What you have presented here looks pretty good from a standpoint of optimal play/movement.
Unfortunately, I have two problems with this run that I think you should consider addressing before I issue judgement:
1) This run is incomplete, in my opinion.
- There are 4 different tracks selectable from the main menu. I feel that all four tracks should be completed to consider this game 'complete'.
- As this game isn't endless/looping, but also doesn't have a technical 'endpoint', a suitable endpoint needs to be determined.
- Completing only 1 track just seems to ignore the other tracks.
- Completing all 4 tracks would exhaust the unique content of this game and make for a more concrete 'endpoint'.
2) Even the one track that is presented is improvable (in a way).
- On the main menu, three difficulty levels are offered: Easy, Medium, and Hard--with Medium being the default. Harder difficulties allow for the car to go faster; thus yielding shorter potential race time.
- Here's a screenshot of a test I did of the same track as this submission except using Hard difficulty. It shows that it's possible to beat Track 1 by 5 seconds over the submission.

While doing the run on Medium (default) difficulty isn't an outright reason for rejection; a run that did use a harder/faster difficulty would potentially obsolete the lower/slower difficulty. So, if you're goin to be adding the other three tracks, it seems prudent to go ahead and update to
Hard difficulty for this track also.
Something to remember for your future TAS work is that going immediately with a game's default settings is not always ideal when aiming to create an optimized TAS. Always strive to do some basic research on the game you're wanting to TAS before actually starting to make your TAS; then, while actively TASing, try different options/approaches to determine which methods will truly yield the fastest/best TAS.