Post subject: Share your Writing works of art here!
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There are probably some very talented writes here, feel free to post your work (if it's short, just put it in the post, if it's long, link to it as a file to download.) You can do poems, short works of writing, fiction, non-fiction, prose, essays, reports, whatever you feel like or have. The goal of this topic is to have: -Various users posting their work. Don't be shy! -Readers commenting on what they liked and what they think can be improved (sound familiar? :-P) -Authors updating with new chapters/segments (WIPs) I'll start. Some people in IRC remembered me asking a bunch of SciFi questions, pointing me to the movie Equilibrium for what my story idea most resembled. I have completed (and handed in to my creative writing class) the first two chapters. Chapter 1 is 11 pages (double spaced), chapter 2 is 3 pages long; this is because it was suggested my chapter 1 was too long and should be split. Chapter 2 feels incomplete, despite me ending with the depressing phrase that signifies a chapter end. The Beauty Killers Chapter 1 and 2 My other idea for a sequel/anthology (which I have yet to start, I've only begun forming plotlines and creating characters) is to combine two Studio Ghibli movies, Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind that connects the two storylines.
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Post subject: Drugged up nonsense.
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Here is what I've written down tonight (NSFW, expletives abound): -- "Marty I got my dick stuck in the flux capacitor." 30ohms to the winner of the 1982 Scrabble tournament! -- man: "am that a sharks?" shark: "no, I am Batman, here to save you from that helicopter from the future." helicopter: "don't listen to him. he's the pope, here to eat you!" -- MODERN ART? fuck you, i'm goin' to j. c. penney: sale on camisoles! -- this typography nonsense is the beast of burden for many journalistic minimalists throughout the endoctorined world, or whatever. -- cupid is a teetotaling crumpet-smashing youth from the suburbs that is constantly getting in trouble on xbox live for calling jesuits cheaters on halo. this will be recorded for posterity in an access database file and will be recalled during the court case against hugh jackman. remember that day well. -- get yourself some orange juice and tell everyone about your attempt to cross-breed a duck with a sponge. they will think you are belligerent! -- a very good sim city indeed! -- The front cover boldly claims "A BLOCKBUSTER -- Seattle Times." I do not know what timescape Seattle is in, but it is certainly not aware of the actual dimension in which we live. Rissa is some sort of human "female" that was born in wilderness of "Idaholand." Idaholand is a mythical planet off the port bow of Pluto. Considering Pluto has been downgraded to a dwarf planet, this sorely dates this book. There are lots of turrets that are spoken of in this book. It seems F.M. Busby (if that's his/her real name) is turret-crazy. Maybe he/she was born inside of a turret and that's their source of spite and dismay. It's hard to tell since I am not a psychoanalyst of any accredited sort. Busby also speaks of paying men to touch parts of dead animals just for the sheer pleasure of it. The character Tregare is barely in the book seeing as he's killed before the book starts. His backstory has the most expletives and made-up adverbs. Just because you add -ly to a word doesn't make it an adverb. This book also goes on a tangent about Mario 64 being the leader of a cult, but it never says what happened to the cult. I would like to think it ran a successful 7-11 in a New England suburb. But I digress. There is a lot of card playing in this book. I think that Busby is an anonymous Jokers Wild fanatic. And that begs the question, "who isn't?"
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trezin wrote:
words words words
What the hell?
Post subject: Re: Drugged up nonsense.
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trezin wrote:
Here is what I've written down tonight (NSFW, expletives abound)
Wow, it's like the bastard child of Zippy the Pinhead and a chatterbot. ComicalFlop, I'll take a look at yours later today.
Post subject: Re: Drugged up nonsense.
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trezin wrote:
"Marty I got my dick stuck in the flux capacitor."
Ok, that's just hilarious :)
Comicalflop wrote:
pointing me to the movie Equilibrium for what my story idea most resembled.
I remember seeing trailers for this movie my freshman year, and waiting with bated breath until I could see it... then it was never released in theaters (at least not around me). I forgot about it, then downloaded it like 3 years later after I found the trailer on my computer again. I actually now own the DVD. Another few million for productions values and I think it could have done pretty well in theaters... Anyway, on topic, I don't have any works of fiction to submit, but I did write an award winning report on ecstasy (the drug, not the feeling), back about 5 years ago. If anyone wants to read it I could probably dig it up and PDFize it.
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I like mmbossman's idea. Fiction doesn't particularly interest me, however, I'd greatly enjoy reading any university papers or reports written by users on their chosen subject. Although, such a thing merits its own thread.
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Mukki wrote:
I like mmbossman's idea. Fiction doesn't particularly interest me, however, I'd greatly enjoy reading any university papers or reports written by users on their chosen subject. Although, such a thing merits its own thread.
I've written plenty about poker theory/strategy and stuff, but nothing structured like an actual paper, and it's 98% gibberish to most people anyway.
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I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month, I'm hoping to write 25,000 words but so far I only have about 2,000. Here's my profile page on the site:
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Mukki wrote:
I like mmbossman's idea. Fiction doesn't particularly interest me, however, I'd greatly enjoy reading any university papers or reports written by users on their chosen subject. Although, such a thing merits its own thread.
