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Political statements don’t belong in submission messages, especially if they are presented in forms of preaching. The same situation applies to religious statements. For example, if I had prefixed one or more of my submissions back in the day with this paragraph or something similar to it, how would you feel? ---- IMPORTANT MESSAGE You only have one life, and it may end at any moment. Tomorrow you might be run over by a car, or just have a brain aneurysm. Have you considered what happens after you die? Eternity is a long time. Not a small question. It is the most important question ever asked. In the Bible, Jesus said “whoever follows me shall have everlasting life”, and, “whoever is not obedient to the Son, shall not see life, but will have wrath of God upon them”. Jesus was and is the creator of the world, and will be the one who will eventually judge the eternal fate of every single person who ever lived, including you. Those whom he never knew, will be judged according to their deeds. And according to Romans 3:23, every single person who ever lived has transgressed against His will. Which side of the judgment will you be on? Jesus loves you and does not wish you to perish. He only wants you to repent your sins and to follow Him. Heed those words, and you shall be saved from the consequences of your own sinful nature. ---- I could easily say that I feel completely justified posting this. It is the most important question of your life ever, and under no circumstances reminding you of it can be wrong. Furthermore, not reminding you of that would be million times worse than not telling you that your house is on fire when it’s on fire. That’s the thing with politics and religion. Everyone thinks they are right about it and that everyone else’s viewpoints are objectively wrong. I have expressed my views about the BLM movement elsewhere, but regardless of my views on the topic, I can state that exactly as much as it would have been wrong for me to put those kind of messages in my TASVideos submissions, it is equally wrong to put political petitions in TASVideos submissions. It’s just not the right place for it.
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I'd prefer treating every particular aspect, political or religious, on its own. For example, I think the only way to successfully preach whatever religion one represents, is by displaying what it means in regular life, with one's own lifestyle. Until that lifestyle is there, preaching will cause scorn (think Nietzsche) or blindly following the word, just because someone's religious feeling so happened to find supernatural meaning in that word. What exactly it means to preach with your lifestyle may be really hard to describe, but the common understanding would be "this person is so wise that I don't remember anyone quite like them, and all their words have neat real-life applications and obviously improve the situations we're dealing with, daily". If one is a saint and feels like preaching, infinite amount of patience and tact is required to inspire people indirectly (start by doing the legwork for them). Only then they may come up with formal religious questions such a person could give direct answers to. Politics is much much simpler, because there are some approaches to daily life that make it better simply because the overall awareness has increased, and more minds have been struggling to solve it, each one from their own POV. In problems society is directly facing, the more people participate in brainstorming, the better. They don't even have to all be wise! Dealing with some routine directly, one will have both the common idea about it and some unique perspective. By having the freedom to unite and discuss some problematic subject, they will also invent ways to improve that communication, naturally developing improvements to the actual problem eventually. Lack of open discussion may lead to lack of awareness, and to not solving the problem. What I wouldn't want to see in submissions is blunt declaration of some stance that doesn't directly make life better, and is at the same time really strict, and irrelevant to TASing. That would be declaration for the sake of declaring, preaching with just the word alone instead of how you approach things. Yet that doesn't mean we need a new rule that bans such declarations, because that description is super vague.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Perhaps submission text isn't the correct place for it. Thus, I instead suggest a message on the front page, along with an announcement on the forum, written and signed by all site staff, in support of the protests and BLM. Thus showing that it's not just one person on the page standing for it, but the whole site!
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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So anything (within the rules) goes in submission notes but movie discussion only in the submission thread? I don't agree with that. At the very least, if an author is putting not-movie-related statements in their notes then other posters should be allowed to respond to it in the thread. I personally don't really care what it may be, doesn't even have to be political. If an author's entire submission notes consists of: 'What's your favorite color and why?' then responses answering that question should be allowed. As for politics specifically, I think most people would agree that 'politics' involves discussions of when and how to use force / violence. Submission notes are a pretty outward facing part of the site, it's at least worth considering what you want displayed there under the banner 'submission notes.' You can easily end up with monologues about assassination, revolution, invasion, without even mentioning the TAS at all.
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Fully agreed with Bisqwit. TASVideos submissions is not right place for political, religious or other non-game related statements.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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KennyMan666 wrote:
Perhaps submission text isn't the correct place for it. Thus, I instead suggest a message on the front page, along with an announcement on the forum, written and signed by all site staff, in support of the protests and BLM. Thus showing that it's not just one person on the page standing for it, but the whole site!
Tasvideos as a site is completely neutral towards everything, I personally wouldn't want that to change.
