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Here's a demonstration. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2603/hole_glitch.vbm It's probably impossible to do this in real time.
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As I thought, you are pressing up+down a lot. Nice found!:)
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This most likely works in Links Awakening too, although the hookshot glitch is probably faster.
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Yeah, the hookshot glitch is quite fast:). But it can save time before you get the feather. In dungeon 1 and in the overworld.
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I've been doing some testing in Link's Awakening, and I don't think the "walk across pits" trick works there. My best attempt made me stay hovering over the pit for a long time (quite amusing, actually, hehe), but I would eventually be pulled into the pit. Attempts one pixel up or down just made me go into the pit faster. So, either I haven't done enough testing, or the trick isn't possible. Believe me, I would love a trick to cross pits more often in Link's Awakening, but I think the programming for the pits is very solid. Damage-boosting requires very precise movements and manipulation, and the hookshot glitch allows for exactly one frame of free action (exploited by jumping) before the pit pulls you in. Just my thoughts...
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That's sad to hear Chef... =(. 1 frame? Is it really only one frame before you fall down into the pit when using the hookshot glitch...? And I who did it on my first try in real time... Didn't even expect it to work, lol. I'm going to explore some in OoS where it can save some time to take a shortcut using the "go over pit" bug:). EDIT: Hmm, does it have to be more than one pit in a row so you can can walk between them...? It isn't working when there's only one hole, right?
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Well, it might be more than a frame, but I do remember it being a very short time... Here's a demonstration of what happens when I try to glitch across a pit: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2628/Pit_test.vbm I also tried it going over a pit above Link, but that didn't work either.
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I tried a lot on Seasons with that bug... I couldn't actually make it:O. I guess I didn't walk on the perfect spot, oh well. Must learn so I can go on route researching:).
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For the most part, it seems that trick doesn't work on LA, but for some reason, there's a way to walk over the holes located 2 screens before you reach the Tail Cave. As far as Seasons, I can't help but wonder if there is any potential bomb drops before getting to the part where you have to bomb the wall. That would beat having to waste several seconds getting them from the chest. I've been testing item drops on my way there and all the enemies seem to drop only rupees and hearts.
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No, I don't think you can get them somewhere els besides that chest, sadly. I have been trying this as well. I'm afraid that you have to take that chest. If you can do the pit-glitch at any pit, you could take a very big shortcut on a lot of places!
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O well, I guess I'll get it from the chest then. So far I was able to walk over every hole I tried it as long as there is 2 holes side by side. You have to be close enough to the middle where you have enough time to choose which hole you could fall in. If you can't choose which hole you could fall in then it won't work.
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Ok, I'm going to look through the game "now" and write down every shortcut I can found. I've found a big one in dungeon 8 so far:). EDIT: I'm making a route for dungeon three at the moment, but it's a bit annoying... As you see on the map http://www.ganonstower.com/z7l3.jpg Nintendo were smart to make a keylock to the room with the feather and one to the miniboss room. And you have to enter both, and as there only are two keys in the dungeon, both has to be taken, annoying really. And you can't get on the trampoline without the feather. So the best thing you can do is: Go to the key at D9 using the normal route. S&Q warp back to start. Go up, up, glitch to the left, up the stairs and into the room with the feather. I have been thinking a little about what to do next, but I belive the normal route isn't the fastest one. Go to ladder F at D7 and take that way instead to get the key. After that, just go and beat the level regulary. Does this sound too complicated to understand? Hehe, I can make a vbm file of it if you like:). And I know that it isn't time to research this yet but... I wanted to. Oh, one thing more... I don't think you have tried this, but can you lift a rock while floating over a hole...? This could be used in Subroisa to avoid your feather being stolen.
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I don't think you could lift things when your already over a hole but I just tested it and Link can walk over holes while carry items. However you cant throw it until you get passed the holes. Otherwise he'll fall in. Yeah your route for level 3 seems easy to understand. I'll let you know if I have any questions.
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Can I please have some more details of how the glitch works? I haven't been able to do it yet... And I want to try some things. Also found that you can skip both the miniboss and the upgraded slingshot in dungeon 8, quite neat.
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You have to be almost exactly in the middle for it to work. Note there is no exact middle because you can get so that one pixel either way determines which hole you fall in. When you get it to that point then start alternating back and forth until you make it across.
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Bah, I can't make it... I always fall down in the end of each hole... Oh well, can still do some research with routes and stuff, but I can't try things like lift rockets while floating, and i wont make any moveis for ya either.
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Post a demo of your attempt and I'll tell you what you're doing wrong.
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I can't walk straight forward, just zigzag... http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2656/I%20suck.vbm
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At frame 54 press left 4 times and then start alternating right and left.
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Just posting to say I am working on an OoA Linked TAS. This isn't really a serious run, just something to do in my spare time, so I don't know how fast the progress will be. I'm working on a non-TAS (whatever that is called) Banjo-Kazooie Any% run as a major speed run project right now, which is taking up most of my time and thought. When that's done I could probably work on this a little more, but like I said, at this point it's just for fun. If you want, the current WIP: http://www.speedrunguild.com/stuff/Zelda-OoA_TAS_EA.vbm So far, there's a few mistakes, but none of them cost any more than a frame or two. If you're wondering why I chose the Power Ring L-3, it's because I figured the huge power bonus would definitely be worth it, considering I can manipulate luck to never be hit (so I would never experience the extra damage side-effect). I'm considering other rings for various parts of the game, though. Whimsical Ring seemed pointless so early in the game when one hit kills for everything anyway.
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Hey Tompa, I managed to manipulate 5 rupees from one of the skeletons, but I had to sacrifice 15 frames to do it. Do you know of any better way to get the 10 I need?
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Nice E_alert! I'm going to do a lot of research with the hole glitch in OoA as well, I belive you can sequence break a lot using it, HE HE. And dezbeats, there are some bushes and rocks that you have to lift in you path, like the one outside dungeon 2. Try to manipulate from these instead and you won't lose any time. You can also slash bats while driving the "train". EDIT: I have been looking through Ages a bit to find pit-glitch-places, and I have found a couple. But I want to hear some thing from dezbeats first: I totally suck at that glitch, sadly, and as you know it i want you to test some things for me, is this OK? I wonder if you can swim past wirhpools on the same way as the holes? This could save some time on a couple of places. And also if it is possible to do when there are three holes? Like: * ** You can pass those holes, right? I'm going to give more information to you e_alert. If you can't do the hole glitch yet, you better go and train on it:).
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I had to delay frames before killing it in order to get the rupees otherwise it would've dropped a heart. Somehow I have a feeling that I may have to delay frames before lifting the stones also. I'll go ahead and skip getting the 5 from the skeleton and see how everything else works out. I'll see if I can get any from the bats while riding the cart.
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I have to double post due to the limited memory of my PSP. As far as that trick working with the 3 holes, as long as Link could fall in the bottom left hole then there's a way to make it across. Try walking out a little bit over the holes until it starts pulling you in, then savestate. See which hole he falls in, reload state, test to see how many times you have to press the other direction to fall in other hole. Not one frame more.
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I will continue practice it. So far I have got many new tricks and stuff in OoS. And the dungeon routes that I have done are too far in the game, so it's not worth to tell them yet... Good luck with the rupees:).
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