So... for someone with literally no familiarity with this game, what's going on and what are the implications?
King Boo has gone from being two cycled to a-bit-less-than-one cycled.
I wouldn't say "a-bit-less-than-one cycled". I would say "a-bit-more-than-zero cycled".
Great work to everyone so far, I can't wait to see future runs of this game!
Since we're on a nostalgia/praise kick, I'll throw my cents in the bucket. I too remember when TSA's sub-5 had just come out, and we were still trying to figure out seamwalking. Now we have all these insane ways to break the game; forget the specific categories and finished submissions, the process has been the most exciting part of all this to behold.
[now I go back to lurking]
I distinctly remember when Infinite Sword Glitch was discovered, and no one really thought it would be useful for anything.
And now the game is going to be beat in under 20 minutes. Holy shit.
I've been keeping track of the threads on here for I don't know how long, and I definitely plan to continue to do so. Just wanted to say what you guys are doing is fucking awesome and I look forward to new developments!
watch what you say, petrie. i'm sure you remember just as well as i do a time when people thought the infinite sword glitch was useless and had no use in a speed run.
alright, i'm kinda just talking out of my ass here because i have no clue how game programming works, but i would assume that the game is running a function to temporarily change your supply of bombchus to be infinite when you start the bowling. so what you would need to do is find out at what point the game switches you back to finite bombchus, and find a way to interrupt that or otherwise bypass it to keep them at infinite.
i know that with the wrong warp stuff, it works because all the fairy fountains are in the same area, just some aren't loaded, is this the same for buildings? if so, what would happen if you were to start an ISG off of the bombchu bowling couple, hover out of bounds, and make your way into an entrance/exit that isn't loaded? would it behave normally, as if you exited the bombchu bowling alley, or would the part of the game that changes B back to sword not be called since you didn't go out the front door?
Bomb threat at work, Holy crap man, where do you work?
public library. basically what happened was some dude went to the police station and lit his truck on fire in the parking lot. his truck had ammo in it which started going off, which it's assumed he hoped people would go outside because of it. he then opened fire on the police station. in the press conference they say he fired off over 100 shots. he died in the ensuing chaos, but it's unknown if he killed himself or if one of the cops firing on him got the last shot in.
his truck had a trailer attached to it, in it was a bomb made from the same materials as the one used in the oklahoma city bombings. thank god that thing didn't go off, my library is a few miles away from the police station but i'm sure we would have felt it.
pretty much the whole city was on lockdown, mainly because about an hour before this shooter did his thing there was apparently another person who fired shots at the local community college (right across the street from the police department) who was never caught. any city ran places were basically on lockdown, no one in, no one out, for like 2 hours.
re: who discovered ISG
i looked through some of the really old posts in the sda OoT topic a few weeks ago and it looked like kazooie was the first person to post a video of it in that thread. it's funny looking back because everyone was like "okay cool but i don't see how this is useful"
Mind posting a link to the sda page that has it? I couldn't find it..
sorry i didn't hit this thread back sooner, was in the middle of a bomb/gunman threat at work.
i can't figure out how to get the damn link to not go to my useless post, but most of the talk on that page is about how it could be used for seam-walking to shadow temple or if it would be feasible to use against bosses
e: kazooie claims to have discovered it before the youtube video was posted, but i dunno
re: who discovered ISG
i looked through some of the really old posts in the sda OoT topic a few weeks ago and it looked like kazooie was the first person to post a video of it in that thread. it's funny looking back because everyone was like "okay cool but i don't see how this is useful"
iirc kafei's quest would require 2 whole cycles for 100%. one to get postman's hat, and one to get the extra bottle from kafei's mom.
correct me if i'm wrong, however
I believe his point on costs was that you were posting something on a forum that is free (TASVideos), the implication being he recognized you from the only particularly well-known non-free forum.
well...cocks. oh well at least i mentioned somethingawful otherwise people may have thought that i'm just some stupid youtube lper. although the only difference between me and them is 10 dollars i guess :/
So it has to have been brought up before, but, you guys have to LP this at some point.
I mean it has a monkey wearing a jetpack, whilst firing machine guns, sometimes in a desert like region. It is totaly refreshing unique material for you! Not to mention the whole picking up water mellon slices to restore health thing. And the name 'DK' sounds far too much like 'CJ' for it to be a fluke. Its fate I tell you!
trust me, me and drakkel have talked about this. funny story, actually. let me start from the beginning:
someone posted in the LP sandcastle that they were going to LP this game, but didn't fully know the game so they weren't going to 100% it. some other dude FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT at the notion that the game would not be 100% completed (like, right down to picking up every fucking coin, this dude was insane). someone said there could be two threads, one with this uppity bastard doing 100% so it'd be a "professional thread", and one with the other guy, as a "new person just playing the game thread". me and drakkel thought this was funny as hell and said we should start a thread as soon as those guys do. one of us (i think it was me) said we should each control one kong, and have a 20-30 minute video of one of us playing as much as we could as our one kong, with roosevelt being DK naturally, and it spun from there. only problem is the shitty emulation (even on PJ64) for dk64 makes this pretty much impossible as it stands. but yes, we have thought this through and think it'd be pretty fun to do if we didn't fuck it up too badly. i think we ended up deciding that roosevelt would be DK, drakkel and sovietwaffle (studio) would switch off who plays diddy since they wouldn't stop arguing about it, rock tumbler would be lanky, cherrydoom would be tiny, and i would be chunky. so whenever an emulator comes out that plays this game well enough for us to do it, yeah, we might lp it.
e: and if by free to join forum you mean somethingawful, then i hate to break it to you but it aint free. tenbux up front
Thanks for letting me know, because I was just about to try doodling some routes on that GameFAQs map. Now I just wish I knew whether you can skip or speed up the questions in that game, because that would affect whether or not it's worth answering a few more to avoid even the quickest mini-game.
