Published on 7/15/2024
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis is a turn-based strategy game for the Game Boy Advance and part of the Ogre Battle series of video games. It is a prequel to the previous game, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. The story follows the titular Knight of Lodis, Alphonse Loeher, as he is separated from his military unit following a battle that leads him being lost into the ocean. Washed up elsewhere, Alphonse decides to go off on his own and soon uncovers a plot involving an opposition that is against the Holy Pope and the Empire of Lodis, the fabled Spear of Destiny, and the possible resurrection of an angel.
ninespaces here beats this strategy game in record time by making great use of an overpowered weapon known as the Orb and exploiting a glitch that creates overpowered clones of characters in the party. For further details, you can read the author's notes.

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