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This run aims to beat The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as fast as possible without abusing any glitches. The definition of "glitchless" here is as was agreed and voted on by the Majora's Mask speedrunning community. In this case, the definition aims to explicitly list every single banned technique.
- Emulator used: Bizhawk version 1.13.2 - Plugin settings: (with game running) N64 -> Plugins -> Global -> Core Type: Pure Interpreter, Active Video Plugin: Jabo 1.6.1, Video Resolution: 640 x 480 - Display settings: Config -> Display Configuration -> Display Method: Direct3D9 - Sound settings: Config -> Sound -> Output Method: DirectSound

Timing Information

TAS Timing (Power on to last input): 2:26:51.4 RTA Timing (File select to Majora's Wrath defeat): 2:22:43.437 RTA WR at the time of this submission: 2:39:58 by Jess57329

Category Definition (From

Beat the game without performing any of the banned techniques.
Banned Techniques:
  • Infinite Sword Glitch
  • Hovering
  • Recoil Flip
  • Long Jump
  • Megaflip
  • Recoil Jump
  • Hyper Extended Superslide/Extended Superslide
  • Superslide
  • A-Slide
  • Z-Slide
  • Weirdshot
  • Ground Jump
  • Clipping
  • Out of Bounds
  • Seamwalking
  • Cutscene Skips
  • Ocarina Items
  • Stale Reference Manipulation
  • Text Overflow
  • Zora Clipping
  • Flying Zora
  • Superswim
  • Spring Water Switch Activation
  • Song Storage
  • Timestop
  • Temp B
  • Weird B
  • Ocarina on B
  • Mask Storage
  • Goron Missile
  • Goron Mega Pound
  • 0th Day/Owl Save Storage
  • 4th Day
  • Equip Swap
  • Action Swap / Quickdraw
  • Bottle Duplication
  • Item Manipulation (BA/GIM/etc.)
  • Extended Bow/Hookshot
  • Opening Flaming Chests
  • Collection Delay
  • Return A
  • Down A
  • Restricted Items
  • Backwalking past East Clocktown Guard
  • Deku Sword
  • Day Reset / Day Skip
  • False Mask
  • Saving at Owl Statues on Epona
  • Using day transitions to teleport Epona
  • Remote Control Epona
  • Epona Hovering
  • Antigrav
  • Items Diving
  • Flame Storage
  • Using cutscenes to displace items off of platforms
  • Delaying cutscenes from starting
  • Rolling through or on top of blocks in the chest minigame
  • Moving while in first person
  • Double Zora Fins
More information on these banned techniques can be found here:

Important note about Majora's Mask framerate

This game runs natively at 60 FPS, but the visuals update a variable rate depending on the circumstances. On the title screen, the game runs at 60 FPS and updates visuals at 60FPS. On the pause menu or the Song of Soaring menu, the visuals are updated at 30FPS. During the majority of gameplay, visuals are updated at 20FPS. the 2-3 frames are called "input frames", as the game still registers controller inputs during these times, but it does not update the visuals. Every 2nd/3rd frame when the visuals update is known as a visual frame. When referring to frame counts for technical information, I will be using the term "frame" synonymously with Visual frame and will specify when I am referring to input frames.

General Movement and Techniques


Backwalking has the highest average speed of any glitchless movement option with the sole exception of goron rolling. As human, it has a top speed of 8.25 and a top speed of 9 as Deku, Goron, or Zora. The acceleration is a little slow, only gaining 1.5 speed per frame as compared to 2 speed per frame from forward walking. However, forward walking caps at only 5.5 and 6 speed as the different respective forms. Backwalking can also be angled slightly by holding slightly left or right of straight down. When angling to the right, Link will gradually curve his movement angle to be in line with the joystick angle, but when angling left, the change in movement angle is instantaneous. Releasing Z during a backwalk will cause Link to turn around in line with the backwalk angle and continue running forwards with the backwalk speed for a frame before gradually deteriorating back to walking speed. In order to sharply change angle out of a backwalk, Links momentum must be completely stopped to get him out of his running animation.
Pressing Z during the first frame after turning out of a backwalk will maintain Links speed and movement angle, as will releasing it. This can technically be called a Z-slide, but in reality, it happens every single time the Z button is pressed or released. So for the purpose of the glitchless definition, I refrain only from doing this multiple times consecutively with the same speed.


This form of movement has a high top speed (8.5) and instantaneous acceleration. Unlike in Ocarina of Time, sidehop speed deteriorates over time in the air to a minimum value equal to walking speed (5.5 as human, 6 as Deku, Goron, or Zora). It is also possible to angle the momentum of a sidehop by holding the joystick forward or back, and it is possible to cut the momentum of a sidehop quicker by holding against the direction of travel. This makes sidehopping have an overall slower average speed than backwalking, but it still has a lot of utility due to its high acceleration and flexibility.
Additionally, releasing Z on or before the frame a sidehop is performed allows Link to change his angle 1 frame sooner after landing. If this is done with the first sidehop in a chain immediately after turning, then Link will turn slightly in the direction of the sidehop while maintaining the momentum from his original angle, allowing for some cleaner corner rounding.


While not as common as sidehopping or backwalking in a TAS context, it still has utility. Rolling has a maximum speed exactly equal to backwalking speed. During the first frame a roll, Links current speed is maintained for 1 frame before accelerating by 2 units per frame until reaching top speed. This means it is usually best to get up to walking speed before initiating a roll. When a roll ends, Links speed will abruptly decrease by 8 units to a minimum of 0. Uniquely, it does not put Link into his running animation even if he still has some speed, allowing for immediate turns in any direction following a roll. This can be especially useful out of a backwalk in order to change angles without having to awkwardly stall Links movement. Unlike backwalking or sidehopping, rolling has a static movement angle, meaning there is no way to influence the direction of a roll after starting it.


A form of movement unique to Deku Link, this takes the place of rolling. Like rolling, initiating a spin will maintain Links current speed for 1 frame before the normal spin speed mechanics take over. Unlike rolling however, spinning has a maximum allowed speed on each frame of the spin that gradually decreases to approximately 4.8 on the last frame. Link will either accelerate towards the maximum allowed speed at no more than 2 units per frame, or decelerate towards the maximum allowed speed at no more than 1.5 units per frame. During the first 3 frames of a spin, the maximum allowed speed is actually higher than backwalking top speed. This makes it useful to perform a spin out of a backwalk when near a loading zone or cutscene trigger to get a small boost. I will also sometimes spin out of a backwalk off of ledges in order to have a higher starting speed while in the air.
Also unlike rolling, deku spins can be curved freely in the same manner that Link can curve while walking normally. Another added bonus is that text triggers will not activate while in the spinning animation.

Goron Rolling

Goron rolling is a very fast form of movement. It is especially important to get up to speed before initiating a goron roll as Links speed is locked for the entire during of the curling animation before he can begin accelerating. The curling animation also takes much longer when doing so from a standstill and not holding Z. Normal goron rolling has a max speed of approximately 15.6. While goron rolling, however, there is a timer that counts up to 54 so long as the joystick is being held sufficiently far from neutral position. When this timer reaches 54, the goron roll will instead become a spike roll, which has a max speed of approximately 18. These speeds are greatly impeded by slopes, so trying to stick to flat ground or shallow slopes when possible is good. A spike roll consumes 2 units of magic to start, then consumes 1 unit of magic for every 10 frames it continues. The normal magic meter has a maximum value of 48, making management of magic very critical in this run. Goron rolling and spike rolling can also be steered relatively freely unlike normal rolling. Colliding into walls in certain ways can also cause Link to rebound off of the wall for a quick angle change.

Quick Roll

When starting a goron roll on sand, snow, or ice, the acceleration is supposed to be dramatically slower than when on other surfaces. However, this can be negated by holding the stick at a partial tilt until reaching near max goron rolling speed. The spike roll buildup timer will not increase while doing this because of the partial stick angle, but it will increase if holding full tilt and eating the poor traction on these surfaces. Usually a quick roll is better to get more distance quicker, but it can at times be advantageous to forego it in favor of building of a spike roll, especially with limited runway space.

Sticky Roll

I don't believe there's actually an official name for this technique, I've just been calling it sticky rolling. Goron rolling and spike rolling is designed to be able to launch through the air by going up steep slopes like a ramp. When doing this however, the reduced lateral speed from the ramp is maintained until landing, making it somewhat undesirable. I can often avoid these jumps by precisely managing my position such that Links Y position is exactly in-line with the next surface when goron rolling between changes in slope.

Dive Jump

When jumping off of a ledge over water and holding A, Link will instead dive off the ledge. This is most often used to enter the water as Zora without having to sit through the zora swim startup animation, but it does have some other applications. Notably, if a dive lands on the ground, it will transition into a roll on the ground without any speed loss. This can be useful for consecutive jumps over water.

Dolphin Diving

Zora swimming perfectly level has a speed of 9. The startup gives Link a brief speed boost, and swimming up or down trades some lateral speed for vertical speed. By repeatedly diving in and out of the water though, it is possible to maintain a much higher swimming speed. Links speed diving out of the water will be greater the shallower the dive is. The maximum speed attainable this way is ~11.69, regardless of how fast Link was swimming prior to diving. The tricky part of dolphin diving is the dive back into the water, as Link also gets a speed boost when diving into the water. The degree of this speed boost is based on horizontal and vertical speed combined, with vertical speed being a much greater factor. Faster horizontal speed and faster downward speed both aid in granting a greater boost in speed entering the water. TLDR: A shallow dive out of the water is a faster speed, but sacrifices speed when re-entering the water, so it is necessary to find a balance.

Gallop Storage

I also don't know if this technique has ever officially been named. While riding Epona, her normal galloping speed will fluctuate between approximately 8.5 and 9.3. Using a carrot will cause her to accelerate towards a speed of 15 after a one frame delay. This acceleration occurs at a linear rate over 15 frames, no matter the speed Epona was galloping prior. Upon reaching 15 speed, her speed will taper off at a rate of about 0.06 speed per frame until she returns to her normal gallop rate or another carrot is used. If I start aiming the bow before Epona reaches 15 speed, her acceleration will be paused, but the 15 frame acceleration timer will not be. Once I stop aiming the bow, Epona will again accelerate towards 15 speed over the remaining duration of the timer without consuming a carrot. If the timer has reached 0 already, she will be set instantly to 15 speed from whatever speed she was at before.


By releasing Z when starting a sidehop or backflip, the camera will be unlocked during that sidehop/backflip. If I press Z against a wall during this, Links facing angle and movement angle will be instantly redirected into the wall. This allows me to grab high ledges or slip past corners very sharply. Traditionally, gainer refers only to backflipping forward by targeting a wall, so I rarely actually use this term directly.

ESS twist

By holding slightly outside of the deadzone on the joystick, Link will begin shuffling in place and turning to be in-line with the joystick angle. Holding Z after starting this shuffle and flicking a direction on the stick will cause Link to quickly turn before gradually returning to his original facing angle. By combining this with backflips or sidehops, I can backflip or sidehop in unusual directions (Twisted backflip/twisted sidehop). This can be useful to grab ledges quickly or as just an additional movement option. Rolling after an ESS twist will not return Link to his original angle until after the roll ends. This can also allow jumping off of a ledge while facing an unsual direction (Twisted roll jump).

