Published on 7/23/2024
Atop the Witch's Tower is an adventure game that was first developed for PCs and later saw homebrew ports to the Game Boy Color and the WonderSwan. It was developed using ZZT, which is both a game and a game creation tool that can make adventure games. In Atop the Witch Tower, you play as a witch named Mary, who has a very special day ahead of her. She is about to make her first sacrifice with a very special princess. This, however, gives Mary some anxiety as she seems to have some attachment to the princess herself. Follow her around as she tries to solve her dilemma over what to do.
Darkman425 in this run resolves Mary the witch's problems as fast as possible, getting her hurt by some hazards in the process.
You can play the original game here and get the WonderSwan Color port here.
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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