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The (I suppose self-imposed) line drawn in what glitches are okay in a full run forbid both left+right movement and the fairy glitch. Any room with an open celing, fairy, and the allowance of left+right can lead to the fairy glitch, which, yes, can skip the barrier. But I have no interest in making a "only uses left+right for a few frames and only uses the fairy glitch once" run. If you allow the fairy glitch (and disallow left+right) you can still glitch the game the same way the glitched run does by using fairy in the town where you learn reflect. Then all you really need to get is Jump, the Hammer, Downstab/Fairy, the Glove, the Raft, the 4 magic containers and the Thunder spell (since without left+right, you'd be forced to fight thunderbird). You can probably get away with not getting downstab, but I'm not sure if dying to refill your magic for fairy is slower than just getting it. You can then bypass the barrier by using the false left exit. If you were allowing left+right only while fairy, that'd cut out the raft. Unless you didn't allow going into the doors in crazytown, but that's a heck of a lot of arbitrary rules. edit: no, sorry, I'm lying. You need the flute (so you also need the boots) while allowing the fairy glitch, because you can't get thunder without left+right while the game is broken through glitching the town.
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Nah, you can fairy through any part of the door, including the keyhole. You can stop in the door without being ejected, you can move up and down whlie inside the door. It is as if the door isn't there, you know, except the small amount of resistance pushing you back when you move.
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MetalChurch wrote:
What you need to do is use the fairy spell (and maybe the shield/reflect spell) and pass throught the magnetic field(or whatever this is) and if you have enough life/heart , you will pass throught it.
I've heard of this before. You can get some of the way into the barrier before you die, but you still can't make it. Here's an FCM Unless I'm not doing something right. In any case, I would be weary about using something that would let you skip every palace (except 2, 3, 4, and 5 to get items) in the full run, and it's probably slower than what's done in the glitched run. It is possible to use fairy in a town to do the same thing to the game the healer glitch does, also with the end effect of skipping all palaces except for Palace 2 (glove) and Palace 3 (raft).
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Pekopon wrote:
There was something funny that was in the other movie that wasn't in this one, but that's no big deal.
I'm curious, what was the funny thing?
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The sky diving bonus game is the penguin diving into the pool. The bouncing bonus game belongs to rocket belt stages. Personally, I think the game lends itself better to a playaround than a pure speed run anyway, so I suppose it doesn't matter...
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When I was fooling around with this game a few months ago, the bonus game I got while TASing was different from the bonus game I got when watching. This was a problem I didn't feel like dealing with, so good luck with it if you decide to go for bonuses. And I'd wager always skipping the light plane would be the fastest option. This is what I was intending on doing, but didn't feel like dealing with the bonus game problem I was having. If you're getting a bonus stage, you actually don't have to do the stage perfectly, and you still get a perfect score IIRC. So if you do decide to get the bonus game in, say, skydiving, do you skip the rings? It's probably faster to go straight for the platform. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
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In the interest of not having to consider banning any people, I propose we consider banning Super Metroid. It doesn't have any feelings to consider, after all. Also, t'would be hilarious.
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Dear Bisqwit, Assuming you aren't a vegetarian, do you prefer Moose, Reindeer or good ol' Cow meat? Assuming you aren't opposed to liquor, do you prefer Lakka, Mead, or Vodka? Assuming you don't hate deliciousness, do you prefer Blueberries, Strawberries or Raspberries? Also why (if applicable)
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Problem solved. I found a female quarter inch to male eighth inch adaptor in a box in the basement. So I could use my other mic. The adaptor probably screwed with the quality a bit, but it's not too bad. Anyway, here's to basement boxes. Also here's a commentary. This is sort of a temporary home for it for now. Hopefully one of you dudes who is savy about the video aspect can stick it on the video. It starts when the published avi starts. Probably doesn't have to be too exact anyway. Yes, that's as loud as I can talk without shouting. e: nice screenshot by the way, FractalFusion :)
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I just sat down to record a commentary, but it turns out my microphone is total ass, so I'll have to find another way. It's sort of disappointing. I guess I could try using my feild recorder and capturing the audio via line-in, but that's a pretty poor idea, quality-wise. I need some time in my thinking spot. Think... think think...