Power Crouch Stabbing

This technique is only possible on the Japanese version of the game and is one of a few reasons behind choosing the Japanese 1.1 version for this run. On the Japanese version of the game, Links crouch stab ability was never assigned a damage value. As a failsafe, the game will simply apply the most recent weapon attack damage value and properties to the crouch stab, allowing me to store high damage attacks to a very quick move. The stored values are reset upon loading a new area of putting on/removing a transformation mask (Deku, Goron, Zora).

Jumpslash Cancel

By spinning the stick after a jump attack, I can regain control of Link quicker after a jump attack. This does not work with deku stick jumpslashes, but it works with all swords and with zora jump attacks.

Damage Boost

By taking damage in the air, Link can get a slight boost in the height and distance he travels. Usually the most convenient way to do this is with a bomb since it is effectively an infinitely portable source of damage. With a backflip, damage boost can clear relatively small walls. With a goron pound however, much larger obstacles can be cleared with damage boosts. I will refer to these specifically as goron damage boosts.

First Person Camera Delay

Anyone who has watched a Zelda 64 TAS will have seen using first person items such as hookshot or bow while holding Z to aim faster. Well the Majora's Mask camera has an interesting quirk that allows for even faster use of first person items. When pressing the Z button to center the camera behind Link, the camera will appear to rotate and center behind him. In reality however, the game will treat analog inputs as though the camera hasn't changed at all for 5 frames following a Z press, then will treat analog inputs after that as though the camera has completely finished changing. During this magic 5 frame window, it is possible to move freely while charging a first person item. This is very apparent especially with the hookshot. In some circumstances, this window persists even after cutscenes. A common example of this is using first person camera delay through mask transformation cutscenes.

Weapon Swapping

By swapping between different weapons/items frame perfectly, Link can be locked in a "busy" state continuously, allowing him to bypass certain text triggers. It also looks really stylish, so I'll use it sometimes just for fun.

Transformation Angle Change

I've also never heard an official name for this technique, so I'm making one up. On the Japanese version, Link will face towards the camera when he puts on or removes a transformation mask. By pressing Z to adjust the camera before doing so, I can produce a variety of different facing angles for Link after transforming to save frames having to turn manually.
A very common technique used throughout this run, there are 2 kinds of popups. The first kind is where Link is in the air slightly below the ground with downward speed and the game places him onto the ground. The second kind of popup is done by grabbing a corner of a ledge in a specific way such that Link gets popped up onto the ledge, skipping the climbing animation. This only works if the walls come together at an obtuse angle as Link must be able to grab either wall from a single position with a single angle.

Jumpslash Recoil

By jump attacking a wall, I can get a fairly high speed recoil off the wall. This is useful in a couple of places.


Intentionally dying to be taken back to the most recent entrance. There is a further technique within this called a "fast deathwarp". This occurs when Link dies while the "Get Item" jingle is playing. A fast deathwarp circumvents the death music and respawns Link immediately, saving several seconds.

RNG Manipulation

Cycling the random number generation algorithm a specific number of times to achieve a desired "random" outcome. Every event that uses RNG will increment the RNG algorithm. This includes even very basic things I can manage such as particle effects from dirt, snow, sand, or even Tatl moving around. RNG can also be influenced by holding the analog stick in various positions during certain parts of loads. Just because I can manipulate RNG doesn't mean I can get whatever I want, though. A chart of the random drop tables can be seen here:

Version Choice

The Japanese 1.1 version was chosen for this TAS. Ultimately, Japanese 1.1 and Japanese 1.0 would be more or less indistinguishable for this TAS. The real difference is between the Japanese version and the NTSCU version.

Japanese Advantages

  • Some textboxes display characters at a set rate. It takes fewer characters in Japanese to convey a message than it does in English, resulting in shorter textboxes.
  • Power Crouch Stabbing is a technique only possible on the Japanese version that can be used to deal a lot of damage to enemies and bosses very quickly.
  • The layout of the grottos and rupees in Deku Palace is slightly different between the Japanese and English version. I have to cover less distance overall in the Japanese version of Deku Palace.
  • The pirates in Pirate's Fortress have worse vision at night. On the Japanese version, this extends even to the ones indoors in lit rooms. This means I can enter the hookshot room directly without needing to go up top first to knock down the beehive.
  • Transformation Angle Change is a technique only possible on the Japanese Version that can be used to save frames here and there when using transformation masks. It's a small advantage, but every bit helps.

Overall Route

In a glitchless run, there are a few key requirements that are important to mention.

Entering Ikana

To enter the last of the 4 regions of the game, Ikana Canyon, it is necessary to obtain the Garo Mask. There is no known way to bypass this without performing any of the banned techniques. Garo Mask is obtained by beating the Gorman Brothers in a horseback race. To do this, I need to get to Romani Ranch and get my horse, Epona, back. Romani Ranch is blocked by a huge boulder until the 3rd day, but the sidequest that gives Epona back to me becomes unavailable once time reaches night 1. In order to destroy the boulder, I need a powder keg. In order to get a powder keg, I either need to beat Snowhead Temple, or get the fire arrows therein to melt the ice blocking Biggoron. But even before that, I can't actually reach the mountains without glitches until I get the bow from Woodfall Temple. This means there are an enormous number of tasks I have to complete before night 1, and it simply cannot be done without using Inverted Song of Time to slow the flow of time to 1/3 its usual rate.

Night 1

Even though all of the aforementioned tasks must be completed before night 1, it's best for night 1 to occur as soon as possible after finishing these tasks. In both a 3 bottle route and a 2 bottle route, there's an in-game time restriction of either the Alien invasion or the Curiosity Shop respectively. A late night 1 transition means being early for either of these things.

Beneath the Well

Glitchless runs are the only runs with no way of bypassing Beneath the Well. In this area, a series of items must be traded with Gibdos in order to open doors leading further inside. Behind the final door lies the Mirror Shield, an essential item for this run. There are a minimum of 4 doors that need to be opened to reach the mirror shield; the items needed for these doors are as follows: 5 Magic Beans, A fish in a bottle, A big poe in a bottle, and milk in a bottle. The big poe and the milk are especially troublesome. Milk can be obtained in the well, but it necessitates Hot Spring Water in a bottle. I would either need to climb all the way back up to Darmani's Grave to get this or bring a blue potion to get the hot spring water in the well. To do this, I would either need a wallet upgrade and 200 rupees to buy one from the Business Scrub in Ikana, or Mask of Scents to get a free one from the Magic Hag Potion Shop in Southern Swamp. Both of these are huge detours, so it's best to get Milk outside the well. As for the big poe, the one in the well needs 2 more doors to be opened: one with 10 deku nuts, and one with 10 bombs. Given that the big poe outside the well takes a long time to get and these are fairly simple requirements to meet, the big poe in the well is very appealing. That being said, the big poe outside the well and a source of milk both come with an additional bottle, which is an important factor for routing in the next key point.

Entering Great Bay Temple

Another key obstacle is that I must collect all 7 zora eggs to learn New Wave Bossa Nova and enter Great Bay Temple. There are 3 eggs in Pinnacle Rock and 4 eggs in Pirate's Fortress. In order to collect the eggs, I need empty bottles. Despite there being 6 bottles in this game, there are only 4 that are potentially viable: The red potion bottle from Twinrova in Southern Swamp, The gold dust bottle from completing the Goron Race, the Milk Bottle from defending Romani Ranch from the alien invasion, and Big Poe bottle from night 3 graveyard. The red potion and gold dust bottle are convenient because the route goes right by them anyway. Getting a 3rd bottle can eliminate an extra trip to Pinnacle Rock, but the other remaining viable bottle options are not especially fast with the exception that they come with one of the items needed for Beneath the Well. Ultimately, the Big Poe bottle just isn't fast enough to be worth getting, even though it skips a few additional requirements in Beneath the Well. The Milk Bottle is obtained in top level RTA runs, but it has a time of day constraint. The invasion starts at 2:30AM and ends at 5:15AM. It's not necessary to kill the first set of 10 aliens until about 3:45AM, but they must be killed one more time a little after 4:00AM to successfully defend the ranch. Link must also be present in Romani Ranch at the end of the invasion to receive the Milk Bottle.
A TAS is simply too fast to have an adequate number of tasks to spend time on to stall for the first Aliens wave. Then I experimented with finishing Woodfall Temple between the first and second wave of Aliens. Not only was this possible, it still resulted in a significant amount of downtime. Beyond that, I tried completing Woodfall Temple between Aliens waves, but also leaving the boss key until this return trip. This was not quite possible and ultimately made the Milk Bottle not worthwhile for the TAS.

Stage by stage comments

Intro Forest

I immediately manipulated RNG in order to get 10 blue rupee drops from the bushes at the start. Then I backwalk to a specific spot where I am in good position to start a chain of sidehops all the way across the logs without needing to change my angle.

Deku Transformation

  • After going through the first door, I can take advantage of Deku Link's unique ability to freely unlock the camera and rotate midair during sidehops in order to curve around the corner without needing to stop and turn.
  • Flying with the flowers is a relatively slow form of movement, so I sidehop down to the bottom flower which is closer to the opposite ledge. I will also be lower to the ground once I'm across so I don't have to fall as far before returning to normal movement. I also fly backwards so that I can immediately start backwalking after landing
  • There is a Tatl text trigger around the flower at the edge of the last platform. By spinning out of a backwalk right next to the trigger and jumping off the side of the platform very near the edge, I can skip both the text trigger and the flower. The jump travels just barely far enough to grab the opposite ledge and get a popup.

Clock Tower Interior

I can skip going around the length of the path by backflipping up onto the railing and sidehopping across the waterwheel before backflipping into a popup on a higher section of the path. I heavily abuse Deku Link's ability to rotate in the air to avoid stopping and turning.

South Clock Town #1

The game saves at a certain point in the cutscene, so it saves time to reset the game and reload the file rather than watching the full cutscene. Glitchless rules consider this to be avoiding a cutscene rather than skipping a cutscene.
All I really need to do in first cycle is advance to midnight of night 3 so the top of Clock Tower is open. I do need a couple other small things, but the Clock Tower is the limiting factor here.

Stock Pot Inn

  • I sidehop down the stairs and target the wall to redirect Link through the doorframe at the bottom of the stairs faster.
  • Grandma's stories can only take me to day 3, so I want to go talk to the scarecrow in the Trading Post to advance to night 3.

West Clock Town

I need to RNG manipulate the Bomber Kid's movement so that he is out of my way when I sidehop to the trading post. Talking and sidehopping both use the A button, so I need him to be far away.

Night 3

  • I use the 50 rupees I got at the start to buy the bomb bag. I want to wait until the shop owner walks to the counter. Time does not advance while speaking with him and I can't buy anything until he reaches the counter.
  • I could have gone around Clock Town on night 3 to get 50 rupees for the bomb bag, but that would require me to go through extra loading zones to reload sections of Clock Town multiple times for more rupees. Time does not move during the loads, so it was faster to get them right at the start.
  • I get the stray fairy in East Clock Town so I can get magic in North Clock Town to shoot a bubble at Skull Kid
  • All of the Clock Town quests as Deku can be bypassed by using a gainer to get up the ledge in front of the clock tower.

