This is a Tool Assisted Speedrun of Ys III - Wanderers from Ys on the Sega Genesis. This run completes the game as fast as possible, abuses glitches and takes damage to save time. There are no speed/entertainment trade-offs made in this run.
Ys III is a fast paced side-scrolling Action RPG in which the player, Adol, must collect 4 statues to stop King Macquire from reviving Demanicus. A traditional leveling system is in place where defeating enemies grants experience and gold to level up and buy items.
This run abuses an amulet glitch to reach maximum level before the first boss. The amulet is an item that will kill all weak enemies in a room. Once the amulet is used 3 times it will disintegrate and leave the player's inventory. If the player levels up by using the amulet for the third time their exp, gold, health and ring power will be set to their maximum values. This glitch does not work with a shield equipped.
One of the first rooms in the game has over 100 exp worth of enemies and is visited twice during the first section of the story. Since 300 exp is required for the first level up, if all starting gold is spent on the amulet the glitch can be performed at the start of the game with minimal extra movement. The glitch is left as late as possible without losing time as surviving at a lower level is more entertaining. Since all starting money is spent on the amulet, the first area of the game is done with no equipment.
By performing this glitch, the early bosses in the game can be beaten almost instantly. Since damaging the bosses is sometimes impossible if Adol is at a low level, abusing the amulet glitch skips long and repetitive experience grinding.
The power ring is an item that doubles attack power for a limited amount of time. In some boss fights the ring wasn't used since pausing to equip it was slower than time saved by dealing extra damage. This trade-off was tested for every boss, and it is usually better to beat the earlier bosses without the power ring equipped. As a result I delay obtaining the power ring until the second trip to the mine, saving a few seconds of travel time.
Adol's health is replenished after boss fights but unfortunately the animation for this takes longer with less health. It's possible to defeat some bosses quicker by taking damage during the fight, but the extra time added to the health recharge made this strategy slower overall. There is no animation to replenish health after the last boss so a lot of damage is taken in that fight to save time. I was able to pull off the last few hits quickly by putting Adol in a technically fatal situation but landing the last hit right before he would have died.
Many bosses in the game move to a random point on the screen after a certain amount of time. The bosses are manipulated to stay close to their previous position, often with no loss of time.
One thing that makes the game hard to TAS is that enemies can desync if earlier input is changed. If a frame is saved in an early room and the input is perfectly re-synced, later enemies can have completely different patterns.
This was made on BizHawk 1.10.0 primarily using TAStudio, with help of a RAM watch with some values such as player position and boss health that I found.
I would like to thank Isotarge who provided a lot of technical help with BizHawk and gave advice for the TAS.

ars4326: Claimed for judging!
ars4326: Hello, The8bitbeast. Good work, all around, on this one. The Amulet Glitch was an initial surprise at the begininng; and while it did end up making things a tad predictable, it nonetheless allowed the run to maintain a quick and enjoyable pace, throughout. The tactical & technical details were nice to see, as well. Congrats on your first published run!
Accepting for publication to Moons!
Spikestuff: Publishing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15435
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4918: The8bitbeast's Genesis Ys III: Wanderers from Ys in 40:35.79
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Dibs. Temping, claiming, Jazz hands, etc. etc. Author forgot to provide their encode v
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Editor, Skilled player (1530)
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Spikestuff wrote:
I should wait until you made a temp encode, but today I'm not that mean. Here's the authors encode: Link to video
Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch
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Yes vote, looks fast and great done. And nice glitch to get max Level.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Joined: 6/23/2009
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It's a good game and a good run. I never understood why all the different ports of Ys III had such different names for things, but at least they all have pretty awesome music. I'm a little conflicted about that max-stats glitch. It's fun to see happen, and it many boss battles a lot less repetitive. However, I feel like it also takes out most of the interesting strategy. You don't ever really have to worry about managing your ring power, for instance, and you don't really have to work on dodging any boss attacks before you reach Merland (aka Garland). It basically seems to trivialize the game. Regardless, I'm still voting Yes.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 7/16/2009
Posts: 39
Yes vote. I too have mixed feelings about the use of the amulet glitch. It does eliminate the most tedious part about this game (well, I haven't played this version, but I imagine it's more or less the same as the SNES version - curious if the glitch works there or not), but it also seems to take away the suspense when going through the areas. This is even further demonstrated with how quickly the bosses are killed. Then again, even the final boss went by much quicker here than it would in the SNES version, and you're expected to be near or at max level for him. Still, it seems like a decent enough run overall, though I couldn't help feeling maybe it's a tad unoptimized in some spots. For instance, in the SNES version, when descending staircases, you can press jump to fall right through them, eliminating the need to manually walk all the way down (in most cases).
Joined: 3/9/2009
Posts: 530
You seem to be losing a bit of time between bosses compared to the Nico TAS (doesn't use the amulet glitch, so loses 30s-1:00 on pretty much every boss). For example, watch from the end of the second boss side by side (~7:20 in his, ~6:00 in yours). Between the time the two diverge (you enter a shop to buy a ton of stuff at ~7:20), you're a couple seconds behind. Any idea what's going on there? The run is ancient, so could be emulation stuff, but he also seems to be hopping when near townspeople instead of randomly, so maybe that's where lag reduction is coming from?
Post subject: RE: Tangent and Korzic
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I tried to replicate town movement from the Niko TAS. I also thought having gear equipped might change movement speed as this is also different between the TASes. I tested movement speed when I started the TAS but I tried again today with/without equipment and with/without jumping and found that no combination of these made walking through the town any faster. So it might just be an emulation issue, unless there are any other differences that I missed. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the amulet glitch doesn't work on the SNES. Also I've seen the stair jump on the SNES but it doesn't work on Genesis, so I do have to walk down all the stairs. I was hoping the amulet glitch wouldn't be possible so early in the game because originally I had TASed the first two bosses at low level and they looked really good. But I didn't want to waste time by leaving the glitch until after them. Thank you to everyone for the support, I'm glad so many people are interested in this awesome game.
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [3014] Genesis Ys III: Wanderers from Ys by The8bitbeast in 40:35.79