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Yepp, that's the "route" for the Skeleton Master. You can check my bomb/arrow use at my first post on this Page (13), I have written the tactic for the Skeleton there too. For the moment you are using only 3 arrows in dungeon 5 (They may come in handy in dungeon 6, so be sure to not waste all...). After the dungeon you should have 5 arrows left And you need 3 before you get an arrow refill in dungeon 6. Good luck with dungeon 5 (Again:) )
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Nearby the room with the bomb refill is a room with an arrow refill. It would only take me a few seconds to collect that, too. Is that a better idea than taking it in level 6? Also, it seems to me that I should take the refills when I'm closest to the rooms, and that would be right before I fight phase 1 of the miniboss. Unless you're thinking of a different route to those rooms? More clarification would be nice... all this dungeon 5 stuff is quite confusing :)
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They are showed in one of the movies anyway. I thought I told you how clearly I could where the bomb refill is, hehe. And it's not those you are thinking about, away to the left before phase 1. From the "phase two room" it is LEFT-UP-RIGHT. You shall go and take them before you go to phase 3. How more clearly can I be?:) There is also a chest with a key in it in the same room. EDIT: As this is a new page, I post the bomb/arrow route again. Please look at it sometimes:)
(20) Bombs and (20) Arrows at start. The (19) is how many you got left. Overworld = 1 bombarrow (19 bombs 19 arrows) for pig. Kanalet = 4 arrows for Bomb Enemy (15) 1 bombarrow and one arrow (18 bombs 13arrows) for hidden knight. 2 arrows(11) for ball%chain enemy. D3 = 3 bombs(15) for mini boss. 1 bombarrow(14 bombs 10arrows) for knightmare key. 1 bomb(13) for Clock Bombs here you will get three new bombs(16). One bombarrow for wall (15 bombs 9 arrows). Overworld = Set a bomb(14) and kill the moldorm with sword. D4 = 1 bombarrow(13 bombs 8 arrows) to blow bombblock. D5 = Tactic for Skeleton Master: Phase 1: Lay bomb, slash him into it, shoot an bombarrow and lay another bomb. Phase 2 and 3: Lay bomb and slash him into it and lay another bomb. Phase 4: Lay bomb, slash him into it and two bombarrows. 1 bomb refill that you shall take. Just one room away Left-Up-Right from second Skeleton Knight. (12 bombs and 5 arrows left.) D6 = First time when you arrive to the room above the first switch you need to take the arrow which is under the jar in the down-left corner (6 left). Ahead to the next room and take the arrows in there too (16 left). When lifting the jar to open the door, don't take the few more frames to take bomb, because you won't need it... Go ahead and take the bombs on your way to the the wizzrobes (22 left). Kill them on the exact same way as you did in your run (20 left). Hookshot down, go left and kill the rabbits the same way (19 bombs left). Do the same AWSOME way to kill the dodongos! I really loved it :D (13 bombs left). Take the nightmare key, jump down and take the chest. S&Q to start. And when you arrive to the switch room, go up and take the arrow from the Down-Left corner again (17 arrows left). This time; DO NOT GO TO THE LEFT ROOM. Instead, use the stairs to the right and hookshot glitch down to the horseheads. Continue your way to the boss. And kill that ABSOLUTELY PERFECT way again (8 bombs left). Overworld = 1 bombarrow to get into Flame cave (18 bombs 16 arrows) D8 = 1 bombarrow (17 bombs 15 arrows) for switch room. Shoot the switch with an arrow (14) 2 bombarrows (15 bomb 12 arrows) needed for walls. 1 arrow(11) for statue to get key. Go down and get the arrows refill (21 arrows) D7 = 2 bombarrows (13 bombs 19 arrows) to get to the last pillar. D4 = For the boss you can use three bombarrows to kill him really fast (10 bombs and 16 arrows). Last boss = 16 arrows (0 arrows and 10 bombs left in the end)[/qoute]
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I havn't read the whole thread, i hope this link isn't posted already: http://kontek.net/davidwonn/gameboy.html#L There are many, many tricks and glitches for this game, like: get all instruments swordless, get the lv0 or lv3 shield, get into the random glitchworld, let bosses or other speak glitchy things, and so on. Edit: Is a TAS-Run of Links Awakening in process?