Top of the Clock Tower

This is the first instance of first person camera delay. I start charging the bubble after sidehopping towards Skull Kid and then target him to automatically aim the deku bubble. I can spin after releasing the bubble to reach the ocarina right as it falls. I again reset after confirming the save prompt on Song of Time to avoid the long cutscene afterward.

South Clock Town #2

  • After getting Song of Healing and Deku Mask, I want to hit the owl statue to have a convenient way to Clock Town. Tatl talks to me first though.
  • Certain textboxes restrict A button briefly after clearing them; this textbox is one of them. Because of this, I backwalk the short distance around the corner and sidehop up the ramp towards the owl statue. I use a thrust attack because it is quick, has long reach, and will recoil me back off the statue towards the south gate.
  • I can angle my backwalk to the south gate around the obstacles in the path.

Termina Field #1

  • Since Deku Link moves faster than Human Link, and I want to be Deku Link anyway coming up, I put on the mask now, taking advantage of transformation angle change to get a backwalk angle.
  • I spin out of the backwalk off the first step for high speed and lock the camera while falling for a good angle to sidehop off the second step before resuming a backwalk.
  • I manipulate 15 rupees and 10 bombs to drop when I spin through the bushes on my way to the swamp.

Southern Swamp

Spinning out of a backwalk to get high speed bouncing on the water and then sidehopping between lily pads is the fastest way to cross the water.

Woods of Mystery

  • Taking heavy advantage once again of curved sidehops with Deku Link, stopping halfway through to spin through some bushes for 15 more rupees and talk a quarter heart of damage from the snapper. This is where the direction of the path changes, so I would need to stop and turn my sidehops the other way here anyway.
  • Upon reaching the witch, there is a textbox where she asks for help. The A button is restricted after this textbox. I turn back into human while waiting for the A button to become accessible again since she'll only talk to Human Link anyway.

Magic Hag's Potion Shop

To enter the potion shop, I backflip onto one of the giant pots and do a twisted roll jump to the ladder which saves 2 frames over climbing the ladder normally. This roll jump is very finnicky because of the awkward shape of the giant pots.

Big Octo Skip

  • I do a twisted sidehop off the potion shop platform so that I have a good backwalk angle as soon as I land.
  • From the lily pad in front of the Big Octo, I change back to Human Link and roll jump onto the ledge beside him. I need to do this from far enough back on the lily pad to get the i-frames from the roll so I don't get eaten.
  • I sidehop back off as Deku into the water to drown and respawn with i-frames to pass the Big Octo. I target it while I bounce because targeting an enemy for some reason increases Link's gravity acceleration so I can burn through all 5 bounces and drown quicker.

Deku Palace Left side

  • I can get past the guards as human by jumping onto the fence beside them and backflipping past. I use a subtle twisted backflip so I can land with a good backwalk angle.
  • I use a precise damage boost to get up onto a wall of left side palace. Then I can sidehop onto a higher wall and roll into a popup onto a low floating platform.
  • I throw a bomb at the mad scrub to kill it, also making sure to take damage myself. I transform into deku as soon as I get damaged so I can take a 2nd hit of damage from the same explosion.
  • I manipulate a deku stick to drop from the mad scrub before flying up to the top platform.

Deku Palace Right side

  • I repeat the same technique to get past the guards as human, just on the opposite side.
  • Before damage boosting, I collect the red rupee and 5 green rupees.
  • A twisted sidehop after getting up from the damage boost is slightly faster than turning to sidehop then turning again afterwards.
  • I get a popup onto the ledge outside the bean seller's grotto with a twisted backflip.

Bean Grotto

  • Normally it's faster to sidehop to the bean seller, but I can't sidehop while holding an object over my head. I backwalk instead so I can travel with a bomb.
  • I time the bomb pull so that it kills me immediately after I get my 5th magic bean to get a fast deathwarp.

To Woodfall

  • There's a log that Link can jump to in order to avoid a lot of flying. With very precise positioning, I can grab it out of Deku Link's bounces off the water rather than needing to transform to human and back.
  • I can pull the ocarina to play a song the frame before I land. So immediately after a sidehop is a convenient time to play Inverted Song of Time.
  • I get Song of Soaring here. This is a powerful song that lets me fast-travel to any of the owl statues I've activated (referred to as soaring).


  • I get the deku bubble ready to shoot early (technically the bubble shooter is an invisible held item that behaves the same as the bow or hookshot).
  • I manipulate RNG so that the hiploops on the bridges are out of the way, allowing me to backwalk along the edge of the bridges right past them.
  • I spin off the bridge and immediately land back on it with a sideways angle to use first person camera delay to shoot the mad scrub.
  • After shooting the mad scrub, I turn and shoot the hiploop. This does not kill it, but it knocks it away so that I can avoid killing when I take off with the flower. Killing enemies causes a hitstun effect which stalls the game for 4 frames, so I want to avoid killing enemies whenever possible.
  • I manipulate another stick drop from the mad scrub.
  • I use another first person camera delay to kill the mad scrub at the end of the next bridge and manipulate another stick drop.
  • I spin through the text trigger and break the pot with the deku nut in it, manipulating the direction it drops from the pot.
  • The text trigger is still going to activate, but I can turn back to human afterward to avoid the lock on the A button afterward.
  • The spin attack hitbox is active faster than any other attack, making it a good option for activating the owl statue.
  • The deku nut drop here gives 10 deku nuts, all I'll need for the well. It's also important to collect it as human rather than deku because the textbox for the first deku nut with deku is much longer so it can explain dropping nuts while flying.
  • I use a thrust attack to break the pot with another deku stick an manipulate it to land on the flower before transforming into deku again.
  • After playing Sonata of Awakening to raise Woodfall Temple, there is 1 frame where I can perform an action. I use this time to drink the red potion during the cutscene. I never actually cared about the red potion, I just wanted the bottle for zora eggs later.

Woodfall Temple #1

  • In the first room, there's a spot where I can backflip onto one of the roots and get a popup to skip some of the flying.
  • In the bridge room, I sidehop onto a post and jump onto the spiked fence in the center in order to take a shorter path to the 2nd floor, allowing me to move quick enough to skip lighting the torch outside the barred door. The spiked fence also damages me for a future deathwarp.
  • By holding R to block with a lit deku stick, I can shift the position of the hitbox for the flame, allowing me to light a torch from further away and burn the web sooner.
  • I can skip a text trigger at the start of the dark room with weapon swapping.
  • I do a twisted sidehop into the closest hole in the next room. These holes are vaguely funnel shaped, so I brush against the wall to precisely control my Y position before using a jumpslash recoil with a deku stick to reach the upper level of the main room and store deku stick jumpslash damage, which is 4 damage compared to kokiri sword jumpslash which is only 2.
  • I target the torch in the center of the room as I sidehop around the perimeter of the room so that Link's facing angle will automatically face towards the center of the room.
  • The stored damage from the deku stick jumpslash is enough to kill the dinolfos with a single power crouch stab. I delay the kill slightly so I can be directly in front of the chest when it spawns.
  • I use first person camera delay so I can walk forward while drawing the bow to shoot the eye switch. After releasing the arrow, I turn to Deku and sidehop off the ledge to reach the moving platform during the activation cutscene.

Gekko Fight

  • The power crouch stab damage was lost using Deku to reach the Gekko fight, so I use a sword jumpslash followed by a regular slash to deal 3 damage and progress the fight into phase 2.
  • I can knock Gekko off the snapper with bombs and also take damage from the same bomb. I can use first person camera delay through the cutscene of Gekko getting knocked off the shoot him much quicker for 2 more damage.
  • While waiting for Gekko to hop back to the snapper, I head towards the barred door at the end of the room and throw a bomb towards the wall near the pots on the other side.
  • I then throw another bomb at the snapper with specific timing and positioning to knock Gekko off again. This will cause Gekko to hop towards the far wall where I'm waiting before climbing the wall.
  • The first bomb explodes during this time, damaging me and breaking 2 pots with blue rupees in them. I manipulate these rupees to land in the same spot.
  • As Gekko gets onto the wall, I sidehop off a flower and jumpslash with a deku stick for the remaining 4 damage for the kill. This skips 1 cycle of knocking Gekko off the snapper.
  • I get pushed towards the door by Gekko during his death animation.
  • I pull a bomb on the first frame possible after regaining control. There is just enough time to get through the door, grab the boss key, roll back and grab the 10 rupees, and still get a fast deathwarp.

Termina Field #2

  • I use first person camera delay with the bow to snipe the icicle overhanging the ice blocking the path to the mountains. I walk forward slightly and then sidehop as the arrow travels so that I can cover additional distance during the short cutscene of the icicle getting hit.
  • It takes 2 shots to knock the icicle down. There is a delay after the first hit before the second hit is possible. I use first person camera delay with a different timing so that the camera flicks towards the icicle when I aim; this stops culling it so the delay timer can continue ticking down.
  • I again walk forward and sidehop while the arrow travels, and I sidehop off the tall ledge during the cutscene of the ice shattering.

Path to Mountain Village

  • I start with a sidehop before backwalking so that I can slide on the ice while waiting for the backwalk acceleration with ice physics.
  • I use the same principle sidehopping up a steeper slope before switching to a backwalk and pulling a bomb.
  • I don't stop to turn this backwalk until I'm on the next ice path so I can take advantage of the sliding. The bomb blows up the snowballs blocking the path and I eat the damage since that is faster than blocking it with shield.

Mountain Village #1

With my last bomb, I blow up a snowball by the owl statue with a fairy in it. I manipulate the fairy to fly into me and get back to full health. There is a snowball later directly in my path with a rupee in it; if I was not at full health, it would drop a heart instead.

Twin Islands #1

The ability to angle sidehops midair makes it just barely possible to complete my sidehop chains here with only 1 angle change.

Goron Village #1

  • The snowball with a rupee in it that I previously mentioned is here.
  • After rolling through the snowball, I use a twisted sidehop to round a corner and continue sliding on the ice without having to turn for a backwalk afterwards.
  • I use weapon swapping to bypass Kaepora Gaebora (the owl) and begin crossing the invisible platforms.

Lens Cave

Despite the bushes in this cave having a 9/16 drop chance for bombs, they are not the fastest bomb drops I can get, so I disregard them.

Mountain Village #2

  • The fastest way to cross the water to the invisible ladder is with Deku using similar movement I used to cross lily pads.
  • I use a twisted flip to grab the invisible ladder to save a small amount of time climbing.
  • This ladder has sideways climbing sections. Normally sideways climbing is much slower than vertical climbing, but by pressing left or right for just 1 frame, then holding up or down for the duration of the sideways climbing animation, the animation will play at the same speed as a vertical climb.

Darmani's Grave

When putting on a transformation mask for the first time, it is best to do so as another transformation in order to bypass the screaming cutscene from putting on a new transformation mask for the first time.

Mountain Village #3

I can cut the corner sharper by precisely spike rolling onto the wall and sticky rolling around it towards the path to Snowhead Temple

Path to Snowhead Temple

I use a quick roll on the snow to get up to speed faster, and I roll along the length of the slope on the inner wall to avoid needing to use the ramps over the gaps. I also manipulate a bomb drop from one of the rolling snowballs.