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I agree that the site should stay pretty neutral and stay focused on TASes. Tho I don't have any problem on staff members to show their support, I don't think it should "represent" the site per say. Also can't force staff members to sign something
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I have been here from almost the beginning of the site (meaning about 16 years), I do not recall seeing any submission adding political content prior to Upthorn's run. On a related note, a german football player took a knee in lieu with LBM and George Floyd. The player risked hefty fine as basically all political activities during a football game is forbidden and goes against UEFA's policy. In this case though, FIFA, said something along the lines of: "use common sense". The reply was towards the german football association and since then, the association is no longer keen on fining the player. I think the same logic can be applied here. The human spirit is a powerful force!
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Olympic Committee Guidelines wrote:
As athletes, we are passionate about our sportsand achieving our sporting performance goals. For each and every one of us, that passion continues into everyday life, where we advocate for change on issues of great importance to us and our world. That desire to drive change can naturally make it very tempting to use the platform of an appearance at the Olympic Games to make our point. However, all of us are here at the Olympic Games because, one day, we dreamt of being an Olympian, and maybe even an Olympic champion. The unique nature of the Olympic Games enables athletes from all over the world to come together in peace and harmony. We believe that the example we set by competing with the world’s best while living in harmony in the Olympic Village is a uniquely positive message to send to anincreasingly dividedworld. This is why it is important, on both a personal and a global level, that we keep the venues, the Olympic Village and the podium neutral and free from any form of political, religious or ethnic demonstrations.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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UEFA has had a double standard when it comes to no politics in football. Very often it's used as a way for a rival domestic team to leevy fines in the hope it will weaken them in the transfer market the following season. A few years ago they allowed tributes to Nelson Mandela, which if you look into his life as a whole is a highly controversial figure (and don't get me started on his wife Winnie).
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Blazephlozard wrote:
Tasvideos as a site is completely neutral towards everything.
I don't agree with that. Tasvideos has made some political choices, and it's ok to do so. For example, using Creative Commons for movies, or allowing people to display their gender in the forum. Also, like it was said in another topic, not taking any side is itself a choice, so it is political.
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keylie wrote:
Blazephlozard wrote:
Tasvideos as a site is completely neutral towards everything.
I don't agree with that. Tasvideos has made some political choices, and it's ok to do so. For example, using Creative Commons for movies, or allowing people to display their gender in the forum. Also, like it was said in another topic, not taking any side is itself a choice, so it is political.
Man, the definition of 'political' is getting stretched so thin... Ok, tasvideos as a site does not (and imo should not) participate in any activism.
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I don't see how showing your gender is really political. That's like showing your age, or showing your name. It's nothing more than a "stat" written on the birth certificate (most of the time). Showing off a stat is not political :P Also there's no REAL way to NEVER be political, but there's ways to be as neutral as possible. Not taking a side is just the best way we know of, as far as I myself know. When I try to not be political, the best way is often to simply not talk about it. Tho I agree I am being political right now, but it's only because we are in the appropriate section, which is well identified as "Off topic"
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I want to take a moment to clarify my intentions with this message. I am not intending to attack anyone who has not made an explicit statement supporting my view of the issue. I will accept any decision the site comes to about whether or not to make a statement. However, I do think the issue is important enough that any decision about whether or not to comment needs to be made consciously, by the community as a whole, rather than simply through inertia.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Wobmiar wrote:
I don't see how showing your gender is really political. That's like showing your age, or showing your name. It's nothing more than a "stat" written on the birth certificate (most of the time). Showing off a stat is not political :P
You would be right were it not for TASvideos allowing you to select more than 2 genders.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
Wobmiar wrote:
I don't see how showing your gender is really political. That's like showing your age, or showing your name. It's nothing more than a "stat" written on the birth certificate (most of the time). Showing off a stat is not political :P
You would be right were it not for TASvideos allowing you to select more than 2 genders.
Nope, only being able to select 2 genders would also be a political decision.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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[politics is too hot right now, removing]
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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[politics is too hot right now, removing]
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
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The options are male, female, both, none, or other. Seems fine to me.
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CoolHandMike wrote:
I think Male, Female, and N/A would be better personally
I made the list, I'll tell you why. ♂ - Obvious. ♀ - Obvious. Male & Female - I put this in because I know a mutant who has one of these syndromes (from WP): Humans, as well as some other organisms, can have a rare chromosomal arrangement that is contrary to their phenotypic sex; for example, XX males or XY females (see androgen insensitivity syndrome). Additionally, an abnormal number of sex chromosomes (aneuploidy) may be present, such as Turner's syndrome, in which a single X chromosome is present, and Klinefelter's syndrome, in which two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome are present, XYY syndrome and XXYY syndrome.[4] Other less common chromosomal arrangements include: triple X syndrome, 48, XXXX, and 49, XXXXX. I'm annoyed when people act like various mutants don't exist. Known mutations go back thousands of years. Of course not having your mutation recognized on forms is minor compared to finding most clothes don't fit right because it's not designed for your mutation. Or you need one kind of top and another kind of bottom, and it looks really odd. Genderless - Because we have bots here. Other - Because some people think they're something else. Regardless of the list, people can write what anyone wants. I know a few people who have told me they selected what they selected to avoid harassment or to try to score some sympathy points. I'm quite certain several others are lying also. In any case, choose whatever option you want, or none. I don't care.
