This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
6040 DS Gummy Bears MiniGolf by Sam_Underscore in 07:39.06
1825 NES Pinball Quest by Aqfaq in 03:39.52
6041 NES Monopoly by FractalFusion in 00:28.92
Walking on water ... is that really what happened? 1826 Genesis Bible Adventures "Baby Moses" by Aglar in 02:00.37 Walking on water ... is that really what happened?
6042 NES Rockman 2 Claw: Wild Version by longbao in 25:07.47
The authors use the glasses trick. 1827 NES Shadowgate by Randil & ZenicReverie in 08:23.84 The authors use the glasses trick.
6043 NES Rockman Exile by nightingale & CUI in 24:49.23
Wait ... what? 1828 GBA Pokémon: Ruby Version by FractalFusion & GoddessMaria in 1:31:45.43 Wait ... what?
6044 SNES Killer Instinct by KusogeMan in 07:53.92
6045 GBA Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis by ninespaces in 1:42:39.81
1829 PSX Castlevania Chronicles by zggzdydp in 26:28.38
6046 Flash Magnet Face by Mikewillplays in 01:17.77
6047 NES Rockman 2 Claw by longbao & CUI in 23:47.43
1830 NES Hammerin' Harry by NitroGenesis in 07:11.39
6048 NES Little Lancelot by Induviel in 16:15.21
1831 GBA Mega Man Zero by hellagels in 16:56.98
6049 Flash Rokko Chan by ruru-ta in 19:12.63
1832 PSX MediEvil by Torn338 in 43:32.35
6050 NES Rockman 5: Metropolis by NemoRuby in 30:50.64
6051 NES Rockman: Install Metal by NemoRuby in 29:17.84
1833 MSX Knightmare 2: The Maze of Galious by zggzdydp & scrimpeh in 25:04.67
6052 NES DuckTales "bad ending" by Jvuln33 in 07:47.68
"There's a stairway going down ... take it?" 1834 NES Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn "game end glitch" by MiezaruMono in 00:12.86 "There's a stairway going down ... take it?"
6053 NES Rockman 2: ONN by CUI in 24:29.55
6054 WSWAN Atop the Witch's Tower by Darkman425 in 03:17.86

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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