Lullaby Skip

The wind will blow for 55 frames every single time it kicks in and will have a random delay between activations of 33-52 frames. The strength of the pushback from the wind will vary based on nonrandom factors. When the wind activates, it will quickly ramp up in power for 19 frames, before gradually tapering off for the remaining 36 frames. Additionally, the strength of the wind will be increased the closer Link is to the source of the wind on the X and Z axis (vertical coordinate is ignored). Across the majority of the map, the wind will easily overpower the speed of spike rolling.
  • I manipulate the first wind cycles to be fast since they are weaker at this distance. I want the wind to blow less frequently when I am further since it will be stronger.
  • I manipulate a magic drop from the first rolling snowball and a bomb drop from the second.
  • I can manipulate RNG here by making subtle adjustments in my spike rolling to kick up differing amounts of snow particles.
  • On the first ramp, the wind will not blow Link off of it unless his spike roll angle is close enough to perpendicular to the wind.
  • I get on the ramp at the latest possible moment before a wind cycle starts and roll diagonally up it to maximize my time spent on it.
  • The wind is not quite finished by the time I reach the top of the ramp, so I will get blown back slightly. I can reduce the blowback by sticky rolling to get 18 speed before getting blown back.
  • I sticky roll again and spike roll left around the spire towards the spiral ramp, manipulating a long delay in the wind. This is enough to avoid getting blown off the ramp a 2nd time.
  • I get a magic drop from a large snowball so I have enough to complete the skip.
  • I manipulate the next wind to happen after I round the first corner on the spiral ramp. This is very near the inner wall, so I can minimize blowback by pressing against the wall.
  • I manipulate the final wind such that it pushes me forward further up the spiral ramp and manipulate another bomb drop from a rolling snowball.

Snowhead Temple

  • Goron rolling can destroy the icicles in front of the block, but I need to control my position precisely to avoid bonking on them. I also manipulate a rupee drop from each.
  • By grabbing the block before the text trigger activates, I can push it and overlap the text with the cutscene of the block falling into a hole.
  • I spike roll off the ramp at the edge of the bridge at an angle to both have a greater horizontal speed through the air and take a more direct path to the door.
  • Before the cutscene in the main room showing how tall the dungeon is, there is a short period of time where I have control. I cover some extra distance by goron rolling during this time.
  • After getting the small key behind the double-decker blocks, I manipulate a magic drop and a rupee drop from the pots while setting up a goron damage boost onto the higher ledge.
  • While waiting for my bomb in the next room to blow up the wall blocking the semicircle stairs, I manipulate a heart drop from a pot so I can have full health later for another rupee drop.
  • I damage boost off the bomb towards the semicircle stairs during the cutscene of the wall blowing up.
  • I throw a bomb up to the large snowball containing a small key chest in a specific position such that it also blows up the 3 small snowballs around it, all of which have a blue rupee in them.
  • After a twisted backflip for a popup, I manipulate all 3 of the blue rupees to land directly in my path.
  • Back on the 2nd level of the main room, I do another diagonal spike roll off the ramp on the bridge to cut directly across to the Wizrobe fight, getting a heart drop from the small snowball outside the door on my way.
  • In Wizrobe's first phase, there is an invisible radius around him. If I enter this radius before a certain frame of his animation, he will disappear and start over on a different random panel. I goron roll around the perimeter of the room to build a spike roll in order to enter this radius on the first frame possible and also with the highest speed possible so I can hit him earlier. Doing this twice progresses the fight to phase 2.
  • In phase 2, Wizrobe will appear on a set panel before playing a short cutscene for the phase transition. There is one frame he is vulnerable before this cutscene plays, allowing me to hit him during this window and finish the fight before phase 2 truly begins.
  • After another diagonal spike roll jump towards ice blocking a semicircle staircase. I sidehop and sidestep towards it while drawing back a fire arrow, and sidehop again after releasing it.
  • On my way to the locked door, I release the stick to neutral at times while goron rolling down the slope on the edge of the room in order to take more advantage of downward acceleration on slopes. If I held the stick, I would still be bound to the usual speed cap.
  • Sidestepping towards the ice blocking the semicircle stairs in this room is much more apparent since the bridge previously has ice physics inhibiting movement while this room does not.
  • There is a tunnel below me with 4 big snowballs in it blocking another semicircle staircase to the top level. Ordinarily, it is necessary to raise the central pillar to make a bridge to this tunnel. Instead, I throw a bomb down to the tunnel from a specific position to destroy 3 of the snowballs and goron roll off the ledge to land in the tunnel.
  • The first 2 big snowballs drop 3 rupees each. I collect those and destroy the final snowball with a goron pound. It is fastest to uncurl and walk before rolling again after a goron pound.
  • Using a quick roll, I can get speed with a goron roll to fall diagonally off the edge of the bridge here towards a slightly lower path directly across from where I fell into the snowball tunnel. There was no ramp on the bridge below to make crossing this gap possible without going up to the top.
  • After defeating another Wizrobe, I use sidehops as goron to reach the boss key chest and return to the main room. Goron sidehops are actually very fast because Goron Link has higher gravity than other forms, but with goron rolling available, it's uncommon for them to be the best option.
  • I repeat the same trick to enter the snowball tunnel and get the 6 rupees again.
  • I spike roll slightly off center over the gap to the boss door. If I were centered on the path, the flower on the other side would shake and push my back slightly when I land on it.

Goht Boss Fight

When Goht runs around the first corner, if Link is far enough behind, Goht will wait for Link and then shoot lightning bolts at him once he goes far enough past the wall. If he's waiting for too long, he will begin running back towards Link. By backwalking just barely past the wall, I can start shooting arrows at Goht while manipulating the lightning to miss me. After shooting 4 arrows, I backflip to be just barely out of range for Goht to shoot lightning. 11 more arrows will kill Goht shortly after his timer expires and he starts running towards me. If I killed him before he started running towards me, he would run away during the death animation and I would need to travel all the way around the arena to reach the blue warp.

Twin Islands #2

In springtime, there are some bushes near the Mountain Village side that can drop 0, 1, or 3 rupees. I goron roll through 5 and manipulate 15 rupees.

Goron Village #2

  • I roll into the edge of the fence in a specific way to get a rebound off the corner in an unusual angle.
  • By spike rolling off of some debris on the path, I can ramp off it to reach Biggoron. Otherwise, I would need to change into Human Link to climb the ledge.
  • Biggoron gives me a powder keg with a long fuse to bring to blow up the boulder blocking the Goron Racetrack before giving me the certification to get more powder kegs.
  • I toss the keg up the series of ramps to get out of Biggoron's tunnel. I roll into the keg at an oblique angle before picking it up to maximize the distance I cover with goron rolling before picking it up.
  • After tossing the keg up to the higher path and rolling around, I continue goron rolling and then spike rolling into the keg to push it. The path here is long and curves gently, it would take numerous angle changes to backwalk with the keg here, and spike rolling pushes it slightly faster than I can carry it with backwalking.
  • I get another weird rebound off the fence near the start while pushing the keg and pick up the keg out of the spike roll before backwalking into the twin islands loading zone. The keg will not come with me unless I am carrying it.

Twin Islands #3

  • I can bypass the post on the last bridge by cancelling my backwalk at a specific time with a specific angle. I was able to do this on a couple of the earlier posts as well, but it was slower overall because it meant I had to change backwalk angles more often.
  • I walk diagonally backwards after skipping the post on the last bridge before shifting into a backwalk. Diagonal walks are one of the slower forms of movement, but they can be transitioned into a backwalk instantly from their current speed. The distance around the corner here was small enough that it was actually worth doing this time.
  • I push the keg again with goron rolling after tossing it up the slopes leading to goron racetrack to save a little extra time. This does not move as fast as backwalking with the keg unless I am spike rolling, but I'm already at speed with goron rolling, whereas I'd have to deal with slow backwalk acceleration for a short distance if I were to backwalk with it.
  • I play Inverted Song of Time to return time to normal speed just before the final keg throw.
  • I push the keg slightly to get it within range of the boulder, then use first person camera delay with a mask transformation to do a twisted backflip to get behind the keg while drawing the bow. Then I can shoot the keg to set it off early and backflip when releasing the arrow to damage boost during the cutscene of the boulder breaking.

Goron Racetrack

  • I can talk to the goron baby to start the race from further away if I target him.
  • During the race, I manipulate the other gorons to stay out of my way as much as possible by having them interfere with each other.
  • When going over a slope change from a gentle downward slope to a steep downward slope, I want to avoid sticky rolling to avoid the steep slope speed loss.
  • After crossing the finish line, I goron roll back to the nearest pots to fully refill my magic.

Twin Islands #4

I need to return to Biggoron in Goron Village to get my powder keg certification. I rebound off one of the bridge posts to optimize my path back.

South Clock Town #3

I don't get to full running speed before rolling off the downward ramp by the owl statue so that I have enough space to reach max speed before going airborne.

Milk Road

I goron roll to the boulder and drop the keg before doing first person camera delay with the transformation back to human so I can backflip away from the keg while drawing the bow and once again damage boosting after shooting it.

Romani Ranch

Romani runs around in a figure 8 pattern, stopping at random points to practice with her bow. I manipulate RNG so that she's as close to me as possible when I go to talk to her.

Epona Archery

  • The balloons bob up and down. The starting position in their bobbing cycle is random. For 6 of the balloons, this does not matter, but there are 4 I need to manipulate.
  • I immediately turn and use a carrot before drawing the bow for Gallop Storage. The 2nd balloon is too far away from the starting position, so I need to move slightly.
  • I shoot the the 4 balloons on the left in quick succession. The 3rd of which needs to be high in its bobbing cycle or it will be obstructed by the terrain and unreachable.
  • After shooting the 4th balloon, I release Gallop Storage for a speed boost and turn right towards the fence. I hold back to choke my speed to prevent Epona from Jumping over the fence. I want her to get stuck on the fence so that I'm further from the remaining 6 balloons and can therefore make smaller adjustments to shoot them.
  • While turning toward the fence, I hold Z early on during the turn so that when I draw the bow again, Link is already aiming in the direction Epona was facing at the time I pressed Z.
  • After shooting the 5th balloon, I release Z but continue aiming the bow. This causes my aiming direction to shift instantly to be in-line with Epona's facing angle so I can fire at the 6th balloon much faster.
  • The 7th and 8th balloon can both be obstructed by the terrain, so I need to manipulate them to be high up in there bobbing cycle.
  • The 9th balloon can be anywhere in its cycle, but the 10th balloon needs to be low in its bobbing cycle or else it will take me an additional frame to aim up high enough to reach it.
  • This clocked an Epona Archery time of 6.31. The previous fastest TAS time on this minigame was 7.52 by MidoriSM64 back in 2012.

Gorman Race

  • During the countdown, I can hold Z and aim the bow. This lets me accomplish 2 things. First, I can turn slightly which gets Epona in her galloping animation, allowing her to take off much quicker after the countdown finishes. Second, I can shoot the Gorman brother to my right, slowing him down at the start so he'll be out of my way.
  • The same technique used during the countdown here does NOT work in the Epona Archery minigame for some weird reason.
  • Epona's speed when jumping over an obstacle is locked, so I use well timed carrots and gallop storages to maintain the fastest average speed I can.
  • If I were to use all of my carrots, the recharge timer would be much longer than it is if I'm just waiting for 1 carrot to recharge. So I don't want to burn all of my carrots until I have finished the race.

Termina Field #3

I spent 10 rupees on the Gorman race to get Garo Mask and need to get back up to 90. I manipulate 2 blue rupees for the remaining 10 rupees I need when galloping through a grass patch.