Derk wrote:
The description says he doesn't kill a monster, but doesn't he kill a monster in the very first cave? Hit once on the way in, once on the way out... gets 10 exp.
Yes, this is true. I kill the hell out of that jerk >:[
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Location: Canada Basically a passive account, though I did bother to upload the recently publishesd Z2 run.
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Comicalflop wrote:
In the submission text, you mention all these frame delays and frame savings, which gives one the impression that overall not a lot of frames were saved from a previously tightly optimized movie, yet this was 30 seconds faster. Could you elaborate a little more on how this movie is half a minute faster?
Sure. In the old run, after the Jump spell is gotten, Link walks through the jump cave to level 2, playing it without the warping glitch active, then uses up&a (game restart trick) and travels to Saria via the warping glitch. Measured from getting Jump to entering Saria, this takes 9470 frames. In the new run, up&a is used after getting the Jump spell, then Link travels to Palace 2 via the warping glitch and walks back across the swamp to Saria. Measured from getting Jump to entering Saria, this takes 7830 frames. 1640 frames saved thanks the the better route choice. I overestimated the savings thanks to walking around to the north of the warp point to east Hyrule, it's only 109 frames. I should probably update the submission text.
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Okie doke. In Palace 2, You start in room 0E, with the down exit pointing to 13. That's where you go when you use the warp. In the glove room, (room 14), the top and bottom exits point to room 00. That seems to be the first room of the first palace. If you stop the run when that warp is used and enter the palace via the elevator, you do indeed enter palace #1 (with palace 2's colors) In the room with the jar under the rock (map #59), all exits point to 3F. This is what warps Link to East Hyrule. For some reason, this acts like it's the exit of another map. Just wandering around inside palace 1, it looks like it takes whatever is mapped to the bottom exit. e: the thread is over this a way. I'll edit the submission text once you get whatever it is figured out.
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Comicalflop wrote:
or other TASes start getting commentaries made
As a head's up, I fully intend on doing this in the next couple of days for the new Zelda 2 run. Like, a serious commentary, I'm not particularly funny.
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Dwedit wrote:
I made the Zelda 2 editor, so I'm sort of familiar with how the exits normally work.
Oh snap! You're that Dwedit? I had fun with that program. Hella fun. Yes, hella. Otherwise, yeah, I don't know why the door leads to freakytown or why entering the building there a certain number of times breaks the game this way. Entering more times puts you into a town with fall-through ground and no right (I think, memory's a bit fuzzy) exit. Of course, I'm really curious what exactly is happening to the game. I do not have the skills to find out, though.
Twelvepack wrote:
If the warping is so poorly understood, how was the current route decided on? was it strictly trial and error, or was enough of a pattern known to decide on a reasonably coherent path?
Short answer: trial and error. Long answer: Now that I have tried and errored, I find the way it works somewhat predictable. If you exit to the right, it is (usually) the normal right exit. If you exit to the left without scrolling the screen, it is (usually) the normal left exit. When you scroll the screen a bit, and exit to the left, that's where the fun happens. This includes when the screen is already scrolled for you (spawning anywhere other than the left of a room). Using this, I worked out the route through palace 2 in advance, but there was a chance something I didn't expect would have happened. A lot of the work on the route was done by other TASers also. Sometimes it's sort of easy to tell where you will go. For rooms with an elevator, you usually go to the room that the elevator links to. For rooms in sequence, you will usually go one screen to the right. For rooms with only one exit, that's when the destination is less predictable. Occasionally you will wind up at the enterance of the palace. Occasionally you will wind up in the middle of nowhere. Using fairy on the top of a screen links you to similar places as the glitched exits. Of course, sometimes you spawn inside bricks or lava, so in general, every exit needs to be tested. That said, I have obviously not tested every exit in the game because I am generally not that bored. Trying to go into the basement with the magic jar in Hidden Kasuto will warp you to old Kasuto. Weird suff like that is probably impossible to predict without seeing (or knowing exactly what's happening).
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Dwedit wrote:
So how exactly does the strange warping work?
If you're looking for a technical explanation, I have no idea. From observation, Link is drawn in the wrong spot, and takes exits that don't normally exist. If you pause the game when Link first spawns, the menu is actually half off the screen on the left. The game handles the false exits by putting Link in unexpected places.
