790S (r9) Monster 7:12 AM Diff
5790S (r8) Monster 5:40 AM Diff
5798S (r6) Evil_3D 5:02 AM Diff
5799S (r3) SnowySideofTown Improper title 3:36 AM Diff
5777S (r10) ThunderAxe31 9:34 PM Diff
5794S (r4) Noxxa 9:29 PM Diff
5779S (r2) Noxxa 9:27 PM Diff
5778S (r5) Noxxa 9:27 PM Diff
5799S (r2) Noxxa 9:26 PM Diff
5799S (r1) Flip 8:39 PM Diff
5793S (r7) ThunderAxe31 7:57 PM Diff
5787S (r5) feos accepting 3:48 PM Diff
5798S (r1) Evil_3D 3:24 PM Diff
GamesDoneQuick/AGDQ2018 (r3) Noxxa tense change 3:07 PM Diff
GamesDoneQuick/AGDQ2018 (r2) feos 2:55 PM Diff
5797S (r2) ThunderAxe31 temp encode 1:47 PM Diff
5797S (r1) Jigwally 8:19 AM Diff
5775S (r11) ThunderAxe31 removing branch name 9:04 PM Diff
5782S (r12) ThunderAxe31 7:49 PM Diff
5796S (r1) Challenger 2:40 AM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/Awards/History (r17) Noxxa 2017 11:09 PM Diff
HomePages/xy2_ (r25) xy2_ 6:37 PM Diff
5775S (r10) ThunderAxe31 5:46 PM Diff
5775S (r9) ThunderAxe31 branch name 5:10 PM Diff
5783S (r4) feos Pub 4:54 PM Diff
3610M (r1) feos Turok: Evolution 4:52 PM Diff
HomePages/Stovent (r10) Stovent 1:07 PM Diff
HomePages/Stovent/SpiritTracks (r1) Stovent 1:06 PM Diff
5775S (r8) ThunderAxe31 branch name 10:18 AM Diff
5795S (r1) MESHUGGAH 9:22 PM Diff
5790S (r7) Monster 8:23 PM Diff
5781S (r6) feos Accepting 7:30 PM Diff
1 2 363 364 365
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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