Great Bay Coast #1

  • The area intro sequence cutscene prevents Epona from being able to enter the area with speed unlike Termina Field and Milk Road. She will also cause a lot of lag if I ride her on the beach, so it's time to leave her behind and go back to goron rolling.
  • I push Mikau only barely within range to start his cutscene. This causes there to be a delay before his cutscene starts. This is ideal because it allows me to move close to where he collapses at the end of the cutscene. This way, the camera does not need to pan as far back to Link, so I gain control sooner.
  • Usually I will want to dive into the water to start zora swimming, but I can't actually dive off the ledge I goron roll to on my way to Pinnacle Rock, so I instead use a transformation angle change and sidehop into the water before Dolphin Diving to Pinnacle Rock.
  • I don't want to be midair when I touch the loading zone or else the load won't begin until I land back in the water.

Pinnacle Rock #1

  • There is an invisible path that I must remain within on my way to the deep pit of Pinnacle Rock. It is similar in concept to Ocarina of Time's Haunted Wasteland, but the path here is more basic.
  • I need the time to reach 10PM for the Curiosity Shop to open in West Clock Town so I can get rid of my gold dust and continue collecting zora eggs. Because of this I opt to get the zora egg at the very bottom of Pinnacle Rock now in order to burn in-game time.
  • I want to be on the seafloor so I can backwalk to the egg after killing the eel. Backwalking and zora swimming are the same speed, but I can't swing the bottle to catch the egg while swimming.
  • At the top of Pinnacle Rock, I swim gently upward against the outer wall to ascend much more quickly. I got this idea from referencing MrGrunz's any% TAS.

Laboratory #1

I goron roll on top of the large tank to get into position to deposit the first zora egg more quickly. Using goron for such a short distance would not normally be worthwhile, but I need to be goron anyway to buy a powder keg in the bomb shop.

Bomb Shop

I buy another powder keg from the goron in the bomb shop before buying bombchus. This is again because I can't buy anything from the counter until the owner finishes walking to the counter, so it's faster to buy the keg first.

Great Bay Coast #2

  • I use a transformation angle change to get a backwalk angle off the ledge as zora after soaring. I also continue to hold A during the transformation so I can dive off the platform. I cannot roll here or I will just inspect the owl statue.
  • I press B to sink after hitting the top of the board blocking the Pirate's Fortress entrance so that I am low enough to go through the tunnel without needing to slow down my swimming to go far enough down.
  • It was slightly faster to zora swim into the loading zone because of the speed boost Link gets from initiating a zora swim.

Pirate's Fortress Exterior #1

  • By zora swimming against the slope in a specific way, I can exit the water without getting a high dive from bouncing off the slope.
  • I press B to sink right before my last dive out of the water. This causes Link to pop out of the water without a dive so that he won't roll when he lands. In this case, I want to put on the Goron Mask right away, so an extra roll would cost time.
  • Avoiding a sticky roll up the slope here allows me to do a very small spike roll jump onto the goron pound switch.
  • I use a transformation angle change after pounding on the switch so that I have enough time to sidehop into the water before the cutscene of the underwater grate opening begins.


  • Releasing A to stop zora swimming right before crashing into a board allows me to start another zora swim immediately after bonking rather than having to wait out the bonk animation.
  • Pressing B to sink while still holding A very near the floor in front of a block allows me to grab said block directly out of zora swimming.
  • I use the upward current after the "maze" to push me towards the surface so I don't need to sacrifice as much lateral speed by swimming at a harsher upward angle.
  • After launching the zora fins at the crystal switch in the next room, I sidehop over the railing. I have to sidehop once more to enter the water, but that wouldn't quite work with my current angle which is locked because of the zora fins. I also can't use ESS to twist. Instead, I walk forward at a subtle diagonal slow enough that releasing the stick will return me to 0 speed in 1 frame. Then I flick a direction to get a twist after waiting 2 frames. This is the exact same premise used to do twisted flips or angle changes while bomb hovering in glitched runs.
  • Zora Link climbs ladders slightly slower than other forms. It's not enough of a difference to ever justify taking off Zora Mask solely to climb a ladder, but in this case, I want to be human after climbing the ladder anyway, so I remove Zora mask prior to climbing the ladder.
  • At the top of the ladder, I send 1 bombchu up the wall ahead of me and 2 more in quick succession towards the caged crystal switch on the wall to Link's right. The 2 bombchus collide with each other when passing over a convex corner and detonate, activating the crystal switch without needing to open the cage. This sends a water jet upwards that I ride to the next floor. The first bombchu then explodes and activates a crystal switch at the very top of the room to open the barred door so I don't need to ride the water all the way up to the top.

Pirate's Fortress #1

  • I spike roll up the stairs towards the hookshot room. Around this time, I discovered that holding down on the stick for the first frame of a spike roll causes Link to reach his top speed sooner when on flat ground or an upward slope. This could have potentially saved a few frames before this point in the TAS.
  • By spike rolling into the left edge of the hookshot target at the top of the stairs, I can get a near 180 degree rebound towards the door.
  • I cancel my spike roll back into a regular goron roll to preserve magic. If I used any more magic, I would not have enough to kill the remaining eels in Pinnacle Rock.
  • The pirate in the hookshot room can hear Link stepping or goron rolling, but not sidehopping. I sidehop twice to the side before goron rolling so she won't turn towards me in time to catch me.
  • Another transformation first person camera delay to land a precise shot on the beehive to scare off the pirates. I also do a twisted flip to grab the barrels in front of me after releasing the arrow. This lets me climb them during the cutscene.
  • I can save a pause by avoiding the hookshot to get on top of the tank here for the zora egg. I backflip onto the chest and do a twisted roll jump as zora to get a popup onto the tank.
  • After bottling the egg, I zora swim into the corner of the tank. This angle will not bonk into either wall, but I can target the wall as I dive out of the water to rebound off the wall.
  • Back in the main area of the fortress, I line up in such a way that I can hit 2 consecutive hookshot targets without angle changing.
  • I sidehop off the ledge untargeted and curve forward back into the ledge so I can target the wall and land in the doorway below.

Laboratory #2

I can get a popup on the high tank by rolling off the first step of the small tank with a very specific angle and position. I didn't go back to do this the first time because I was already 2 frames early to Curiosity Shop without it. In order to make it save time on the first lab trip, I would have needed to go all the way back to deku palace and adjust my Inverted Song of Time points.

Great Bay Coast #3

On my way back to Pirate's Fortress, I dive off the high ledge into the water. Because this ledge is so high, I get a very large speed boost entering the water (~20 speed). As I mentioned, my dive speed out of the water can never exceed ~11.69, so it's best to let this speed taper off naturally before beginning dolphin dives.

Pirate's Fortress Exterior #2

  • I perform a slower dive into the water to avoid being spotted. The pirates on the boats here have far superior vision than that of the other pirates.
  • I can get a popup onto one of the boats behind the pirate directly out of a zora swim, then do a transformation first person camera delay to charge the hookshot. I sidehop onto the motor of the boat for a little extra height while charging it and shoot the barrel outside the alternative entrance (I think it's actually meant to be an exit) to Pirate's Fortress: Main. I was so close to the edge of the boat here that I actually fall off after firing the hookshot, but can still get pulled to the barrel.

Pirate's Fortress #2

  • I angle some of my sidehops up the stairs slightly off the back of the stairs, then back forward onto the stairs to extend them by 1 frame in order to micro-adjust my position. I can then sidehop onto the sloped wall, landing on it for only 1 frame to reset my fall speed and land on the platform behind it.
  • I store a jumpslash entering the cutscene for the pirate fight before the last egg in the fortress.
  • I can double hit the pirate with a crouch stab if I am close enough to her. I also need to manipulate her to attack so she won't block or jump away.
  • When I enter the tank here, I sink onto the chest so I don't have to sink as far and catch the egg from there. I also need to manipulate the Desbreko's skullfish to move in favorable ways since I can't afford any magic to kill them.

Pinnacle Rock #2

When swimming down to my first eel for this trip, I can target the wall to bend sharply into its alcove.

Zora Cape

  • I have only just enough time to turn and get my backwalk angle before the day transition occurs.
  • I keep the camera back-facing while dolphin diving so that the skullfish here spawn behind me rather than in front of me.

Great Bay Temple

  • In the first actual room of Great Bay Temple, I have to wait on the elevator to the right. I can goron roll from the elevator onto one of the blades of the waterwheel, then across the spoke to bypass a the turnkey under the water.
  • I can get up the high ledge to my first red turnkey by swimming down into the sloped support beam to bounce off and high dive up the ledge.
  • After leaving the red turnkey room, I roll to the edge of the platform and walk off while holding A for a slow dive. If I'm moving too fast during the dive, I won't be able to swim far enough down before crashing into the wall.
  • I can dolphin dive through the biobabas by carefully avoiding the lily pads and using zora barrier to cut the stem connecting them to the lily pads. I still avoid killing them to avoid hitstun effects.
  • I dive jump barely over the water current so I can roll again and jump to the boss key chest. I get an unusual type of popup here because of the way the wall is structured. I can't land on the ledge directly without using a jump attack to get up.
  • I can swim while sinking by holding Z and never letting the stick go to neutral after pressing B. It behaves exactly the same as swimming with iron boots in Ocarina of Time. I swim forward first to bait an attack from the dexihand before curving right the chest so I can avoid killing it.
  • Another high dive from bouncing off an underwater slope allows me to reach the high red pipe outside the door leading to wart. I will always land weirdly on the pipe and get an instant roll jump. I made sure to dive in such a way that I only get a partial speed jump, which does not go as high so that I can land on top of the pipe sooner.

Wart Fight

  • Wart has 20 health and is only vulnerable while his eye is open. He has a variety of weaknesses that effectively negate the extra effectiveness of certain weapons such as deku sticks. The two important weaknesses in question are swords and explosives.
  • The first time Wart opens his eye takes a set amount of time. There is no way to speed it up. I use this time to get hearts from the pots and manipulate Wart to randomly move to the edge of the room.
  • After a bomb explodes, I can pull a 2nd bomb. It will be set off by the first explosion and can hit Wart twice. The explosions knock the bubbles down off of Wart, so I need to be careful to avoid killing them whenever possible.
  • Every time wart opens his eye after the first time in phase 1 takes a random amount of time. I need to manipulate Wart to open his eye fast enough the get hit by a bomb pulled right away after the first double hit.
  • I get another double hit with bombs bringing Wart down to 4 HP and into his 2nd phase.
  • In Wart's 2nd phase, wart will shed all of his bubbles and charge in random directions around the room. His eye has a random chance to open every time he crashes into a wall.
  • I made sure Wart was extremely close to the wall to make him crash immediately and open his eye.
  • Another bomb would take too long to blow up to damage Wart here and would also cause a lot of collateral. Instead, I take damage to get i-frames so I can jumpslash Wart without killing any bubbles or getting knocked down.