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I know that site, quite funny really =). But this TAS (Yes there is one in progress) won't use any Screep Warps, so all of those tricks are quite useless.
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Tompa wrote:
I know that site, quite funny really =). But this TAS (Yes there is one in progress) won't use any Screep Warps, so all of those tricks are quite useless.
Ok, but i thought, it would be fine to post it here :) Which emulator is used for this run?
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VBA 1.72. That's the one. And he is doing a run of Link's Awakening DX, not the original.
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Ah, sorry, I keep getting confused about the route. I know where to go from here. Thanks!
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Good, shall I make a movie of dungeon 6? Because if you get confused on this route, you will not understand a thing in dungeon 6 :D.
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Thanks, that would probably be a good idea :)
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Through 5th dungeon: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1590/Testrun3.vbm I found a couple of interesting uses for l+r glitches + the hookshot. This segment is pretty long, so I hope I didn't overlook anything important here.
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That was a very nice segment, indeed! Good use of the hookshot glitches, I loved the way you jumped over the last holes before the boss:). I'm going to record dungeon 6 soon. Just need to play to it first using your savefile, hehe. EDIT: Ehum, I've just realized that the Level 2 Bracelet is useless... There is no place you need it, haha. How funny :D. Now we can beat Face Shrine even faster =). Movie will be done in a while...
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Tompa wrote:
EDIT: Ehum, I've just realized that the Level 2 Bracelet is useless... There is no place you need it, haha.
I'm really curious about how this will work. :) Very nice again, Chef!
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Here is a movie of dungeon 6, finishing it in ca 4 minutes, hehe. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1591/Dungeon%206%20v1.vbm But I forgot a really important thing: I didn't take the arrows in the wizzrobe/switch room. You need to take these arrows two times. When you enter the room the first time, and when you have S&Q back to start. Take this in note so you won't forgot it. As this movie has a lot of issues you can improve it quite a lot. Also, on the last wizzrobe before the boss, lay a bomb or something so you will kill him faster. EDIT: And the bomb/arrow route is updated. Check it!¨ EDIT 2: HMM, wait a sec?! I can't open the Sleeping Rooster "cave". Do I have to have the Lvl 2 bracelet for this? omg... How annoying really. We must find a way to get the Eagle key without the rooster :D. Or els I must change a lot in dungeon 6 and my bomb/arrow route *sigh...* EDIT 3: OMG! I DID IT! HAHA, The rooster is skipable! At the many holes before the eagle key, if you jump, use the hookshot in the air, you can jump another time! That means you can jump pass every single hole, HAHA!!!
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You know, I thought it was pretty crazy that I could use the hookshot from a pit. But clearing every pit with it? This game has too many glitch exploits :) I also found that u/d/l/r + hookshot will shoot it about two squares below you, and it will slowly move up and back to you. I've used it to glitch through some one-square thick walls that are below me, but I haven't found a really good use for it yet.
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I will keep glitch researching in dungeon 7 and 8 now. If I won't find anything new, I'm suprised:). EDIT: I found one glitch in D8 letting you skip one key, saves around a minute actually... I shall show you movies when I'm done with D7 too. Have you been able to Hookshot glitch so the aim is Down-Right? I haven't... And if we could, Eagle Tower will be faster than ever...
