Welcome to the TASVideos documentary thread! This project has been active since last Autumn and is currently being advanced by three people: main editor Svimmer and auxiliary editors thatguy and arkiandruski. The project will need more helpers later though. The goal is to create a 30-45 minute long introduction to what TASing is, how it works and the fruit it has borne.
The up-to-date table of TASing clips can be found here. Note that there's other tabs for some more information.
TAS Documentary Script (under construction). This will gradually evolve into a finished script.
CLIP SUGGESTIONS (currently not active)
Here's a summary of what I have to expect of suggestions:
-a link to the [YouTube] video, preferably with HD options, and to the specific passage of play that you're candidating (right-click on the video and select "copy address at this point")
-an explanation of what I'm looking at: What's going on? Is it manipulating luck, is it superhumanly precise, is it just entertaining...? Otherwise I might miss the point. Check the second tab in the table for more of the categories I've been using.
-please mention what level/episode etc. it is so I'll know how to name the clip
-if you think there's a considerably better clip available from some game you know feel free to offer that one instead
-if you want to contribute music to the video let me know what you can do and I'll know what to request of you later
-if you think I've miscategorized something (which is a real possibility), let me know in this thread. Also for other problems in the big table.
-if you have video editing skills, you might get to do something for the project later
-just follow this thread! The community is being polled on many questions.
-clips from a few arcade games
-clips from other platforms you don't think are sufficiently represented
In addition I should probably mention all of this again. An ideal clip...
-is possible to understand without knowing the game
-has a direct visual impact (i.e. looks good)
-is from a game relatively popular for the platform
-portrays a TAS-only trick
-does it in under 30 seconds, the shorter the easier it'll be to write in
These qualities form a kind of combined score that each clip gets given, though it's still quite subjective and not subject to refunds :P A low score in one or more areas doesn't mean the clip won't be used if it fits in somewhere.
Check the more recent posts for updates on what is happening with the project.
So this came up in the IRC chat... There might as well be a new one done at some point.
Here's the old one to remind you of what we currently have.
I watched it again now and I think it's pretty good. The intro is well done. The only gripes people have had about it (feel free to pitch in on this), is that the game selection could be broader. There have even been new emulators on whole new platforms introduced since. There are multiple Castlevania and multiple Sonic series games for example.
Therefore the purpose of this thread is now to start gathering suggestions for the next such site advertisement movie! Personally, I feel the ideal candidates for the movie are individual sublime moments/passages from movies that have since been obsoleted. Perhaps it is clear why. Another important criterion is that ANYONE can tell there's something special happening during that moment. Feel free to candidate anything you like though.
I humbly throw out level 25 of Jetpack (DOS):
It's a WIP but the route won't be replaced by anything less crazy.