User Awards
Publication Awards

First edition TAS of 2019
Linux Celeste by buhbai, euni, fishmcmuffins, keylie, DevilSquirrel & KT in 27:04.43

Glitchy TAS of 2019
SMS Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension "game end glitch" by The8bitbeast in 03:10.05

PC TAS of 2019
Linux Celeste "100%" by euni, fishmcmuffins, keylie, dahlukeh & Lanvilla in 1:27:36.12

Sega TAS of 2019
Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "ring attack, newgame+" by Evil_3D, TheYogWog & kaan55 in 1:26:11.12