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Link to video It's quite fascinating actually; "mutant" probably sounds offensive to some, but here's a video about it. I don't think there's an easy way to express it right now sadly.
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jlun2 wrote:
It's quite fascinating actually; "mutant" probably sounds offensive to some, but here's a video about it. I don't think there's an easy way to express it right now sadly.
I think that's probably because that video is unrelated with the topic of gender identity, as in fact also stated in that video itself. Also, see this comment from the comment section: I don't think that genetics is necessarily involved in gender identity, as I consider it more like a psychological or spiritual diversity.
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If the topic is shifting to gender politics, and some sex/gender confusion, I'd like to share my views on it all, an angle of viewing it all that's really helped me understand nuances in the language, and an angle I haven't seen discussed much. "Gender" as a word is just too loaded with too many definitions, which causes a lot of confusion. First off, there is biological sex. Which as far as I'm concerned is literally JUST the reproductive organs. There's male, female, and some in between. Then there's biological gender, which is controlled by testosterone and estrogen. I'm not a doctor, but as far as I can tell, these two wonder drugs are responsible for basically everything male and female that's not genitalia. Height, muscle growth, breast growth, body hair growth, maybe voice, and possibly mental tendencies (though hard to say how much of that is in how boys and girls are raised differently). Again there's really only male and female and an in-between. Then there's social gender, which is where "gender is a social construct" comes in. They're right, but its an oversimplification. Nonsense like boys like blue and cars, girls like pink and dolls. Expectations for how they should dress, and act, and even live (with women's expectations usually being far harsher...). This is something that, at least in America, is largely being thrown out, and I'm all for it. And lastly there's mental gender, and I really can't comment on what it means for your mental gender to not match your body. It isn't something that seems very quantifiable. For most trans people the goal is for their mental gender to match their biological gender, and it is truly impressive what HRT can do with minimal invasiveness. Some may need sex reassignment surgery to feel right with their body and mind, though the risks involved do not seem worth it at all. And some just abandon these ideas of gender entirely and identify as anything they choose. I respect that but think it's caused increased confusion and harms the progress of trans rights. One thing I fear is people who are rejecting their born social gender, turning to changing their biological gender because of it. It is completely fine to be a girly man or a tomboy or crossdress or whatever else. There's not a need to modify your body chemistry there, but as transgenderism becomes more and more in the news, I fear people (especially awkward teens) making changes to their body that they may regret. I really believe if this idea of three aspects of gender was expressed more, that kind of regret would lower dramatically. It may also help those that feel that need for sex reassignment surgery; sex itself does absolutely NOTHING for how others see you, at least outside of bed... It's all in that T&E (awesome body, great job). A major thing contributing to difficulty for trans rights is that you need to convince most of the 99% of non-trans-folk of it, and for a lot of those people, their experiences with trans people are wholly negative. There's a tendency to want to overcontrol people's language, to the point of even making it illegal. I'm not going to defend purposeful abusive misgendering, but, one has to respect that pronoun usage is ingrained deep in us, tied to facial and body recognition. "Passing" is a necessary evil, it's hard-wired in everyone's brains. There's also rewriting language to do away with male and female assumptions, like, "people who menstruate"... I completely respect any women that are offended by how some are trying to change the language they use in such a way. To not respect those women's desired language, is not a good way to expect then to respect yours. I also respect women's rights to want only biological women in women's spaces (as long as that includes bio gender). And I also respect the mass public's desire to not want biological (sex or gender) men physically competing with biological women in sports. These viewpoints are logical and deserve respect. Yet hardcore trans activists call these viewpoints "transphobic", actively turning people away that may be trying their best to generally accept it all, and turning them into enemies. Overall I think the biggest thing holding the trans movement back, aside from an innate hate some have, is that trans people are rightfully asking for respect, but many do not in turn respect the masses and their innate hesitancy in some areas. To be clear, not saying that anyone here is like that, but I grow so tired of seeing it on Twitter, and seeing the harmful stereotypes and legitimate transphobia it breeds. To some, even bringing this up would make me "transphobic" when all I want is success and acceptance. Anyone that flings that word around is actively harming the movement and I just can't stand it. I don't know if typing any of this is necessary but it sure feels better than thinking about police murdering civilians.
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Blazephlozard wrote:
There's also rewriting language to do away with male and female assumptions, like, "people who menstruate"...
The "people who menstruate" thing was literally about people who mentruate, including girls (and possibly trans boys) as young as 8, and not including most women over the age of 55. Saying "women" would have been incorrect regardless of trans issues, because of menopause.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.