This page is dedicated to explain how the game The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks works
/!\ In this page, Frame reffers to a visual frame (30 Frames per seconds) and a VI (Vertical Interrupt) is what happen at 60Hz (a frame contain several VIs), see General for more infos.
/!\ In this page, Frame reffers to a visual frame (30 Frames per seconds) and a VI (Vertical Interrupt) is what happen at 60Hz (a frame contain several VIs), see General for more infos.
- The framerate varies between 25 and 30 FPS, even though the game runs at 60Hz.
- The game only interpret inputs when they happen during non-lag frames. Pressing a key during a lag frame will result in nothing.
- The 2 screens refreshes during lag frames nearly everywhere in the game. However, it can refresh alternatly in some cases (E.G. in the title screen, the top screen refreshes during non-lag frames and the bottom screen refreshes during lag frames. The input rule apply the same way here).
- You have to wait a frame before rolling again or you won't gain any speed.
- To perform a spin attack, the game must record at least 6 different stylus positions, performing a circle.
- Moving the camera does not create extra lags except with some ennemies like tanks : moving them out of screen reduce the lags they produce a bit.
- Use the cannon creates at least 3 more lag frames, so use it only if necessary. Kill as many ennemies as possible with wistle.
- Climbings and downhills in the landscape affect the travel time. A flat landscape is faster that a non-flat one.