Most recent changes in texts

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545 546 547 880 881
3852S (r5) feos 2:47 PM Diff
3854S (r3) feos 2:46 PM Diff
2297M (r2) CoolKirby 7:16 AM Diff
3838S (r8) natt procesing 5:11 PM Diff
2299M (r1) Ilari 4:42 PM Diff
3856S (r4) SDR 4:38 PM Diff
2759S (r8) OmnipotentEntity 4:19 PM Diff
2298M (r1) OmnipotentEntity 3:57 PM Diff
2297M (r1) Ilari 3:47 PM Diff
2296M (r1) Ilari 3:47 PM Diff
2295M (r2) nanogyth 3:33 PM Diff
2295M (r1) nanogyth 3:32 PM Diff
3849S (r15) Nach 2:52 PM Diff
1190S (r9) feos publication underway 11:51 AM Diff
3856S (r3) Noxxa 11:28 AM Diff
3825S (r6) feos Judging 10:38 AM Diff
3841S (r5) FractalFusion accept 8:27 AM Diff
3851S (r5) Nach 7:20 AM Diff
3856S (r1) SDR 5:33 AM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc/SMB (r11) Nahoc 4:21 AM Diff
3837S (r6) mtvf1 1:16 AM Diff
3855S (r1) goofydylan8 1:00 AM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc/SMB (r10) Nahoc added e7 9:05 PM Diff
3827S (r12) nanogyth 3:50 PM Diff
2074S (r12) Nahoc 3:37 PM Diff
HomePages/Ilari/FeatureRequests (r3) CoolKirby 8:41 AM Diff
HomePages/feos (r94) feos 26.01.2013 6:51 AM Diff
HomePages/Marx (r7) Marx 3:11 AM Diff
3193S (r12) Ilari Fix download link 10:25 PM Diff
3841S (r4) FractalFusion 10:04 PM Diff
3853S (r2) feos Game name, branch. 4:24 PM Diff
3854S (r2) feos Judging 4:21 PM Diff
3846S (r9) Brandon 6:05 AM Diff
1704S (r13) FractalFusion 10:56 PM Diff
3854S (r1) AndiHoffi 10:44 PM Diff
2203M (r2) CoolKirby 8:15 PM Diff
1654M (r2) CoolKirby 7:50 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/Ideas (r33) feos Tiers 3:08 PM Diff
3852S (r4) feos Judging 2:54 PM Diff
3852S (r3) AndiHoffi Clarified visiting of rooms 12:10 PM Diff
3853S (r1) Marx 9:25 AM Diff
2285M (r3) Nach User names should be userified wikified so if and when they get a homepage, it autolinks 8:23 AM Diff
2179M (r3) Nach User names should be userified wikified so if and when they get a homepage, it autolinks 8:22 AM Diff
2179M (r2) CoolKirby 8:10 AM Diff
2248M (r3) Nach User names should be userified wikified so if and when they get a homepage, it autolinks 7:37 AM Diff
2248M (r2) CoolKirby 7:35 AM Diff
3844S (r4) FractalFusion 7:04 AM Diff
2281M (r2) CoolKirby 6:55 AM Diff
2285M (r2) CoolKirby 6:35 AM Diff
2243M (r2) CoolKirby 3:41 AM Diff
1601M (r4) CoolKirby 3:09 AM Diff
3852S (r1) AndiHoffi 12:13 AM Diff
2270M (r2) CoolKirby 10:26 PM Diff
3850S (r2) McBobX 10:18 PM Diff
3844S (r3) FractalFusion fixed game name and branch 9:45 PM Diff
2286M (r2) CoolKirby 8:39 PM Diff
2294M (r1) Ilari 5:44 PM Diff
3560S (r4) feos 4:03 PM Diff
2293M (r2) moozooh 6.68 frames, really now 3:01 PM Diff
1704S (r12) feos accepting 2:41 PM Diff
3840S (r3) feos Rejecting 2:31 PM Diff
3766S (r5) feos For now, rejecting. 2:20 PM Diff
3842S (r3) feos 1:56 PM Diff
2293M (r1) Ilari 1:49 PM Diff
HomePages/Marx (r6) Marx 6:26 AM Diff
3849S (r13) DarkMoon 6:09 AM Diff
3843S (r3) Noxxa 11:00 PM Diff
3849S (r12) DarkMoon 9:54 PM Diff
1684S (r14) Brandon Publication unclaimed. 9:52 PM Diff
2292M (r1) Ilari 10:26 AM Diff
3851S (r3) Nach 9:33 AM Diff
3851S (r2) Nach 9:31 AM Diff
3851S (r1) KFCMARIO 9:18 AM Diff
1135M (r12) OmnipotentEntity Updated the video linked to the most recent version. 5:24 AM Diff
3849S (r10) DarkMoon Updated encode link (still processing though ;_;) 4:04 AM Diff
3850S (r1) McBobX 1:14 AM Diff
3847S (r3) FractalFusion changed ROM name 1:05 AM Diff
2291M (r1) natt 8:20 PM Diff
3827S (r10) Noxxa 8:18 PM Diff
3814S (r11) natt processing 7:53 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r9) Nach Continuance Run Submitted 7:31 PM Diff
3849S (r6) Nach Linkify 7:23 PM Diff
3849S (r5) Nach Correct difference in time 7:21 PM Diff
3849S (r3) Nach 7:14 PM Diff
3849S (r1) bahamete 7:12 PM Diff
3848S (r4) McBobX 5:09 PM Diff
3834S (r2) feos 4:10 PM Diff
3803S (r7) feos Accepting 3:22 PM Diff
3848S (r3) McBobX 2:22 PM Diff
3848S (r1) McBobX 1:56 PM Diff
3845S (r3) Marx 3:20 AM Diff
3847S (r2) Noxxa 10:20 PM Diff
3847S (r1) dunnius 10:13 PM Diff
3838S (r6) Nach 9:55 PM Diff
3838S (r5) Nach 9:27 PM Diff
3846S (r8) dwangoAC Clarify goal, fix formatting, reference specific previous run 5:40 PM Diff
3846S (r7) dwangoAC Removed raw RAM addressses now that the addrset has been created 5:20 PM Diff
3846S (r6) dwangoAC Remove note about file now that Ilari has replaced it, correct scoring spacing 5:12 PM Diff
3846S (r5) Ilari 4:51 PM Diff
3803S (r6) feos judging 2:34 PM Diff
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545 546 547 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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