Great Bay Temple: 2nd half

  • I can sidehop further down the pipe during the cutscene of the octorok being frozen. Then I bonk out of a dive onto the platform and get a popup after roll jumping off the frozen octorok to turn the 2nd red turnkey.
  • When I dive out of the water in the "blender room", I do a shallow dive out of the water and bonk the wall to cancel the dive so I can change back to human faster.
  • I shoot an ice arrow to freeze the water flow obstructing the ladder to the 1st green turnkey.
  • I press B to again as I'm about to dive to pop out of the water, this time to grab the ledge up to the green turnkey. I also make sure to get a popup on this ledge.
  • Back in the first room, I can goron roll onto the waterspout coming from the red pipe instead of using the hookshot to reach it. This saves a pause but is very precise. I needed to goron pound the frame after landing in order to get above the waterspout so it wouldn't push me out.
  • I can pop out of the water with extremely high speed rather than diving because this technique is not restricted to the usual speed calculation of dolphin dives.
  • By pushing the reversible turnkeys on the very edge, I can push them and break my grip so that Link will not move with them, optimizing my position slightly. It also technically works on the other turnkeys but is slightly more involved.
  • After turning both reversible turnkeys, the water current in the dungeon has been reversed. The fastest way back is to sidehop into the water as goron, which takes me to the last door I went through. In this case, that's the blender room after exiting the 1st green turnkey room.
  • I can bonk out of a dive against the large waterwheel and hold back to stall my momentum to land on it without freezing it. I would get crushed at the top of its rotation if I was still standing on it, so I sidehop at a specific point in the rotation to land high on the blade after it passes its peak in the rotation. Then I can roll and dive jump to the door leading to the 2nd green turnkey room.
  • I can avoid melting the ice in this room by moving quickly after reaching the top of the seesaws and doing some precise jumps.
  • I needed to manipulate the real bombchu on the green pipe to be out of my way after turning the 2nd freen turnkey.
  • I can roll jump off the pipe with precise positioning. If I don't do it just right, the slope of the pipe would kill all of my speed and I'd just fall down.
  • After turning the final turnkey to activate the waterspout in front of the boss door, I can dive jump onto it at an angle such that I roll jump immediately after landing on it. This lets me jump before it loses too much height so I can jump attack onto the ledge rather than needing to grab it.

Gyorg Fight

  • I can stun Gyorg by hitting him with the zora fins, but no matter how fast I do this, Gyorg will still aggro and become invulnerable if I go over the water too early.
  • I can swim against Gyorg in a specific way to avoid going around him, allowing me to continously hold the zora barrier on him to repeatedly stun and damage him until going into phase 2.
  • I make sure to sink to the floor going into phase 2 since it is slower to do the 2nd phase from the surface than from the floor.
  • By swimming into Gyorg immediately with zora barrier, I can stun and damage him before he has a chance to aggro.
  • I manipulate RNG so that Gyorg swims directly towards the center platform after hitting him and delay the final hit on him. The closer Gyorg is to the center platform, the faster his death animation is.
  • I target the ledge as I dive out of the water to redirect my angle into the blue warp.

Termina Field #4

  • I need to pick up milk and a fish for the well, and this just works out to be the best time for me to do it.
  • There is a grotto with cows in it under the log tunnel that can be opened with an explosive. I set off a bombchu with a sword slash for this so I don't have to wait on the usual bomb timer.
  • I play Song of Double Time to advance to night 2 while in the cow grotto. I need it to be either night 1 or night 2 in Ikana Graveyard. Day/Night transition cutscenes do not occur in grottos, so this is a good time to do it.
  • In the generic grotto, I manipulate the fish to be close to the edge of the water. Link has a slower bottle swing animation when he's standing deep enough in the water, so I can instead get the usual fast animation by standing outside of the puddle if the fish is close enough.
  • I need to goron roll through the bushes on the hill in a very specific way as I go to Ikana. It's very easy to go airborne for a frame when running into the bushes and lose my spike roll buildup.

Path to Ikana

  • Rather than jumping Epona over the fences or using bombs to goron damage boost, I can manipulate the blue bubbles into good positions and goron damage boost off them.
  • I land on the very edge of the fences when goron damage boosting so that I fall off the opposite side after landing, therefore skipping Link's long recovery animation.
  • Going up the ledge to Ikana Graveyard, I maintain my curl longer while goron pounding and manipulate the blue bubble in a very specific way such that he simply pushes my over top of the ledge without needing to damage boost.
  • I do allow the blue bubble to damage me after landing. This grants me a brief but large speed boost that I can carry directly into a goron roll.

Ikana Graveyard

  • This area is very laggy before Captain Keeta is defeated, so I maneuver the camera carefully to minimize the lag.
  • By playing Sonata of Awakening in a very precise position waking up Captain Keeta, he will aggro onto me immediately. Otherwise I would be forced to chase him down.
  • At this point, I'm still jinxed (unable to use my sword) because of the damage from the blue bubbles. Luckily, Captain Keeta takes double damage from goron pounds.
  • I can double hit Captain Keeta with goron pounds before phase 2 so long as I don't knock him too far away. I position myself such that he only gets knocked into the wall right next to me so I can get 2 double hits, sending him into phase 2.
  • Captain Keeta is not vulnerable in phase 2 until a short time after landing from his pound attack. I stand under a specific spot on the broken bridge so that his pound attack will land on top of the bridge above me, but he'll then fall down immediately. This way he is vulnerable to attack earlier.
  • I backwalk a short distance and release the stick as I press A. This converts the backwards backwalking speed instantly into forward goron rolling speed. I needed this extra space to have sufficient distance to get max goron roll speed in order to cross the gap of the broken bridge by landing on an awkward bit of the geometry.

Beneath the Graveyard

  • Normally, Song of Storms is only meant to be accessible on night 1, but the night 1 and night 2 grave entrances are on the same map. I can reach the night 1 side with a precise jump off a stalagmite.
  • I need to manipulate the iron knuckle so that he attacks in ways the I can avoid without taking extra time to dodge.
  • He takes 4 damage from goron punches. Phase 1 has 18 HP and phase 2 has 9 HP. The health of each phase is separate, so extra damage on phase 1 does not carry over.
  • I need to turn the camera back towards the curtain before the cutscene starts, otherwise it takes longer to interact with the inscription after the cutscene ends.

Ikana Canyon

  • Back in the path to Ikana, I finally use the Garo Mask to interact with the gatekeeper. He summons a tree that I can hookshot in order to gain entrance.
  • Instead of freezing the octoroks to cross the river, I can do a precise hookshot to hit the first tree up the canyon without crossing the river. I bank the camera further left on my way to this in order to cull the octoroks and delay their shots. Otherwise they would hit me before my hookshot reached the tree.
  • I use first person camera delays to aim at the trees faster. It's worth noting here that holding slightly left or right of straight down (relative to Link's facing angle and the camera angle) while aiming hookshot or bow during certain parts of the charge/draw will delay my ability to fire them. So I needed to find precise joystick angles to aim up as quickly as possible without aggravating the sensitive aiming system. Somehow, this just wasn't relevant until this point.
  • On my way to Flat's Cave, I hang my goron roll further right around the Music Box House. I need to control my movement carefully in order to influence how the gibdo will turn its head. Once a gibdo has caught a glimpse of you, it will continue to turn its head until it looks straight at you, where it will then scream to stun you in place for a couple seconds. There is no way to stop this process once it has begun outside of killing them or using a mask that makes them passive. They can stun you from seemingly any distance as far as I can tell.
  • The only way to avoid getting spotted by Pamela the first time is to use Stone Mask, but that is not worth the detour. Instead, I need to wait for her to be just barely far enough away after getting her to come back outside in order to enter the house without being spotted.
  • I get a weird goron rebound off the railing to bounce around the corner going up the stairs. This does have the side effect of putting me on a trajectory where I bounce repeatedly off the wall and the railing as I goron roll up the stairs, making it difficult to control my position to get a sticky roll. It was still possible to sticky roll at the top of the stairs somehow.
  • There's 2 different ways I can take to reach Beneath the Well. One way looks very awkward as I need to repeatedly stop and restart goron rolling to get around sharp corners (I can't use weird goron rebounds here as that only works on walls, and my sharp turns are onto slopes rather than around walls). The other way is a longer path but allows me enough distance to build up a spike roll to the well. Both paths ended up being the exact same speed, so I went with the option that was less wasteful on magic.

Beneath the Well

  • I again need to my goron roll to the first door in such a way to avoid the gibdo's gaze. Once I put on the Gibdo Mask, I'm safe.
  • I can get the first hit on the big poe immediately after the cutscene of him spawning by sending a bombchu up the wall and across the ceiling to explode next to him.
  • There's one frame where the big poe is vulnerable after reappearing before it attacks. I can just barely reach it with a deku stick jumpslash, which does twice as much damage as the traditional bomb or arrow strategy.
  • The location of the big poe's reappearance is determined by Link's position and how he moved to reach that position. So by carefully controlling my movement, I can cause the big poe to reappear right by the door for the final hit.
  • When shooting elemental arrows, there is normally a long delay before another elemental arrow can be shot. I play Song of Double Time between my shots on the torches to bypass this delay. I need it to be past midnight of night 3 anyway by the time I finish the last dungeon, so this is the most convenient place to advance time.

Woodfall Temple #2

  • I need fire arrows for the 2nd trip to Woodfall Temple. Elemental arrows take much longer to equip on the pause screen than other items, so it's best for me to do Woodfall Temple after the well since I had them equipped anyway.
  • First person camera delay completely shreds the rooms leading up to the final room.
  • First person camera delay will not work for me in the final room because of the way the camera auto locks to adjust in certain places here.
  • When I hookshot the torch near the boss door, I manipulate the dragonfly on my left to fly near me in a specific position so that I can target it. Link will turn to face the dragonfly even while the hookshot is firing and get a good angle to sidehop to the boss door without needing to turn after reaching the torch.

Odolwa Fight

  • I store a jumpslash entering the cutscene. It doesn't actually need to be a jumpslash this time, just any amount of damage that isn't 0.
  • Odolwa has 20 HP. I deal the first 4 damage with a fire arrow while I'm traveling towards a bomb flower to the left.
  • Odolwa has a weakness to bomb flower explosions and takes 8 damage from them. Additionally, bomb flower explosion hitboxes persist for an abnormally long time.
  • I manipulate Odolwa to jump to me as I roll through a bush to get a heart drop as I pick up the bomb flower. Then I can drop the bomb flower and crouch stab it near Odolwa to double hit for the remaining 16 damage.

Ikana Castle

  • Zora is tall enough to get on top of the sun block with a twisted backflip, then I can get up on the wall beside it with a jump and jump attack.
  • I need to be human inside the castle, so I use a transformation angle change to turn for the final sidehops into the the castle entrance.
  • In the room with the checkerboard platform, I can go over top of it and use a twisted flip to reach the switch without raising the platform. Normally the damaging surface would knock Link down, but I can avoid this by abusing bombs to repeatedly take damage so that I always have i-frames while in contact with the platform. If I hadn't gotten the heart drop in the Odolwa fight, I wouldn't have had enough health to survive this strategy.
  • I can sidehop off of the floor switch onto the invisible platform as I press it with precise positioning.
  • With precise movement, I can avoid killing the 1st big skulltula. There's no getting around the 2nd one, though.
  • Once the light is shining down in the first room, I sidehop into the circle of redeads. Similar to the pirates, they simply don't detect sidehops for whatever reason. After entering the light, I do start backwalking to the sunblock. The mirror shield is pointing at the sun block as a backwalk and will destroy it, just in time before the redeads would stun me. I backflip as the cutscene starts to get just a tiny bit more distance.