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Through the 6th dungeon: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1595/Through%206th%20dungeon.vbm Notes: a) I end the dungeon with 25 bombs and 25 arrows. b) I managed to destroy the boss before he says his opening text, although it was really close (I had to redo the battle several times, and even then I made it only by one or two frames) c) I make heavy abuse of the bomb glitches, notably with the Dodongos and the face boss :)
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Ok, very nice, almost... :). There are room for improvements. For example: When saving that many arrows and bombs you wouldn't need to go and get the two refills once more. Because that's a big detour. Watch my movie and you will see... =) Next time you do the hookshot glitch down to the horseheads you shall NOT do it from above, but from below. I have a new route for you: First time when you arrive to the room above the first switch you need to take the arrow which is under the jar in the down-left corner. Ahead to the next room and take the arrows in there too. When lifting the jar to open the door, don't take the few more frames to take bomb, because you won't need it... Go ahead and take the bombs on your way to the the wizzrobes. Kill them on the exact same way. Hookshot down, go left and kill the rabbits using NO arrows. Do the same AWSOME way to kill the dodongos! I really loved it :D. Take the nightmare key, jump down and take the chest. S&Q to start. And when you arrive to the switch room, go up and take the arrow from the Down-Left corner again. This time; DO NOT GO TO THE LEFT ROOM. Instead, use the stairs to the right and hookshot glitch down to the horseheads. Continue your way to the boss... The Bomb/Arrow route is soon updated. Edit: And for D8: Here is a trick that allows you to skip one key. So you won't need to go to the key you get using the fire rod. Which saves some time. Of couse, I do some mistakes in the movie. You shall shoot the statue with an arrow at once after entering the room. Not going down and take the bomb/arrow refills, well, you shall take the refills. But not the first thing you do. Got it?=) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1598/D8.vbm And for the beginning of the dungeon: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1599/Dungeon%208.vbm If it's faster: Use a bombarrow to blow the wall at the stairs leading to the nightmare, and then you can either change to sword/hookshot or simlar to hit the switch and then blow up the wall. Or els, set a bomb to blow the switch and use a bombarrow to blow the wall. Not sure what's the fastest...
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Redone 6th dungeon: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1603/Testrun3.vbm The changes account for a total of 1317 frames (22 seconds) saved. I hope you still like my battles :) This dungeon was easy to optimize, but it isn't really that interesting... very few parts with action. Oh, and I'm up to 15,000 rerecords. I was reading you bomb and arrow tracking table, and I noticed that you said I would have some arrows left over after beating the game. I counted, and I couldn't see any arrows left over at the end. Is that comment just something you overlooked last time?
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Really nice now. I don't have anything to comment. Well, actually a note for coming dungeon. Try to change items in the beginning of the dungeon (So you can skip the entrance text with the Start menu) instead of before it or inside it. This will save some time. But you don't need to remake the whole dungeon 6 again because of that:). Yeah, before I had a different route when I didn't knw about the shortcut I found out in dungeon 6, so now your arrows will end at the last boss =). I forgot to remove that text after editing the page. But you can set some more bombs, hehe.
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At Tompa's request, I watched it anyways. Is there a checkbox for "I hate you!" when voting for whether or not to accept a movie? There should be. >_> On another note, I probably should apologize for not watching it and giving tips earlier, but... -Walked through grass at entrance to m. woods -No perimeter walking in a couple of places, you only lost a frame each though -Didn't save/quit after roc's feather -Hit moldorm/boss moblin twice with same sword charge like you did the hinox in level 2? If so, could possibly save PoP for dungeon 2/Genie -No save/quit after getting bowwow -Room in level 2 where you push two blocks together to form stairs: left block first -Loved the way you fought the genie :) -Should've grabbed the chest in the swamp before level 2 -After level 2, go right and activate the warp hole near the angler keyhole, then save/quit or: http://speeddemosarchive.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?action=display;board=consoles_older;num=1148724340;start=60#69 -Maybe save/quit in level 3 after getting last small key? I'm not sure... -Definitely save/quit after pegasus boots though. -Holy crap, your slime eyes battle ROCKED. -Are you sure playing the mambo after getting it is faster instead of going right, through the tunnel, and to the warp hole there? -After level 5 boss, stand above the heart and hookshot it to you. And don't you need to get the power bracelet l2 to push the grave open and get the rooster?
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Thanks for giving comments Maur! :D I have asked Quijo to watch as well, hehe. There are some things until the end of D3 where I have found improvements. It's a little bit late to remake some small things at the beginning of the game (Sounds like the OoT run soon... =) ) I'm going to write down the improvements once the movie is done. The mamboteleport after D4, yeah... I did that in my 100% testrun, but I didn't really mean to do it. Forgot to tell Stef that it wasn't the fastest way (I'm not sure really...) About the rooster; I have found a way to skip it. At the Eagle Key cave at the room with all those holes. If you jump between two holes and use the hookshot you can jump again after it.
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Let me just make it clear that up to (about) the 4th dungeon, I was still not that great at route planning (even now I still get confused, hehe). If I ever want to make an updated version after I submit this, I'll take into account every mistake people note. So I really do appreciate criticism! I'll try to address a couple of these:
Maur wrote:
-Walked through grass at entrance to m. woods
Unless you're referring to a time when I had the feather, I'm pretty sure it was faster to just walk through rather than around.
