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Just a little thing... I think it is faster to jump diagonally then walk. I've tried to explain this eariler for both Maur and TSA, but noone seemed to use it in there runs. Can anyone time this to see if it really is faster?
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I had to get hit by a spear to clear the first pit in my video, and by a rock to clear the second pit. I believe you have to walk out in the pit and get hit just before you fall. Monsters don't walk out in pits, and therefore I see no way of getting hit by a monster to boost over a pit.
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Nice trick with the arrow there!
Graveworm wrote:
I had to get hit by a spear to clear the first pit in my video, and by a rock to clear the second pit. I believe you have to walk out in the pit and get hit just before you fall. Monsters don't walk out in pits, and therefore I see no way of getting hit by a monster to boost over a pit.
You're right. You'd have to be hit with a projectile during the short moment when Link 'stumbles' before falling down. EDIT: Btw, you would have to get the Magic Powder afterwards anyway. If you collect a 'floating' Bomb pickup without having previously obtained any Bombs, you don't get them so I presume it would work the same way with Magic Powder. You'll need it right at the beginning of the second dungeon anyway...
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Yeah, but you also need the Yoshi doll, so it doesn't really matter, it's just that you wont have to revisit the mysterious forest before going into the Tail Cave, if you go to the other Link's Awakening topic then there's a movie file in the last post which will go up to the point where you get the key, if you have Virtual boy advance and a rom of course, it'll show that it's atleast a bit faster getting the key before magic powder, I hope. :) But getting a floating bomb pickup will make the game believe you have bombs, so if a monster drops a bomb, and you get it, you'll have bombs in your inventory.
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I'm sorry for bumping an old thread, but I'm running LA:DX over at SDA. http://speeddemosarchive.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=consoles_older;action=display;num=1148724340 Any help would be appreciated.
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I couldn't find this documented anywhere, so I think I've found a new (and crazy) glitch in LADX. I was just wandering around after collecting a piece of power and somehow gained the red tunic out of nowhere! I did some testing and it seemed that I might have overflowed some counter for the piece of power, and that slashing two enemies at once after killing many enemies would give you the red tunic. It's not a sprite glitch, I really did get the red tunic and had the 2x power property! I was able to replicate it several times, so I took a video (it starts after I had killed some large number of monsters): http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1321/Redtunic.vbm (Note that having Bow-wow is probably not a prerequisite, I just happened to have him with me when I discovered the glitch) I also recorded from the same spot a movie where I killed two different enemies at once and gained the blue tunic: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1322/Bluetunic.vbm I can see that the blue tunic glitching isn't that applicable to a speedrun. But would getting the red tunic early and killing monsters (and bosses) twice as fast be worth the time spent performing this glitch? Do people have any thoughts? More investigation into this glitch would be appreciated.
Player (36)
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Why would you want to skip the Roc's Feather? You can save a bunch of time by jumping and attacking wherever you have to kill things (keep moving and stuff...)
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I don't know why you ask that right now, if it's been discussed recently, but when I asked Maur (When I was playing around with this game), he/she said something like "Because I can". It's not like it's beneficial in any way.
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Just watched the movie. What a great discovery!! This would save a lot of time I think especially concerning (mid-)boss fights. I hope someone is willing to do a run of this game because I'm already very impressed by the speedruns on SDA
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What a nice glitch :D. Sadly I don't own the DX version, only the regular. But it's great for Quijo. EDIT: By the way... What happens if you take go and get the red tunic once more? And will you still get a red tunic if you already have a blue one?
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Ehum.. How many enemies do you need to kill? I slayed about a hundred and it didn't work. Will it still work if you are damaged while having the PoP?
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I'd try at least 256.
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More specifics would definitely be nice. If you can replicate it, definitely try recording a movie of the whole thing. (also, watch RAM address DBB5 -- monster death counter) Response to a mid-reply post:
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
I'd try at least 256.
That wouldn't make much sense. The monster ticker (one of several possible, I didn't refine the search enough but the above works well) seems to be only at ~$58, no where near FF. Hm...
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Well, I have tried several times to get it to work from the beginning of the game, but I can't do it. I have been able to consistently get it to work if I have Bow-wow with me. Here's a movie from the VERY start of the game up to rescuing Bow-wow; then I collect a piece of power and demonstrate the glitch (around frame 55200): http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1331/DX%20movie1.vbm Performing the glitch (going off route to get to the beach to find more enemies) took about 15000 frames in the movie. This could probably be optimized down to half that number from more strategic killing (unless the enemies on the beach are required to perform the glitch). That's still roughly 2-3 minutes of time wasted... Maybe somebody could investigate this and see where time could be saved, as in taking a shortcut in the glitch somewhere?