Igos Du Ikana

  • I approach Igos' minions while shooting a fire arrow to burn the curtain and allow light into the room.
  • 2 power crouch stabs with deku stick jumpslash damage will take the minions down. I hit each of them once separately to group them together, then kill them both together at the same time so the hitstun effects overlap for reduced lag.
  • I turn towards one of the minions and aim the mirror shield at the other minion first. Then I can aim back towards my initial direction. The game tries automatically to aim the shield back in-line with my initial angle, but combining that with manual aiming allows me to turn fast enough to burn them only 1 frame apart.
  • I make sure the camera is facing away from Igos going into his fight so that I won't target him when I go to backwalk to the light.
  • I can hit him in quick succession by ensuring I hit him straight back into his throne so he doesn't get knocked away from me.
  • On the last crouch stab, I hit Igos as well as the step in one motion to push myself back towards the light slightly.
  • Throughout the fight, I had to manipulate RNG. I needed the minions to move in favorable ways and not jump attack. I needed Igos himself to not jump away when I attack.
  • Song of soaring does not work in Igos' throne room, so the fastest way out is a deathwarp. To do this, I set off a bomb early by shooting it with an arrow.

Stone Tower

  • I use Elegy of Emptiness (Elegy) on the first switch as Zora. I will not be using Zora Elegy again during the climb, so this statue will stay here and I won't ever have to watch the cutscene of the block returning to its original position.
  • There's a short window of time where I can move after playing Elegy before the block moving cutscene plays. I sidehop during this time to cover the most amount of distance.
  • I forego the 2nd switch for the 1st set of blocks and go directly to the 3rd switch. I play Elegy as goron, again, just to avoid moving elegy statues and needing to watch the blocks move extra times.
  • The combination of these 2 switches will not form the full bridge across the gap, but it is enough for me to reach a hookshot target higher up. I keep the camera facing towards the back wall while I jump across the blocks to reduce lag.
  • For the 2nd set of blocks, I forego the 1st switch and play Elegy as human on the 2nd switch.
  • The block tied to the 2nd switch gets stuck on the block tied to the 3rd. I only need the block from the 2nd switch to move into position, so I will need to tag the 3rd switch just to get block 3 out of the way, but I won't need to leave an elegy statue on it.
  • I can hookshot the beamos to get up since it's a little closer to the 3rd switch than the hookshot target.
  • I walk to the switch and use first person camera delay to aim at the next hookshot target as I sidestep onto the switch. I release the hookshot before the cutscene begins and get pulled to the hookshot target during the cutscene.
  • I play Elegy as human on the block to move his elegy statue off of the 2nd switch, causing the block to go back up to its starting position with me on it. This takes me very nearly to the top of the tower and skips multiple uses of Elegy.
  • At the top of the tower, I use the same principle to ride a block across the gap to the entrance of Stone Tower Temple.

Stone Tower Temple

  • In the left side room, it is faster to bait the real bombchu into attacking me than it is to use bombs or bombchus to blow up the wall. I also do a goron damage boost off it to get some extra distance during the cutscene. I need to be mindful of my position during this so that I get a facing angle/position that allows me to break 2 crates afterward with a frame 1 punch.
  • I skip some Elegy uses by transporting the 2 boxes behind the crates onto some of the blue switches. Having 2 of the crates broken allows my movement to/from the boxes to be cleaner.
  • Down the semi-circle stairs, I need to defeat all 4 armos to spawn a small key chest. 2 of them are behind the massive sunblock. I send a bombchu over it towards them, then send an additional bombchu towards the armos on the left side of the room. Then I time use a spin attack to kill the last armos. This was all timed such that each armos dies on the exact same frame. This way, I only get 1 hitstun effect instead of 4.
  • I also take damage from the lava while I am Human Link. I take a specific amount of damage to set up for a deathwarp later.
  • I only need to punch away 2 of the discs below the light beam in the mirror room. I can get on top of the last one with a twisted backflip.
  • The mirrors in this room will store light I reflect onto them and then output that light for the same amount of time that I spent charging them. I planned out the movement in this room in order to calculate the absolute minimum amount of time needed to spend charging them. I also tried to charge them for even less time to verify my calculation was correct.
  • By goron rolling in a specific way through the updrafts, I can basically fly through this room as goron. It was possible to go the whole way with a single uninterrupted goron roll, but the last updraft was awkward this way, so it ended up being faster to restart my goron roll after landing on the odd terrain with the real bombchu.
  • Ice Arrows are absolutely busted against Garo Master. Not only do they deal a whole 4 damage to him, but they also freeze him in place, leaving him vulnerable to a followup attack. 2 sets of ice arrow shots with a power crouch stab is enough to take him down.
  • I can get hit by Garo Master after crouch stabbing him to get down to low health for the deathwarp without wasting any time.
  • It was necessary to manipulate RNG so that Garo Master would teleport to do his surprise attack when he charged as this wastes time.
  • Link's position during the cutscene after the fight is dependent on where Garo Master is; Link's own position is irrelevant here. Garo Master did not die in a favorable position, so I needed to push him before the cutscene started to get a favorable position. I wanted to be in front of the chest: in range to open it, but not close enough to target its edge and change my angle.
  • I drop 2 bombchus in quick succession to the corner of the chest where they will collide and explode. I open the chest and get the light arrows 1 frame before they explode. The textbox from the light arrows goes by just barely fast enough to allow for a fast deathwarp here.
  • I refill my magic by the owl statue before flipping the tower as I will need completely full magic here. Unfortunately, there isn't a faster magic drop or possible magic drop available.
  • One of the blocks outside Stone Tower Temple is blocking the ruby switch to flip the tower. Rather than using Elegy to get the block out of the way, I fire a light arrow towards the ruby switch as I step on the button that corresponds to this block. This triggers the cutscene of the block moving, but the arrow pauses during the cutscene. Just like that, the block is out of my way and I have flipped the tower.
  • I jumpslashed forward off of the switch before the block moving cutscene played so that Link would be slightly closer to the ruby switch and the camera would pan back to him faster.

Inverted Stone Tower Temple

  • First person camera delay isn't really applicable to shoot the sun block right in front of me on the right, but I can do a twisted sidehop forward as I shoot it to cover a little extra distance.
  • I can sidehop into one of the updrafts and jumpslash recoil off a platform to reach the tunnel off of the bridge high up in the center of the room.
  • Angling a sidehop down out of the end of the tunnel can land me on the lower platform outside the Gomess miniboss fight, skipping several long and tedious rooms.
  • I used first person camera delay as I was falling to shoot a light arrow at the eyegore on the upper bridge as soon as possible. This stuns him, which causes him to recoil back, putting him behind a wall so I can't shoot him again from here. Because of the delay between elemental arrow shots however, I can switch to first person aiming to adjust my angle, the back to third person aiming to backflip and sidehop into a new position where I can hit him. All of this before the cooldown expired for the next light arrow.
  • One more set of 2 light arrows kills the eyegore and spawns the Giant's Mask chest, as well as opening the door leading to the pre-boss room. I store a deku stick jumpslash as the cutscene for this starts.
  • I manipulated RNG so the blue bubbles on the way to Gomess' room would not hit me as I backwalk through their tunnel. I roll into a box in front of the door before going in for a full magic refill.
  • After shooting Gomess with a light arrow to make his bad bat shield fly away, I can hit him twice in succession with a power crouch stab if I am fast enough. I do this twice and then hit him once more for the kill. I try to get as far around the back of him as possible when shooting the last light arrow so that I would be closer to the door.
  • I get another magic refill from the boxes as I goron roll back through the blue bubble tunnel.
  • With a precise hookshot, I can pull myself to the Giant's Mask chest from the lower platform. Giant's Mask is a very slow method of fighting Twinmold, but the chest was very helpful for reaching the bridge.
  • The spiked wooden log in front of me in the pre-boss room prevents me from shooting the crystal switch right away. I shoot under it as it rises with a fire arrow. Fire arrows travel much faster than the hookshot, so this was my best option to hit the switch.

Twinmold Fight

  • Each Twinmold has 20 HP and is weak against the elemental arrow of the opposite color. Fire arrows deal 6 damage to blue, and ice arrows deal 6 damage to red. 3 shots would bring them down to 2 HP.
  • I start off by hitting blue with 2 fire arrows while also rolling out into the sand further away from the center platform.
  • Through some extensive RNG manipulation, I got both Twinmolds to resurface within a reasonable distance of the center platform and also right next to each other. This allows me to simultaneously damage both of them on the first frame possible with a bomb for 2 damage, exactly the awkward amount that would remain after 3 elemental arrows. I finish blue off here with one more fire arrow.
  • I manipulate red to spawn very far away. The delay on elemental arrows is reduced when the shot lands so far away that the visual effect of an elemental arrow hitting does not render. I use this to shoot red 3 times in quick succession with the ice arrows to end the fight.
  • After ending the fight, I shoot 2 more ice arrows to waste magic. Without enough magic to shoot another ice arrow, they will instead behave just like the normal bow without me needing to change the equip.

South Clock Town #4

I can enter the top of the clock tower faster by goron rolling around the back of it and then precisely goron rolling around the steep slope perimeter to the entrance.

The Moon

The Majora kid will only talk to Link if Link is close to him AND facing towards him. I cannot do a transformation angle change the traditional way since I would target one of the kids running around when I press Z nearby the Majora kid. Instead, I press Z while goron rolling and continue holding it during the spike roll. The camera cannot by locked like normal during spike rolls, but the game will imitate a Z press without targeting the children after I drop the spike roll if I am still holding Z. With this, I can get a transformation angle change to talk to the Majora kid 1 frame earlier.

Majora's Mask

  • Mask has 14 HP and will activate the remains after taking 6+ damage.
  • Mask is sturdy in front, protecting it from projectiles; it will be stunned if I can land an arrow on its back, however.
  • I drew the bow entering the intro cutscene so I could shoot it faster. I turn away from Mask as soon as the fight starts and use first person camera delay so that I can turn back towards Mask and aim the bow in third person without targeting it. This way, I can manually aim low on Mask to snake an arrow underneath and graze the soft backside.
  • I walk forward slightly, delaying the next shot to deal 2 damage until Mask falls low enough to avoid getting knocked back into its starting altar.
  • I approach Mask quickly and stun it one more time before hitting it with a jumpslash from my last deku stick.
  • I will need to manipulate RNG for the remainder of this phase and the subsequent phases so the remains flying around don't blast me.
  • 2 more power crouch stabs on Mask ends the fight.

Majora's Incarnation

  • In MrGrunz's Any% TAS, he got an extremely rare interaction (and I mean rare. I literally sat watching Incarnation run around for over 30 minutes at 300% emulation speed before this happened even once) that causes Incarnation to fall down almost immediately without any action from the player. I was dreading manipulating this ever since I started the TAS. I had a eureka moment though for an even faster strategy.
  • At the end of the Mask phase, I shot an arrow from the edge of the arena directly towards the center of the room. The arrow pauses mid-flight during the cutscene just like it did when I flipped Stone Tower. Once the Incarnation fight starts, it resumes flight and knocks down incarnation frame 1, causing Incarnation to literally fall right into my lap. I was able to start power crouch stabbing Incarnation on the 1st frame I could even use the sword.
  • Incarnation has a complicated, multi-part hitbox. It's possible to hit multiple parts of it with the same crouch stab. This unfortunately does not result in double hits. There is something I neglected to mention until now, though. Every time a sword swing (except spin attacks) connects with an enemy or object, there is 1 frame of hitstun which effectively lags the game. If anyone is curious what it feels like, I recommend crouch stabbing a deku flower to test it out. In the context of this fight, it means I need to angle my crouch stabs very carefully to avoid them connecting more than once.

