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Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge is a 5-event "sports" game, where the "sports" mostly involve beating up your opponent (or drowning them, or tossing slabs of wood at them, or breaking their backs). The goal of this TAS was entertainment rather than speed. However, if it was run by a human, the TAS would qualify for the WR in its category because there is no Deathless, No Item category on
I also wanted to use a team other than Southside because all major runs of this game use Southside. Because of that, I couldn't get the true ending, but I felt that the true ending had already been shown elsewhere (as in Inzult's excellent run), so I wanted to do something different.
  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.6.6, default settings, NTSC region

Game Objectives

  • Deathless
  • No Items
  • No Victory by DNF
  • Lincoln Victory


Because I wasn't using items, I couldn't use the normal strategy of purchasing <!(&/&X! items and manipulating the RNG to affect only opponents. Since the main goal was to be entertaining, I also chose to focus on completing each event rather than depleting my opponent's HP for a quicker DNF victory.

400 Meter Hurdles

My goal was to get to the finish line and collect as many medals as possible. For most of the heats, I chose to stay on the ground and smash hurdles as much as possible to increase speed, while using slides and spin kicks to dodge and deflect attacks. Aside from the first heat (since Crash is a little more aggressive), I kept the opponent toward the back of the screen instead of forcing them out of the frame. Forcing them out the frame causes them to rubber band back near your position, which makes it harder to dodge their attacks and slows you down when doing counterattacks and dodges.

Hammer Throw

The most boring event. My goal here was mostly to collect as many medals as possible while still beating the CPU.


The opening part of each heat was focused on keeping the opponent underwater. Once their oxygen got to a certain point, I focused on landing kicks rather than grappling wherever possible, since repeated kicks cause more HP loss than grapples and punches, especially when oxygen is low. I used grapples to knock out opponents only when I needed to return to the surface for more oxygen. At one point I chose to get pulled down by my opponent because it was faster than jumping up and letting my opponent surface briefly (thus getting more oxygen and prolonging the heat).

Rooftop Jumping

Used the poles as often as I could to speed up roof crossings while collecting as many medals as possible.

Fighting Scene

This is probably where I had the most time loss, mostly because the goals here were more for entertainment than speed. The final round is the perfect example: I chose to show the Spin Out Throw glitch because it was fun, and the standoff toward the end was another way to add some entertainment value to the run.


This is my first TAS, so there's a lot to improve here. If I was going for speed, many parts of the game could be optimized. Specifically, I could have completed the Hammer Throw in fewer throws, and the final Fighting Scene round could have gone much faster. Even though I wasn't using items, I could have manipulated the RNG to make the CPU choose weaker opponents with lower defense. Overall, this was a fun TAS to make, and it helped to exorcise childhood trauma from losing at this game over and over.

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Did something happen to the timer calculation? Just curious, because it came up as 00:00.08... which is less than a second.
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I'm not sure what happened there, that was the time and frame count that appeared after I uploaded the movie. It's in .fm2 format, which should keep track of all that. I may have to try re-uploading it. For reference, it ended up being 53527 frames and 14:50.65, based on the .fm2 file. I can see all that info when I play the file from FCEUX, not sure why it doesn't show up right on the submission.
Editor, Active player (405)
Joined: 2/11/2018
Posts: 234
You submitted this in FCEUX's binary format, rather than the normal text format. The parser only supports the text version at the moment. How did you end up with this file? Did you rename a .fm3?
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Randomno wrote:
How did you end up with this file? Did you rename a .fm3? exactly what happened. I've now exported it the proper way, and I'm going to edit/re-upload so the time/frame count is correct.
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Here is the updated .fm2 file, text instead of binary. If I need to cancel this submission and re-submit, please let me know!
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polyrhythmic-drop wrote:
Here is the updated .fm2 file, text instead of binary. If I need to cancel this submission and re-submit, please let me know!
No need to cancel, one of us staff will update the movie file as soon as we’re able.
Judge, Active player (305)
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polyrhythmic-drop wrote:
Here is the updated .fm2 file, text instead of binary. If I need to cancel this submission and re-submit, please let me know!
I replaced the movie file, all is good now !
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Thank you! I wish I had been able to do this run in .08 seconds, but alas