This is a rough draft of one of my technical papers I wrote for a design project I completed in Berkeley. It's not really "rough" per say, but there were a lot of changes that I made to the copy I actually submitted. I will not link the final draft here, due to administative issues.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Research Paper on Autism Persuasion Essay Those are two essays I found when scrounging around my old documents I wrote in college last year. Hopefully soon I'll have the first chapter for my anthology ready (finished basic character bios, need to start actually writing it and figure out how to start it.) Chamale, your writing I took a quick glance at, so I'll give some feedback: -I know it's 1,703 words, but I really would have like a full chapter out before posting work. Especially here, where you're touching upon something and before I take one breath foomp the reading is done. -I'm not sure how original this storyline is (it seems familiar/already touched upon in a few sci fi books) you might want to think about how differently you can approach the same subject. -Who is the main character? We don't even have a name attached to him. -It's one thing to have good ideas... it's another to have them down on paper in such a way that the readers can visualize what you're saying. There is precious few descriptions or visual sentences here; I'm forced to think quite hard on what is going on. There'ye hiding in the clouds, there's a city beneath them; but like, these are aliens: what do they look like? what does their ship look like? what kind of clouds are they hiding in? what does the computer that is talking look like? -You have about 5 different things all cramped up into less than 2,000 words. each of these 5 significant points: -being positioned over a city, hiding in the clouds -the narrator/s are aliens, not humans (you actually go by this detail too fast, as if it's normal.) -they're on an advanced spaceship -Theyre's an advanced AI that interacts with the aliens on board the ship -They're going to find somewhere to land undetected, and are surveying the world beneath them. These can all be lengthy paragraphs on their own, but they're scrunched up.
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It's only a tiny excerpt. There's much more description elsewhere in the book - I just don't want to give too much away.
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I once had to do a persuasive speech freshman year of college on why "Kelloggs should give the Trix Rabbit some Trix" sadly, i dont know where the hell the outline went... but i am pretty sure i got an A. The other topics were lowering the drinking age and stuff... really fuckin' boring XD and yes, i do know that trix is not a kelloggs cereal, but no one noticed.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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This school year, I wrote a personal narrative about my first experiences with the SNES. I remember that I got a A too. If I can, I will post it here.
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My (rough draft-ish) first chapter for the anthology is done. Highly recommended to at least watch the movie Castle in the Sky before reading.
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I wrote this poem. It just sort of came together one morning. I had no intension of writing a poem, it just sort of hit me. I was later able to use it in my english class. The High School School is a place that all teens need to go, Even when there’s twenty centimeters of snow, Most of the times the kids don’t even show, Cause we all just learn things that we don’t need to know. Throughout the whole long time that the teacher teaches, The rest of the classroom just bickers and screeches, The teacher will hush us and give one of those speeches, In one of those futile attempts to reach us. Throughout the whole school year tempers will flash, Where students will argue and start talking trash, And when there’s a fist fight the students will dash, Just to enjoy other kid’s egos clash. But let’s not forget the whole big picture here, Of why we all go to school year after year, To get educated and keep friends we hold dear, And let’s all keep in mind graduation is near. Brian Benjamin Inwood (Pekopon) Pretty neat huh?
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Ye~~Have you heard some Chinese peom.Let's share it. 杜甫 望岳 岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。 造化锺神秀, 阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云, 决眦入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小。 Du Fu A VIEW OF TAISHAN What shall I say of the Great Peak? -- The ancient dukedoms are everywhere green, Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation, With the Twin Forces balancing day and night. ...I bare my breast toward opening clouds, I strain my sight after birds flying home. When shall I reach the top and hold All mountains in a single glance?
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Xipo wrote:
Ye~~Have you heard some Chinese peom.Let's share it. 杜甫 望岳 岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。 造化锺神秀, 阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云, 决眦入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小。
I find it fascinating how you can express such an elaborate poem in such few written symbols, neatly arranged in a grid.
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Even translated to english it's very good.
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会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小 It is the core of this poem.It tell us we should always make great efforts.
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Xipo wrote:
会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小
Babelfish wrote:
In English: Can when insults 绝顶, as soon as looks at the numerous mountains to be small
Google wrote:
Automatically translated text: When Ling will be extremely, small viewing public Hill
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Bisqwit wrote:
Xipo wrote:
会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小
Babelfish wrote:
In English: Can when insults 绝顶, as soon as looks at the numerous mountains to be small
Google wrote:
Automatically translated text: When Ling will be extremely, small viewing public Hill
Makes sense to me... Anyway, that poem Xipo put up before was very good; Du Fu wrote over a thousand of them like those, almost all of them relating to nature. Moar.
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Ah, Xipo put up a Chinese peom in a English site, hehe, I find it's interesting. :) I'm surprised non-Chinese know Du Fu and his peom.
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Hah... I needed to share this with you guys... it beats Du Fu, Sun Tzu and that Zen Master from Fist of Zen... NOTE: some may find it offensive and blah blah blah, but it's great nonetheless. here
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.