Majora's Wrath

I manipulate Wrath to do attack with the whips so it can't kick me as I approach. Again, I need to avoid my crouch stabs double connecting here. After stunning it, 10 crouch stabs will end the fight and the run.

Special Thanks

  • Glitchless planning group DM people (Imbued, GlitchesAndStuff, Gigopler, Jess, Fox, Trevperson, and Samplename) for helping write the route, coming up with various ideas, and answering questions when I needed help.
  • Fox again for letting me reference his work in Pirate's Fortress.
  • Draconif, Imbued, and Gigopler for good critical feedback resulting in several improvements, as well as offering a variety of ideas.
  • Adruckenmiller for providing a visual representation of polygons after goron graveyard. (This helped me to not break the out of bounds rules)
  • Andzura for modifying the OoT collision viewer lua script to instead show the invisible path in Pinnacle Rock.
  • Kaztalek for being The Legendary Keeta and also for providing his wind lua script, making it much easier to TAS entering Snowhead Temple.
  • Ecksters for documenting item drop rates in a coherent chart.
  • Bruce Shankle for helping me with encoding different video plugins cleanly in one output file

Possible Improvements

  • During the intro cutscene, I wasted some time on a textbox in my effort to manipulate 50 rupees from the bushes at the start. Over the course of making this TAS, I learned a lot about RNG manipulation and I polished my RNG manipulation lua script a great deal. It took me over a month to get the 50 rupees at the start, but I feel there's a very good chance that I could pull this off without wasting time on a textbox knowing what I know now.
  • On my first trip to the laboratory, I did not get a popup onto the tank. I had originally completely finished Pirate's Fortress before a comment from Imbued gave me an idea on how to get this popup. I redid all of Pirate's Fortress to include it. I did not redo the first visit to the lab however, because I was waiting for Curiosity Shop to open. I was 2 frames early to Curiosity Shop as it is, so this would only have resulted in waiting outside for longer. That being said, if I had gone back ALL the way to Deku Palace and moved my Inverted Song of Time points to get an even tighter night 1 transition, I could potentially save about a second. This would have impacted RNG which would have meant redoing literally everything after Deku Palace.
  • In Ocarina of Time, tapping B while swimming can make Link swim faster. This mechanic does not exist in Majora's Mask, but I caught rumor that tapping B can sometimes allow Link to start swimming sooner after entering the water. I haven't tested it, but this could potentially save frames getting the Zora Mask. It also runs into the same problem with the Curiosity Shop I previously mentioned. On top of that, I didn't hear about this until I had not just finished making the TAS, but finished recording, uploading, and coordinating a live commentated reveal for the TAS. If it works, it's apparently a very little-known piece of info.
  • I mentioned this in the Stage by Stage comments, but I discovered partway through the TAS that holding down on the stick for the first frame of a spike roll while on flat ground or an upward slope causes Link to reach max speed sooner. The difference this makes is almost always insignificant. I found it by accident when trying to micro-adjust my position for a sticky roll; I never would have thought to try hitting the brakes to increase my speed otherwise. This could potentially save a few frames prior to my first visit to Pirate's Fortress when I discovered it.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

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I literally was thinking about this yesterday and look at the chances! Gotta give this a watch when I have time :)
I still learn more about English.
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Editor, Judge, Experienced player (990)
Joined: 3/9/2019
Posts: 814
Going to have to watch this in pieces when I can! Got a couple questions. In the banned list of actions some of them I don't understand like Down A or Delay Collection. Could you link a resource that explains the banned techs? Also noticed that Bizhawk version used is pretty old at this point. Was there any particular reason why such an older version was used?
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
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Joined: 10/17/2017
Posts: 9
CoolHandMike wrote:
Going to have to watch this in pieces when I can! Got a couple questions. In the banned list of actions some of them I don't understand like Down A or Delay Collection. Could you link a resource that explains the banned techs? Also noticed that Bizhawk version used is pretty old at this point. Was there any particular reason why such an older version was used?
Many techniques are explained under the "techniques" tab here: I'll add this to the submission text. As for the version, when I use any series 2 version of bizhawk, clicking into any of the tools windows such as the virtual pad defocuses the emulator. This makes my hotkeys not work unless I click back into the main emulator. I find this incredibly aggravating to work with and I have a lot less patience to push sections to their limit when I need to deal with that.
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Eumeus14 wrote:
As for the version, when I use any series 2 version of bizhawk, clicking into any of the tools windows such as the virtual pad defocuses the emulator. This makes me hotkeys not work unless I click back into the main emulator. I find this incredibly aggravating to work with and I have a lot less patience to push sections to their limit when I need to deal with that.
Thanks for the link update for the techs. If Virtual Pad is getting in the way of tasing I understand.
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
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beautiful!!! no excuses for the people who claims glitches are cheating lol
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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I think it will never not be a pet peeve of mine that glitchless allows such an obvious glitch as power crouch stab... just because it's easy to do? I think in MM it is even worse than in OoT, since there actually is a version that has this glitch fixed, yet you chose to not use that version, in large parts specifically so you could use this glitch, in your glitchless run. But if the OoT/MM community decided that glitches are allowed in their glitchless runs, then who am I to argue. The TAS is extremely well optimised and very entertaining, so obvious yes vote. PS: Don't the rules state "no out of bounds"? Yet you went out of bounds two times in Pinnacle Rock. ;D
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Hi Eumeus14, I'll be judging this movie and think it'd be interesting if you could provide an answer to these questions/comments by Slowking.
Slowking wrote:
[...] glitchless allows such an obvious glitch as power crouch stab... just because it's easy to do?
Slowking wrote:
[...] there actually is a version that has this glitch fixed, yet you chose to not use that version, in large parts specifically so you could use this glitch, in your glitchless run.
Slowking wrote:
[...] Don't the rules state "no out of bounds"? Yet you went out of bounds two times in Pinnacle Rock.
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eien86 wrote:
Hi Eumeus14, I'll be judging this movie and think it'd be interesting if you could provide an answer to these questions/comments by Slowking.
Slowking wrote:
[...] glitchless allows such an obvious glitch as power crouch stab... just because it's easy to do?
Slowking wrote:
[...] there actually is a version that has this glitch fixed, yet you chose to not use that version, in large parts specifically so you could use this glitch, in your glitchless run.
Slowking wrote:
[...] Don't the rules state "no out of bounds"? Yet you went out of bounds two times in Pinnacle Rock.
Yeah. So I went with the standardized rules on which do allow for the use of power crouch stabbing. I want to make it clear that these rules are not decided by any one person. The rules are collectively decided by the community. There may be things in this run such as power crouch stab that some people disagree with. There are things in this run that I myself disagree with being allowed. For instance, I don't agree with allowing glitchless to skip Goron Lullaby. But that doesn't matter because again, no one person decides these rules. That being said, if you asked me how I personally would justify power crouch stab, I would argue that it doesn't make sense ban one of Link's built-in attacks on the principle that it doesn't work correctly. If it was instead the regular slash that had this behavior, I think people would agree it would be very strange to ban it. And I do differentiate this from being "easy". There is a glitch that used to be allowed on the principle that it was easy, but is now banned, this being anti-gravity (Fall speed being reset to 0 mid-air when falling past ceilings in a certain way). It may sound absurd, but it's actually incredibly easy to do this by accident just falling past a lower ceiling, and I had to actively avoid doing it in many cases. A good example of this in RTA runs is the jumpslash recoil to the 2nd floor on the first trip to Woodfall Temple; runners actually follow a particular motion to specifically avoid getting anti-gravity doing this trick. I want to point out that power crouch stabbing is not the main reason for the choice of version; the main reason is that I can hit the beehive in the hookshot room in Pirate's Fortress from below on the Japanese version, whereas I cannot do this on the English version. On English, I would need to climb the huge ladder in the center of Pirate's Fortress to access the beehive without getting caught, and this would take a lot of time. If I were to do this run on the English version, I would just need a few more deku sticks (and deku nuts for Gomess) to accommodate not having access to power crouch stab, which is a much smaller loss than Pirate's Fortress. As for the comment about out of bounds in Pinnacle Rock, I could be wrong, but I believe Slowking was actually being facetious here. In order to keep the player from going infinitely far out into the water in the Great Bay areas, there are void triggers in the water. It was just faster to swim out to the edge of the swimmable area to be taken back to the entrance rather than swimming all the way back. Another reason I believe this comment to be in jest is that there is a true out of bounds way to get back to the entrance of Pinnacle Rock, which I did not use. Omgatree and I did use this trick in our low% TAS; linked here w/ timestamp
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Eumeus14 wrote:
So I went with the standardized rules on which do allow for the use of power crouch stabbing. I want to make it clear that these rules are not decided by any one person. The rules are collectively decided by the community. There may be things in this run such as power crouch stab that some people disagree with. There are things in this run that I myself disagree with being allowed. For instance, I don't agree with allowing glitchless to skip Goron Lullaby. But that doesn't matter because again, no one person decides these rules. That being said, if you asked me how I personally would justify power crouch stab, I would argue that it doesn't make sense ban one of Link's built-in attacks on the principle that it doesn't work correctly. If it was instead the regular slash that had this behavior, I think people would agree it would be very strange to ban it. And I do differentiate this from being "easy". There is a glitch that used to be allowed on the principle that it was easy, but is now banned, this being anti-gravity (Fall speed being reset to 0 mid-air when falling past ceilings in a certain way). It may sound absurd, but it's actually incredibly easy to do this by accident just falling past a lower ceiling, and I had to actively avoid doing it in many cases. A good example of this in RTA runs is the jumpslash recoil to the 2nd floor on the first trip to Woodfall Temple; runners actually follow a particular motion to specifically avoid getting anti-gravity doing this trick.
For the reference, the current definition of the glitchless goal for the standard class is this:
Wiki: MovieRules#Standard wrote:
Completing the game as fast as possible while avoiding all known glitches (defined per game in accordance with the community).
  • If some technique feels like a glitch and causes questions, it's best to avoid it. If you think you have a good reason to use it anyway, ask a Judge.
If there's already community consensus on it, I think it's safe to rely on it. But if someone wants to avoid even more borderline glitches, that's also fine.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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feos wrote:
If there's already community consensus on it, I think it's safe to rely on it. But if someone wants to avoid even more borderline glitches, that's also fine.
Many speedrunning communities have solved this very discussion by naming this category: "No Major Glitches", instead of the more categorical: "Glitchless". I believe this run belongs much better to the former categorization than the latter.
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I feel it overshoots it then, because I don't think many of those avoided glitches match our definition of a major skip glitch, which is usually singular per game.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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In the case of Majora's Mask, there already exists separate "No Major Glitches" and "Bug Limit" categories. Both of these categories are much less restrictive than the rules abided in this run. The glitchless ruleset in Majora's Mask aims to list every single banned technique. This list can be seen near the start of the submission notes.