Can there please be a way to:
1. "Unhold" the stylus in TAStudios. Right now, if you were to use record mode, stylus position is set even if you're not clicking anywhere. Please make it so it's like DesMuMe where if I don't click on the screen, there's no touch input, so it won't have long columns of TouchX + TouchY with numbers, but "T" for touch is not set.
2. Allow vertical and horizontal bars to visualize where the stylus is like DesMuMe. The numbers by themselves are helpful for those who can't picture what position corresponds to which number.
3. Allow to set a touch coordinate in TAStudios by clicking on the emulator screen. Virtual Pad is disabled in TAStudios, but at least make it so there's a way to set "TouchX", "TouchY" for 1 frame by clicking on the screen. (Out side recording mode for 1 frame, touch screen, then disable it). That's risky when I want to change 1 coordinate for 1 frame with visuals.
4. .dsm files converted to bk2 treats no stylus input as
| 0, 0,...............T|
When I open it in TAStudios. Can this please make it so that it converts treats touch as false (the last value on the right)?[/code]