Most recent changes in texts

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709 710 711 880 881
Encoders (r14) Flygon Updated with laptop specs 12:31 AM Diff
Encoders (r11) Velitha 11:45 PM Diff
Encoders (r8) Velitha 11:32 PM Diff
Encoders (r7) Flygon Added myself, feel free to clean up 11:21 PM Diff
Staff (r71) sgrunt better link to encoders 11:21 PM Diff
Staff (r70) sgrunt link to encoders page 11:16 PM Diff
Encoders (r5) sgrunt bleh 11:13 PM Diff
Encoders (r1) sgrunt Good enough to start with. 10:59 PM Diff
2697S (r6) Foone Correcting game version 10:50 PM Diff
2697S (r5) sgrunt dummy edit to force update 10:48 PM Diff
2700S (r4) Aktan 4:50 PM Diff
2699S (r6) Aktan 4:50 PM Diff
2700S (r3) Cpadolf 11:40 AM Diff
1544M (r1) sgrunt 3:23 AM Diff
HomePages/Memory/Roles (r13) sgrunt [...]and at least Skilled player rank (Expert player is preferred) 2:00 AM Diff
GameResources/Genesis/SonicTheHedgehog (r20) Sonikkustar 11:30 PM Diff
2695S (r3) Cpadolf 10:15 PM Diff
1543M (r2) moozooh description rewritten 9:29 PM Diff
1543M (r1) Aktan 8:39 PM Diff
HomePages/moozooh/Quotes (r55) moozooh added a couple more 4:41 PM Diff
2699S (r5) Aktan 2:02 PM Diff
2697S (r4) Cpadolf 12:45 AM Diff
2697S (r3) Cpadolf 12:44 AM Diff
2699S (r4) Cpadolf 12:23 AM Diff
1542M (r1) sgrunt 6:22 PM Diff
2700S (r2) Aglar 3:00 PM Diff
2699S (r3) Aglar 3:00 PM Diff
2699S (r2) Aglar 2:29 PM Diff
2700S (r1) Aglar 2:28 PM Diff
2691S (r5) Truncated movie replaced 8:24 PM Diff
2699S (r1) Aglar 2:47 PM Diff
HomePages/P.JBoy/Dump (r59) P.JBoy Goodbye Metroid RAM addresses 1:41 PM Diff
2698S (r3) Ryuto 11:54 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r20) NitroGenesis 10:58 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r19) NitroGenesis 10:52 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r18) NitroGenesis 10:49 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r17) NitroGenesis 10:45 PM Diff
1499M (r3) NitroGenesis 6:24 PM Diff
1499M (r2) sgrunt Also see the all stages run. 6:24 PM Diff
1538M (r2) sgrunt variation of Rolanmen1's description 6:23 PM Diff
2694S (r4) Olivebates 3:32 PM Diff
2694S (r3) Olivebates 3:30 PM Diff
2698S (r2) Ryuto 3:16 PM Diff
2698S (r1) Ryuto 3:11 PM Diff
2696S (r3) DarkKobold 7:21 AM Diff
2694S (r2) Olivebates 5:54 AM Diff
2697S (r1) Foone 2:12 AM Diff
2696S (r1) DarkKobold 1:07 AM Diff
2695S (r1) Acmlm 10:11 PM Diff
2694S (r1) Olivebates 7:54 PM Diff
2693S (r1) Bobo_the_King 6:09 PM Diff
2692S (r4) neo_omegon 11:07 AM Diff
2692S (r3) neo_omegon 9:26 AM Diff
2692S (r2) neo_omegon 9:16 AM Diff
2692S (r1) neo_omegon 8:30 AM Diff
2691S (r1) Randil 7:30 AM Diff
1541M (r2) Velitha 1:37 AM Diff
1541M (r1) Velitha 1:27 AM Diff
2687S (r6) Velitha 8:48 PM Diff
2687S (r5) Truncated accepted 1:37 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/StreamingMedia (r27) Flygon Made the playlist section actually make some more sense 10:01 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/Genesis (r40) NitroGenesis 12:35 AM Diff
2686S (r3) adelikat 1:24 AM Diff
2690S (r1) Noxxa 7:30 PM Diff
2689S (r1) Truncated 10:27 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r16) NitroGenesis 5:18 PM Diff
1540M (r5) DarkKobold 10:06 PM Diff
1540M (r4) DarkKobold 9:35 PM Diff
1540M (r3) Flygon Hi there Velitha 9:32 PM Diff
1540M (r2) Sonikkustar 9:26 PM Diff
1540M (r1) Velitha 9:23 PM Diff
2683S (r11) Velitha 8:55 PM Diff
2683S (r10) DarkKobold 8:47 PM Diff
2683S (r9) adelikat 4:20 PM Diff
2683S (r8) DarkKobold Updated the dungeon info. 3:51 PM Diff
2687S (r4) GGG 12:54 AM Diff
TODO (r120) klmz System Movie More Movies 12:41 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/MegaManZero (r1) klmz NEW PAGE 12:06 PM Diff
GameResources (r81) klmz Mega Man Zero 11:59 AM Diff
2687S (r3) GGG 2:30 AM Diff
2687S (r2) GGG 2:09 AM Diff
LawsOfTAS (r10) adelikat Fix links 11:23 PM Diff
LawsOfTAS/OnSavestates (r5) adelikat Page moved from Adelikat/LawsOfTAS/OnSavestates to LawsOfTAS/OnSavestates 11:22 PM Diff
LawsOfTAS/OnMovieFileFormats (r4) adelikat Page moved from Adelikat/LawsOfTAS/OnMovieFileFormats to LawsOfTAS/OnMovieFileFormats 11:21 PM Diff
LawsOfTAS/Glossary (r2) adelikat Page moved from Adelikat/LawsOfTAS/Glossary to LawsOfTAS/Glossary 11:20 PM Diff
LawsOfTAS (r9) adelikat Page moved from Adelikat/LawsOfTAS to LawsOfTAS 11:20 PM Diff
2688S (r2) snc76976 3:30 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/ActRaiser (r15) zidanax 10:12 AM Diff
2688S (r1) snc76976 5:56 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros3 (r13) adelikat Add animated GIF and better explanation of Ceiling boost 1:28 AM Diff
1539M (r2) Nach It's JXQ 11:19 PM Diff
1539M (r1) Flygon 11:18 PM Diff
2687S (r1) GGG 7:37 PM Diff
2681S (r2) adelikat 5:55 PM Diff
2678S (r5) Baxter 3:50 PM Diff
2685S (r10) Flygon 2:32 PM Diff
2678S (r4) Baxter 2:09 PM Diff
2678S (r3) Baxter 2:07 PM Diff
2678S (r2) Baxter 2:03 PM Diff
2685S (r9) Baxter 1:56 PM Diff
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709 710 711 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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