Yesterday I finished a TAS of the game
You Have to Win the Game v1.01 in libTAS which clocks in at 4:58 IGT, but I was wondering if utilizing older builds would be valid too. I ask this because, in v1.01, a password entry room is added right before the end where the player must jump through labeled portals to enter the correct password to win the game, but in older revisions this room doesn't exist and instead the player has to input the password through the terminal. This would save over 20 seconds. As far as I'm concerned, inputting commands through a terminal would usually be considered a debug feature, but in the in-game Input settings, the keybinds for bringing up the terminal can be remapped, implying that it's a feature. Not to mention it's the only way to beat the game in builds without the password room.
However there are a plethora of old builds stored inside
this public Pastebin page (by the game author, I should mention) and they're all .exe files, meaning that they can only be played on Windows. I do recall trying the newer Steam build in Hourglass in Windows XP many years ago and it working fine for the most part.
Anyhow, for reference, the RTA leaderboards for the game utilize the October 24, 2013 Update 2 build. I have yet to verify whether all builds after it discard the terminal password in favor of the password room or not.
My question is, under these circumstances I mentioned, would it be acceptable to TAS any of these old builds to skip the password room entirely?