EDIT: And here's the GameFAQs map as well as another map I found on some old Angelfire site.
I noticed the first map has a bunch of Clock squares where the second map has Visual, so we'll want to check those for sure.
EDIT AGAIN: And the second map's missing three whole squares in the middle. Brilliant.
It looks like the second map is right about those squares being Visual, though. I guess the first mapmaker couldn't tell eyes from clocks.
I'd recommend upgrading Lakilester soon after you get him, his Cloud Nine ability could be manipulated to make every attack miss you (it's been a while since I played, but is this and Bow's invisible attack the only ways to make attacks miss?). If this works, you could throw all upgrades into FP and BP with only a few in HP for everything before getting him.
I want to clarify real quick that I do respect your opinion. The only reason I was pissed off about the article you wrote is that you seem to be trying to pass your opinion off as fact. That is actually the only reason why I was even talking about it on IRC (other than kwinse telling me to read it and me having nothing better to do), you didn't really bother to say anywhere that it is your opinion and that you aren't insulting fans of the game. Perhaps if you had been more clear about it, people wouldn't be so pissed off.
I will admit real quick that your pictures were funny. I chuckled a bit when I saw the CNN and IM thing. But the HUD isn't really that cluttered. The only thing that takes up any room (enough to obstruct your vision ridiculously) would be the arm cannon. The small insignificant square on the bottom-left isn't really hiding any secrets, perhaps a plant that you shouldn't bother with but nothing huge. And if something is on the left (around the "Warning" level thing) and is an immediate threat to you, it is probably big enough to see on the left and right side of the partially transluscent (depending on your settings) really thin bar. Although the Warning thing is a stupid idea in the first place (I have to agree with you there, no need to warn me when I could just look at my rapidly lowering health), it doesn't take up as much room as you exaggerate it to.
I need to ask this: how bad is your vision? You say that you need to have the things really opaque to be able to play, but do you honestly need to set it to the darkest possible level to see it or are you just trying to exaggerate again? You could set it anywhere between 60% and 80% to have it partially transluscent, but honestly. About 75% opaqueness isn't completely invisible, you should be able to make out what the numbers are at that level (unless you really do have really bad vision, in which case ignore this paragraph).
And most of your other points don't make too much sense either. Like the chozo ghost point you make (having to fight them when you go through the area). It's not like you are being forced to (in some cases, one room I can remember does this) fight them, and their attacks aren't that hard to dodge, so running past them shouldn't be a problem.
And about all the doors looking alike, this has happened in pretty much all of the Metroid games. Generic blue door, generic blue door, generic missile locked door, generic locked door. It's not like the other games had a high variety of doors.
Calling every room the same is a definite over-exaggeration. There are barely any rooms that look the same, and even if they do look kind of similar to a room on the opposite side of the area, they will have a different enemy set-up, which would set the room apart from the other ones. Even if a different enemy here may not seem like a big deal, it does mean the rooms are different.
Most of your points in the "Artificial Challenge" section apply to Super Metroid as well. Such as after getting the Morph ball and Missiles, a lot of enemies appear out of thin air. That is exactly one of the points you seem to hate in Metroid Prime, "several rooms add more “enemies” to them after certain events happen in “the” game."
Your "Impractical Visors" section is mostly true, but you make it seem like you can't beat the game unless you walk around using only the X-Ray Visor. Just to let you know, pressing up on the D-Pad turns it off. Just sayin real quick that you don't have to leave it on all the time. You also mention the "gigantic triangle in the middle of [your] view," when talking about the Thermal Visor. In the middle of that huge blockade of a triangle is a blank space for you to see through. And it's not like it's that obtrusive anyway. It's just kinda there. And you also mention the scan visor. Did you not realize you can play the entire game without touching it once? It only adds to the realism that you seem to hate (why would you go to an unknown space station without any way of finding out what the fuck anything is?).
The game being too dark may be a problem with your TV. I have a small TV in my game room that has shitty brightness with no way to mess with it, but all the other TVs in my house have good brightness and ways to mess with it (except one other, which is unfortunately the best TV to play games on :/). You just need to turn up the brightness on the TV.
The controls being crappy is just your opinion (again, you should have stated that somewhere). There are many people (myself included) who think these are the best controls for a FPS game. Do you play other FPS games before this that got you hooked on double-analog controls? Because controls being like that would completely ruin the game (another poster mentioned this, so I wont go into detail about it).
Also, I'm just going to say real quick that I did NOT make an account just for this topic. I actually made it a while back, but never really posted (except for one post, apparently).