Maur wrote:
-Hit moldorm/boss moblin twice with same sword charge like you did the hinox in level 2?
Hitting the Moldorm with a charge attack was slower because I had to avoid accidentally stabbing him. But I don't remember hitting any boss twice with the same spin attack... I think for the hinox it just looked like I did because I was slashing so fast.
Maur wrote:
If so, could possibly save PoP for dungeon 2/Genie
A slower Moblin boss fight means an additional 5-10 (roughly) seconds of waiting. A PoP, besides giving faster walking speed, would save maybe a second on the hinox and 5-6 seconds on the genie. Maybe it is faster... but it would also throw off my PoP for dungeon 3. More importantly, I think S&Q erases the counts on PoP's and GA's. I say this because I don't remember seeing any of those since dungeon 3, and I really started S&Qing a lot after dungeon 3. So saving the PoP for dungeon 2 would only work if I never S&Qed.
Maur wrote:
-After level 2, go right and activate the warp hole near the angler keyhole, then save/quit or: http://speeddemosarchive.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?action=display;board=consoles_older;num=1148724340;start=60#69
This is like 10-15 seconds out of the way to get. You mention one way to use it, but there aren't really any other good warps that you can't do in a better or more convenient way (that I can think of, at least). EDIT: Whoops, I forgot that you can just look at the warp to be able to use it. Probably only takes a couple seconds, then.
Maur wrote:
-Maybe save/quit in level 3 after getting last small key? I'm not sure... -Definitely save/quit after pegasus boots though.
Yep, should have done both of those.
Maur wrote:
-Are you sure playing the mambo after getting it is faster instead of going right, through the tunnel, and to the warp hole there? -After level 5 boss, stand above the heart and hookshot it to you.
Requires swimming back and going through a cave. I would estimate at least 15 seconds are spent doing this, not to mention the time you would need to spend getting the warp hole in the first place. I would carefully say that Mambo-ing back and dashing down would be faster. EDIT: Okay, so using the mambo seems to take more time, according to Tompa. Again, I'll take all this into account if I update this run.
Maur wrote:
And don't you need to get the power bracelet l2 to push the grave open and get the rooster?
Read the last few pages of the topic... Tompa and I (mostly Tompa :) ) have been figuring out more sequence breaks. You don't actually need the rooster. I also appreciate your compliments, thanks!
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But I don't remember hitting any boss twice with the same spin attack...
Well, you can. You can hit something twice with a spinattack if timed right iirc. This would double the damage. If you pull it off twice, you might be able to kill the boss moblin in one go. And either way, I think getting a PoP at the beginning of level 2 would be fastest overall. You would be able to keep it when you fight the genie, alone making the time up, and you would be able to use the speed benefit through the entire dungeon (unless going through one of the 2d tunnels erases it - I can't remember. if so, ignore me, since getting to the genie with a PoP would be impossible).
This is like 10-15 seconds out of the way to get. You mention one way to use it, but there aren't really any other good warps that you can't do in a better or more convenient way (that I can think of, at least).
(in reference to going to the angler keyhole after level 2) You lose 8-9 seconds if you go there, then go back, without saving and quitting. It takes more than 8-9 seconds to get back. I'd say go for it. Beyond that, you could break into Kanalet early, which would look cool at the very least. (and yes, I would sacrifice a couple seconds for pure style points in this case, even though I don't think you'll have to) I'm going to read the topic now to find out how the hookshot thing works exactly. More specifically, can the sequence breaks in level 6 be done on a console? And as for the rooster thing, I swear I've tried that before with no success. :/
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Maur wrote:
I'm going to read the topic now to find out how the hookshot thing works exactly. More specifically, can the sequence breaks in level 6 be done on a console? And as for the rooster thing, I swear I've tried that before with no success. :/
Well, you need a well played controller for the hookshot glitch, as you need to press either Up+Down, Up+Down+Left, Up+Down+Right. And the rooster thing. I succeded to jump in the air the very first time I tried. I didn't think it would work so I had no slowmotion or similar ready. So it can be done on a console, but these four-five jumps aren't worth the risk in an SS run, possible a segmented but I doubt it...
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