I think it will never not be a pet peeve of mine that glitchless allows such an obvious glitch as power crouch stab... just because it's easy to do? I think in MM it is even worse than in OoT, since there actually is a version that has this glitch fixed, yet you chose to not use that version, in large parts specifically so you could use this glitch, in your glitchless run.
But if the OoT/MM community decided that glitches are allowed in their glitchless runs, then who am I to argue. The TAS is extremely well optimised and very entertaining, so obvious yes vote.
PS: Don't the rules state "no out of bounds"? Yet you went out of bounds two times in Pinnacle Rock. ;D
Glad to see you back, Swordless Link. I'm still subbed to your Youtube channel, which is how I discovered this run.
To be brutally honest, I think Glitchless is the dumbest category ever, even more so than meme categories, but the execution in this TAS was great and so I was very entertained.
Patashu wrote:
It's arbitrary in so much as it has a list of what is and is not a glitch, but after that all consequences logically follow. If you can do something without using a 'glitch', it is legal.
I beg to differ.
- Sidehopping past the door of time. It's even less of a glitch than all the cucco jumps past colission, yet it doesn't seem to be allowed?
- Dying in front of Impa to skip the ZL CS. How is that different from the minuet skip?
How is PCS not a glitch that is banned? It's so obviously a glitch that the devs specifically fixed it in MM U and E.
TASVideoAgent wrote:
This movie has been published.
I'm a bit disappointed that high quality encodes don't seem to come with publication anymore.
I get with this run it might be problematic getting it to higher resolution (though 10 years ago encoders moved heaven and earth), but cutting off the overscan bars should be possible, shouldn't it?
Swordless Link wrote:
What N64 emulator supports TAS?
I have windows 7 32 bit SP1, and i downloaded the first version of bizhawk, (1.2.0) but this version not supports the N64/Z64 files.
The MUPEN64 is crashing, i hope the project 64 supports it.
I hope you don't have that windows 7 machine connected to the internet. Can't you update to 10?
Is that really still a 32 Bit Processor in there?
The old OoT TASes were great. I will always remember the joy when watching them. Even the heated discussions here with swordless, grunz, spiderwaffle, bloob, yourself and others was very enjoyable. But when it takes 10 months for a reply to a question I guess OoT TASing is pretty dead now. What was it that killed it? Bizhawk? Abeshi? GIM? The spiderwaffle ban? The awkward spliced TAS? The new ace-like ending sure doesnt help. Maybe it's just time to move on? If any of u old TASers ever read this I want to thank you for your hard work!
I'd say mostly the Discord killed the forums. You should check out those Discord channels if you are interested (although I also haven't been there in like a year, got busy).
Another thing is, compared to the olden days TASing also has become a bit less relevant since all the twitch streamers develop amazing skills through years of practice. There is almost nothing left that is considered "TAS-only". When I started on this board, there was loads. Of course it will never be the flawless run a TAS could be, but they come pretty damn close and can often run the same routes as TASes.
Especially the longer TASes nobody wants to do, because they take so long to make and the route wouldn't be much different from RTA.
And at least for OoT I don't think there can be much improved in any%. Though I'd expect a new TAS soon(ish) for MM any%.
How is that complete chaos? I don't see the problem other than that you made the category names way too specific, maybe.
Also how does having something faster than any% (or no label in your case) solve any of that?
Sorry I'm not trying to be rude but I really don't see the problem here and especially not how anything is solved.
If you think the fastest run is too boring and you have to stick it in the vault (though not sure how that would be the case here, considering the votes), fine. But why slap some weird label on it and not the run that is slower? That makes everything extremely inconsistent.
I noticed that you didn't answer my question. How would anybody know how to obsolete a run with no label that isn't the fastest? What are the rules to fit in the unnamed category? I think the old post of yours you linked tries to say something about that, but there doesn't seem to be anything substantial or I just don't understand.
Oh the fastest completion flag is missing from this run. That was an oversight, not any sort of deliberate decision.
EDIT: That has been fixed.
