So it has to have been brought up before, but, you guys have to LP this at some point.
I mean it has a monkey wearing a jetpack, whilst firing machine guns, sometimes in a desert like region. It is totaly refreshing unique material for you! Not to mention the whole picking up water mellon slices to restore health thing. And the name 'DK' sounds far too much like 'CJ' for it to be a fluke. Its fate I tell you!
Joined: 6/13/2006
Posts: 3300
Location: Massachussetts, USA
I got an idea that will satisfy that. If/when a TAS ever gets finished, I'll do a commentary like I did for OoT. I'm sure I can once again put my voice acting skills to good use.
So it has to have been brought up before, but, you guys have to LP this at some point.
I mean it has a monkey wearing a jetpack, whilst firing machine guns, sometimes in a desert like region. It is totaly refreshing unique material for you! Not to mention the whole picking up water mellon slices to restore health thing. And the name 'DK' sounds far too much like 'CJ' for it to be a fluke. Its fate I tell you!
trust me, me and drakkel have talked about this. funny story, actually. let me start from the beginning:
someone posted in the LP sandcastle that they were going to LP this game, but didn't fully know the game so they weren't going to 100% it. some other dude FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT at the notion that the game would not be 100% completed (like, right down to picking up every fucking coin, this dude was insane). someone said there could be two threads, one with this uppity bastard doing 100% so it'd be a "professional thread", and one with the other guy, as a "new person just playing the game thread". me and drakkel thought this was funny as hell and said we should start a thread as soon as those guys do. one of us (i think it was me) said we should each control one kong, and have a 20-30 minute video of one of us playing as much as we could as our one kong, with roosevelt being DK naturally, and it spun from there. only problem is the shitty emulation (even on PJ64) for dk64 makes this pretty much impossible as it stands. but yes, we have thought this through and think it'd be pretty fun to do if we didn't fuck it up too badly. i think we ended up deciding that roosevelt would be DK, drakkel and sovietwaffle (studio) would switch off who plays diddy since they wouldn't stop arguing about it, rock tumbler would be lanky, cherrydoom would be tiny, and i would be chunky. so whenever an emulator comes out that plays this game well enough for us to do it, yeah, we might lp it.
e: and if by free to join forum you mean somethingawful, then i hate to break it to you but it aint free. tenbux up front
I believe his point on costs was that you were posting something on a forum that is free (TASVideos), the implication being he recognized you from the only particularly well-known non-free forum.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
I believe his point on costs was that you were posting something on a forum that is free (TASVideos), the implication being he recognized you from the only particularly well-known non-free forum.
well...cocks. oh well at least i mentioned somethingawful otherwise people may have thought that i'm just some stupid youtube lper. although the only difference between me and them is 10 dollars i guess :/
roosevelt would be DK, drakkel and sovietwaffle (studio) would switch off who plays diddy since they wouldn't stop arguing about it, rock tumbler would be lanky, cherrydoom would be tiny, and i would be chunky.
You realise that I will now have the mental image in my head of your lps consisting of a group of chimps huddled around a computer. Though it will be odd seeing Cherrydoom as a blonde, and drakkel and sovietwaffle sharring a body between them. The rest of you work perfectly though.
Derakon wrote:
I believe his point on costs was that you were posting something on a forum that is free (TASVideos), the implication being he recognized you from the only particularly well-known non-free forum.
Yeah. Easier to say hi on here than trust myself with a credit card.
MissileWaster wrote:
so whenever an emulator comes out that plays this game well enough for us to do it, yeah, we might lp it.
Rockin. Well in that case keep up the 'wishfull thinking' everyone!
I recently joined TASvideos now. And I really admire all of the videos! But I wanted to see more donkey kong. I was first thinking of making my own TAS run. I would love to see a 100% Donkey Kong64 run. But then I am wondering if anyone is WORKING with Donkey Kong64 TAS run? Please reply if you know, otherwise I start making my own route and making a 100% speed run =P
1. Please post in the existing topic
2. Don't scream your topic titles
3. Dk64 isn't TASable yet because mupen doesn't emulate it
Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. Also read the FAQ if you haven't.
That was a topic for DK64. From what I read, there is not usable version of this game. I want to see a 100% run of this game, too. After watching the LONG normal run, a TAS will make it much cleaner with pinpoint accuracy and such.
Wait a sec... You can make a speed run of this game? Or, perhaps you should just make a route for it.
Firstly, Sorry for anything I did wrong when I created it.
Second.. I AM going to make a TAS run of this game (100%)
And at the time I wait for a reasonable version for the right tools for TASing Ill be making my route.
So sorry once again, (Im a new boi :-])!
Sorry to be rude, but I hope someone actually manages to make a TAS of this game. There are many tasks, such as catching those stupid Banana Fairies, that is too difficult for natural skills to do efficiently.
Yes I agree with you all. But I already started making a route, but It is very difficult. The main thing I think of is getting all the character's before even starting collecting evertyhing, But I found some good ways on how to get bananas and Diddy kong on jungle japes, Jungle japes aint clear though, it will make it alot easier if I have all of the character so I dont need to run so much. I will especially look at the speedrun on speeddemosarchive, wich is a very good route but still needs some fresh up.
NOTE: I am very familiar with this game and I know how I should make my routes. Just need some detailing.
EDIT: I know you can't play it yet as a TAS, but just look.. The game is VERY BIG and need lots of planning and routing. So I think It will take quite some time to make the routes. It is hard already to find some good jungle japes route.
Why are you wasting your time posting here? Of the total of two posts you made in this thread, approximately two are completely useless and/or redundant.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.