User File #638561133860455748

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#638561133860455748 - Wii Party Match-Up TAS - first draft (bk2)

In 02:56.00 (10560 frames), 282 rerecords
Game: Wii Party ( Wii, see all files )
Uploaded 7/9/2024 9:16 AM by InputEvelution (see all 11)
This TAS is done on the Korean version of Wii Party, more specifically with a .rvz extension (rather than a .iso extension).
Settings that differ from the defaults in BizHawk Dolphin Core:
  • Slot A: None
  • SI Device 0: None
  • Enable Custom RTC: True
  • Custom RTC Value: 1/1/2000 12:01:10 AM
  • Fallback Region: NTSC-K
  • WiiMote 1 - MotionPlus Attached: False
  • WiiMote 1 - Extension: None
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: Korea
  • Widescreen: True
  • Progressive Scan: False