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girfanatic501 wrote:
Also, I noticed that this run has the normal (U) [!] rom but the last run had a (U) [b4] rom. Dosen't that mean it is a bad dump?
I just use the rom I have. As far as I know there has never been any problem between it and the good dump. It probably just has a dirty header or something.
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I have matched and even surpassed the speed at which my lost WIP got the Handy Glove, but for some reason manipulating the swamp leaving palace 2 still did not go how my notes said it should. So I am taking the fastest overworld battle I have found, and I'm going to press on. I cannot find a way to manipulate it away. The reason I am posting this is to ask: is this acceptable? Consider the route and the precision of play is superior to the published run, with an overworld battle that I have in the past found a way to avoid (taking the battle loses ~28 frames to a known best time). I can't seem to duplicate that manipulation thanks to randomness that is beyond my understanding. The manipulation was almost as slow as taking the battle anyway. Thanks in advance for the input, guys.
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girfanatic501 wrote:
Otherwise, what games for the NES have some kind of hook.
Besides what's been listed, Konami's Batman Returns comes to mind. Dunno if that's what klmz is looking for or not though.
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Here's the progress on the new Zelda 2 glitched run, stopping a bit before the hammer run and subsequent warp to east Hyrule. Since my desktop died an untimely death quite some time ago, my previous progress on the Zelda 2 glitched run was lost. I have recently been rebuilding it on my brother's laptop. Luckily, the bulk of the testing has already been done, so it's just a matter of executing. And since my last WIP was lost forever because I didn't give it to anyone, I'm posting this WIP. It is 34 frames behind where my notes from the lost WIP tell me it should be. But I temporarily inserted an overworld battle to save me (more) hours of searching for a way past. Since the town is where the routes synch back up, it is worth it to get there, so I can easily compare how I'm doing against the published run. As it stands, I am 1633 frames ahead of the published run at this point. I am very optimistic that this run will shave 30 seconds off that run. My notes indicate that it should be possible to exit the glove room 5 frames sooner, but I don't see where, and my notes are sketchy at best around this point in the game, because it's mixed in with the previous overworld. Those 5 frames are probably from the swamp before level 2, but I just don't see where they are, and if swamp 2 works well, it might not matter anyway, it might lead to better luck, and a faster overall time. Here's hoping. I'm going to rework the last stretch of the second pass through the swamp first, which hopefully covers the 34 missing frames. Unfortunately, the swamp is a horrific nightmare, and I will be lucky to retain my sanity while trying to tighten it. If I can't find a way through, I'll look back for the mystery 5 frames on swamp 1. It's possible that going even slower on swamp 1 will lead to a faster swamp 2, and be better overall, but I'm not in a position to test every possibility. Luckily, the actual dungeons are hex friendly, so I can use the same run through palace 2 no matter what I do to swamp 1. My only goal is to match what my notes tell me for arriving at the town, since that's where my notes get more exact. Anyway, about the WIP, I found 1 frame of savings in the basement where you get the Jump spell. The rest of the savings is from better route choices, and playing more of the game broken. I found a frame of savings in the basement where you get Downstab as well, but, that one frame forced me to lose something like 20 frames manipulating the overworld on the way to palace 2. So I get downstab the old way. The more I work on manipulating enemies on the swamp, the less sense it makes. If there's anywhere the run won't be fully optimized, it's that damn swamp. If anyone has any ideas about how to tackle it, or wants to take a crack at it themselves, I'm open to that... tl;dr just watch the WIP and tell me what you think
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My ass cheeks clenced when you shot the wall those couple of times vs Cobra Commander. I thought you were going to run out of ammo. Even so, really good ammo management and seriously masterful playing, LigerOfFortune.
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Inzult wrote:
I'll post our video when it's finished, if I remember. For the interested.
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Using this site I, with zero understanding of anything to do with anything even remotely required to make games, managed to make a working rom that played a song. Horray.
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I make sort of experimental electronic music. All my gear is out of commision, though, so I'm just noodling on my guitar in the meantime. Once a week or so, I get together with two dudes to work on our band. I use 'band' in the loosest possible sense. I'll post our video when it's finished, if I remember.
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theenglishman wrote:
This is why I watch the Marlies now. Also their tickets are realistically attainable.
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