Thank you for fixing that.
But I still think that is a weird decision to slap the fastest completion with extra labels. The fastest completion should always be any% (or how it is here, no label) and everything else should have qualifying labels why it is deliberatly slower than the fastest run.
Not just because most communities handle it that way (although why you need to do it differently than everybody else I don't know). But also for the sake of consistency. If somebody wants to obsolete Grunz's and Bloob' run, how should they know what they are allowed to do? They clearly can't use the fastest route. That would make it "game end glitch". What can they actually do to obsolete that run in a nameless, not clearly defined category?
Can you make clear rules what would obsolete Grunz's and Bloob's run and if so why not give it a label instead of giving one to the fastest run?
I'm the judge for one and the judge team collectively made the decision. We don't follow the RTA community's "any%" naming/branching scheme and never have.
Sorry, I guess the system is confusing... and the judge doesn't make the descision alone. Good to know
So the fastest run isn't the fastest run on this site? Why?
Are there any communities but maybe a few fringe ones where fastest completion isn't fastest completion?
So Spikestuff made this decision and him alone? Okay, thanks I'm not that familiar with the system here.
Why it's nonsensical? It's fastest completion. That is always any%. Everybody here in the thread talked about it as any% and the Zelda community classifies it as any%.
If you want to preserve the old run "because it shows more areas" or something, rename that one to "defeat Ganon", like the Zelda community has done. Don't invent a new category that is faster than any%. Makes no sense.
One interesting point: the realtime speedrunning community considers this a legitimate completion of the game, but what it's actually doing is warping to a point in the middle of the credits.
Is there a flag or some other way of recording game completion that exists within the game? If so, does the run set it?.
Players can use arbitrary code to quickly complete games, skipping large portions of them.
Arbitrary code entered into a game which allows for fastest possible progression of the game is always allowed. Often this means jumping directly to the ending.
CasualPokePlayer wrote:
So looking at the RTA boards, the GCN version seems to be the version used in the top two times. From what I understand, the GCN version has a different setup than the N64 version, which is much faster than the N64 setup. So I'm wondering how this translate to a TAS.
To be clear, from what I understand the GCN version is just the original game being ran on a (shitty) N64 emulator, and this ACE exploit breaks out of the sandbox due to an emulator bug within this N64 emulator and executes the credits (which is apparently just a pre-rendered video, so GCN code can access it). I'm not sure if this would actually be considered legitimate due to the fact that it's abusing an emulator bug (albeit this wouldn't be abusing anything in Dolphin and this can be done on an actual GCN), but perhaps that should be discussed for potential future cases.
The GC run is faster for RTA because before they had to go into the twins house to actually activate the credits. But homerfunky activated the credits on the spot with his controller- written- code and as he said it's faster than the GC-runs.
Plus, there has been a ruling about this before. While yes, the GC version is basically just an OoT 1.3 ROM running in an emulator, in order to be accepted here on TASvideos, it would have to be run in Dolphin. So an emulator inside of an emulator.
PS: As far as I understand, there is no sandbox breaking. There is just a new function in the rom, that usually triggers when the credits are reached, which tells the emulator to stop emulating and play a movie file instead. This function is easier to trigger than normal credits, since normal credits need a few criteria to be set. (but you can trigger normal credits on the GC-rom with glitches as well, they will just have graphical bugs, which is why Nintendo replaced them with the movie file).
Warp wrote:
(the one that's a b&w freeze frame with a "the end" text in the middle), that's enough.
Fun trivia: It's actually sepia tone. It displaying in black and white was a bug in many graphics plugins and emulators, including the official emulator on the GC-Disc, which is why Nintendo hacked a solution where the emulator will play a movie file instead of the actual credits.
Thankfully that is fixed in GLideN64 and thus in this run.
Warp wrote:
At speedrun.com, perhaps partially not to throw away a decade of previous speedruns, partially to still keep a category that has a sense of "actually" completing the game (ie. delivering the final blow to Ganon) as fast as possible, there's a "defeat Ganon" category.
