Once you learn programming, you realize how to apply it to create games.
Start from simple ones, i.e. text based ones such as "I'm thinking a number from 1-100, guess what it is ... smaller/bigger".
Once you learn graphics, try creating a simple tile-based game. Here is a screenshot of one of my earliest such games.
In this game, the tiles are procedurally created (i.e. by drawing different colored lines and pixels). The movement is as crude as in Boulderdasher. Basic rules are created: gravity, collision checks, enemy AI, bonus items, exits, level loading, death.
If you think you can get the rotation and collision checks right, you can try to create a Tetris clone. Here's a screenshot of my first Tetris clone. It operates in text mode.
Creating such game is certainly teaching for a beginning programmer.
Going that route, you can start tackling more and more difficult challenges as you go.
The important question is not "how are games created". The important question is "what is programming". Games are not special in any way. It is just an application of programming theories; a rule set given to the computer, that the computer obeys, to produce an expected behavior.
And, do not aim to create a game for some console. Leave that to the experts. If you go that route, you can discard all the easy tools you have for PC, and have to start learning the intrinsic hardware details on that particular console, and program in a way not unlike building a house by piling peas one by one. Once you're not a beginner, you'll pile bricks one by one instead of peas, but that's not really much an advancement in methology. So, forget consoles.