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Have you only done it with Bow-wow and at the beach? Perhaps you must have Bow-Wow with you... I haven't time to do "any" testings on this, I have tried another bug instead which I found around a year ago. I guess a couple of people know that you can get invisble. Hold Up, Down and Right and swing your sword. Voilá, you can't see yourself anymore. This effect goes out when you walk into a house/cave. This can come in handy, because Link is acting quite strange... Take a look at this movie: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1332/Invis%20bug.vbm As you can see I could reach the grass from there! I haven't been able to take an enemy on the same way yet, but I'm quite sure you can. By holding Up and Down at the same time will give make Link hold a shield, this can't be used what I know... By holding Up, Down and Left while carrying a rock will make Link get stock in the rock. You don't need Bow-Wow to do this, I have him because Chef Stef had it in his save file, and that you can easily see where I am.
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Yeah, I found those glitches a few weeks ago on my own, too. I also found out that if you press Up + Down while Link is in his throwing sprite (just after throwing something), his sprite will be cut in half vertically. It's fun to have invisible Link with Bow-wow and charge your sword, since it looks like your sword is just floating in midair. And yes, I have only been able to do the Red tunic glitch with Bow-wow, although I have no idea why that would be the case. At any rate, it was rather unlikely for me to have ever found the glitch... I wonder if performing it will take too much time for the time saved?
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I can't see how it could save time, really. You will not meet so many enemies on the way to Bottle Grotto, or when going to leave him. But it will save time on a lot of enemies and: Minibosses: 2, 4 and 8. Bosses: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. But if it takes 2-3 minutes, I don't see it can be worth it... Not sure though. EDIT: I used to do that bug while waiting for the crane to give me my Yoshi doll/Powder. And "swiming" around is also quite fun:D. Have you killed any enemies on that way? I think that could save time on some places when the enemies are too far away. Can't find any place yet, but I will perhaps.
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133707> <Xkeeper> the RAM address range in DBB0-DC00 is ... weird While watching your execution of the giltch, various areas would react and fill with values (usually 01-03) for no apparent reason after killing a monster. (however, I need to go look up that 'points' system again -- someone had it figured out, but without it this is mostly me failing to find information)
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Point system: 12 - Guardian Acorn 24 - Guardian Acorn 32 - Piece of Power 36 - Piece of Power (?) Then it loops. So 48 would be Guardian Acorn again.
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Quijo wrote:
Point system: 12 - Guardian Acorn 24 - Guardian Acorn 32 - Piece of Power 36 - Piece of Power (?) Then it loops. So 48 would be Guardian Acorn again.
Now just information on how you get points... I know it's by killing/getting hit, but I don't remember the speficics.
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Taking damage was once believed to affect the point total, but both me and Tompa proved that wrong. It's only killing enemies. Of course some enemies with special properties like Red Gels (which divide) may affect the total differently. Maybe it's something worth investigating. I'll probably carry out a large scale experiment concerning this when I get round to planning the Piece of Power route for my speedrun (yep, enemies I defeat will be pre-determined to maximize efficiency of Piece of Power usage).
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Okay, here's a testrun through the first dungeon (DX version): http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1336/Testrun1.vbm For some strange reason, I cannot download from the dehacked site (even from other computers), therefore I have not seen the "damage boost" trick. Maybe it could have saved some time (if I understand correctly)? I think I did a pretty good job optimizing this, so far.
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There are some improvements that can be made. You can for example skip the text when taking a key from a chest by pressing Select and Start to get the "Save&Quit" meny up. And other small time savers like taking a different route, like the one to the sword that one isn't the fastest. After the first "cliff jump" go right instead. And after that down. Some small things more, but whatever for the moment... Are you going to do a TAS of this then?
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1337/ Done with the black & white version though. http://rapidshare.de/files/25308467/Legend_of_Zelda__The_-_Link_s_Awakening__V1.0___U______fixed.vbm.html If you can't download from dehacked's microstorage for some reason. By the way, this movie's kinda old, so I might have missed something, I think it's like 1000 frames longer than the last one I uploaded.
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Yeah, I would like to make a TAS of it, I would probably need some help for route planning and optimizations, though... Graveworm: That boost is interesting... you do have to get magic powder eventually (for torches and so on), so is it faster to grab the mushroom and see the witch, or just get it out of the Trendy game?
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