Pretty sure it had nothing to do with preserving old runs. Zelda runners just like their different categories. For years there was a "Ganonless" category, where you would warp directly to the credits using windy B or eyeballfrog timer, thus bypassing Ganon. Of course this category became obsolete when the new any% route was found and thus got replaced by "defeat Ganon".
There is also now a "Defeat Majora" category for MM with almost no old runs in it.
This already shocked me when you didn't input a long-ass complicated file-name.
Another shock was clipping up to the blue rupee after the house clip. Would not have thought that you can sidehop clip out of bounds there.
Really nice to see this one. Yes vote!
So what's next, Majoras Mask any%? :D
PS: Might want to change "Video plugin: GlideN64" to "Video plugin: GLideN64" otherwise it's a bit more likely to be confused with the old Glide plugins than it is already (the dev really didn't pick a great name there).
Also for TASvideos it has been a general rule, since forever (I would guess since the founding of the site), that reaching the "the end" screen is what counts as completing a game.
So even if it was different in the OoT community, which it isn't, it would be allowed here.
Two broken images?
Edit: Ah my fault. Privacybadger was a bit overprotective.
Does homerfunky know that you can change Bizhawk to Dynarec and then it runs just as fast as mupen?
Although not sure it would be accepted here then.
TAS should really use total control ACE in the observatory to warp to a later part of the credits.
But not sure if anybody is planing to mae a TAS at the moment.
Interestingly, total control might be slightly faster for a TAS to use in any% than the sot-method. It certainly would be a lot faster when timed with TAS-timing, as you could jump to later in the credits where there aren't any more inputs required.
Also using Link's facing angle instead of zora fins does look promising. So we might see that in the near future.
Exciting times. Now we just need somebody to find a clip into Kafei's hideout. :D
Yeah, I was wrong there, sorry. The legitimacy of multiple things are being discussed at the moment and I confused them.
So the run is basically the same as the slingshot skip video.
This run is probably not legit (people are still discussing what should be allowed for RTA). It's certainly not legit for TAS. It sets up things in RAM with a different file before the run and the video begins.
Also it doesn't skip anything that the slingshot skip video evilas linked doesn't skip as well.
I mean TAS wouldn't need 4 minutes for this. This was a demonstration with gameplay that wasn't optimised in any way.
But even then. The RTA world record takes 6 minutes after buying bombs to get to the credits.
So that's 2 minutes left to get the graveyard, which should be doable.
Of course I don't think anybody should TAS this yet. I'm still hoping for a credits warp from Observatory/bombers hideout.
There is also a small chance that TAS could use a deku bubble instead of zora fins, skipping the zora mask alltogether. (unlike zora fins there is a bunch of RNG involved in Deku bubbles, but TAS could potentially manipulate it)
Also I always wondered if there might be a function that determines which cutscenes to play at the end, depending on what items you have in your inventory, and if you could hijack that easier than the current methods. But I guess if there was such a thing, the guys would have found it by now.
Makes me wonder how the game actually checks for that. Or if there is such a function and it's just useless.
Credit warp from graveyard: https://youtu.be/wX-QfHP5LfY
Still needs zora mask but gets it via SRM from the grave. Could maybe be faster than moon warp?
First warp to credits: https://youtu.be/xb9yijgukak
Since this needs Zora Mask it's probably slower than moon warp. But this is the first of it's kind. With some luck we'll see one as human link at some point.
Not sure if Mido unloads, MrGrunz. The guard in front of the Kokiri exit does (or at least doesn't block you). But I seem to remember that Mido was different. If he does, you'd still have to get back, as evilas said, and I don't think you can slide with return A. Could be wrong though. Even then I'm not sure if hess-speed is enough to clip through him.
Vielleicht solltest du jemanden fragen der sich mit sowas auskennt. :D (ask the guys on dicord)
In any case, you'd probably need sword to get enough rupees for shield fast and you need shield for return A. So the only time you could concievably save by skipping Mido would be his text.