This is what a submission visually looks like.
Notice where the part to access discussion is hidden in a little box with a lot of links? And that is, it's in the right part of the page, where you have technical stuff. This can be a bit confusing, as the only indication to acess by far
the most important thing next to submission is hidden in a sea of links, and I'd definitely see how someone with trouble with English could miss it.
My suggestion?
Replace the red box at the bottom of the submission with "Your submission is complete. Thank you! [Click here to be taken to the discussion and rating page of your movie.] Please check the discussion link often to be able to respond to any questions about your submissions: failure to do so will have your submission rejected.", embedding the link to the forum discussion in brackets along with a traduction in every language (japanese, chinese mainly.) This text would be short enough to be translated in a lot of languages without taking too much space.
In French, I can do the translation right now:
"Votre soumission est complète. Merci! [Cliquez ici pour être redirigé vers la page de discussion et d'évaluation de votre soumission.] Merci de visiter ce lien souvent pour être en capacité de pouvoir répondre aux questions à propos de votre soumission: faute de quoi, votre soumission sera rejetée."