Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 158 159 160
880 881
2856M (r3) CloakTheLurker 12:25 AM Diff
991M (r10) CloakTheLurker 12:24 AM Diff
2789M (r2) CloakTheLurker 12:23 AM Diff
3388M (r4) CloakTheLurker 12:22 AM Diff
3124M (r4) CloakTheLurker 12:18 AM Diff
2944M (r4) CloakTheLurker 12:16 AM Diff
3943M (r4) CloakTheLurker 12:13 AM Diff
434M (r12) CloakTheLurker 12:11 AM Diff
2194M (r5) CloakTheLurker 12:02 AM Diff
2068M (r5) CloakTheLurker 12:02 AM Diff
4265M (r3) CloakTheLurker 12:01 AM Diff
4467M (r4) CloakTheLurker 12:00 AM Diff
7597S (r5) Clicher 11:58 PM Diff
3282M (r2) CloakTheLurker 11:51 PM Diff
3495M (r2) CloakTheLurker 11:51 PM Diff
1322M (r6) CloakTheLurker 11:47 PM Diff
1997M (r5) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version and link 11:46 PM Diff
1561M (r5) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 11:43 PM Diff
756M (r3) CloakTheLurker 11:41 PM Diff
1926M (r7) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 11:39 PM Diff
3916M (r3) CloakTheLurker 11:33 PM Diff
797M (r6) CloakTheLurker 11:31 PM Diff
1783M (r3) CloakTheLurker 11:29 PM Diff
114M (r3) CloakTheLurker 11:24 PM Diff
2069M (r5) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 7:56 PM Diff
7625S (r18) Archanfel 7:12 PM Diff
4793M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4793 3:21 PM Diff
LuaScripting/MemoryEditing (r7) feos %%SRC_EMBED lua 1:59 PM Diff
LuaScripting/TableKeys (r12) feos %%SRC_EMBED lua 1:56 PM Diff
LuaScripting/Macros (r4) feos %%SRC_EMBED lua 1:55 PM Diff
LuaScripting/Display (r10) feos lua 1:54 PM Diff
LuaScripting/Registers (r9) feos %%SRC_EMBED lua 1:51 PM Diff
LuaScripting (r37) feos %%SRC_EMBED lua 1:48 PM Diff
7624S (r5) m_riss 8:37 PM Diff
7624S (r4) m_riss 8:35 PM Diff
4790M (r2) CloakTheLurker changed Emulator Version 7:19 PM Diff
7555S (r5) slamo Claimed for judging 7:00 PM Diff
7628S (r2) InfoTeddy 6:57 PM Diff
7628S (r1) Serena Auto-generated from Submission #7628 6:54 PM Diff
7575S (r5) slamo 6:21 PM Diff
7610S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 5:48 PM Diff
7481S (r15) EZGames69 5:47 PM Diff
4792M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4792 5:47 PM Diff
7595S (r9) Spikestuff 5:25 PM Diff
7597S (r4) feos 4:56 PM Diff
7595S (r8) feos 4:55 PM Diff
4791M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4791 1:36 PM Diff
7626S (r3) InfoTeddy Claimed for judging 5:45 AM Diff
7627S (r2) InfoTeddy Claimed for judging 5:45 AM Diff
4790M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #4790 5:09 AM Diff
610M (r3) CloakTheLurker formatted comments 10:11 PM Diff
775M (r3) CloakTheLurker 10:03 PM Diff
1048M (r4) CloakTheLurker 10:03 PM Diff
707M (r3) CloakTheLurker 10:02 PM Diff
918M (r6) CloakTheLurker 9:58 PM Diff
1995M (r4) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 9:57 PM Diff
1816M (r6) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version from movie file 9:55 PM Diff
385M (r2) CloakTheLurker 9:22 PM Diff
763M (r5) CloakTheLurker 9:20 PM Diff
1209M (r3) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 9:19 PM Diff
1417M (r6) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 9:18 PM Diff
207M (r3) CloakTheLurker 9:14 PM Diff
831M (r2) CloakTheLurker 9:12 PM Diff
254M (r3) CloakTheLurker 9:09 PM Diff
754M (r6) CloakTheLurker 9:08 PM Diff
1031M (r6) CloakTheLurker 9:07 PM Diff
1158M (r8) CloakTheLurker 9:05 PM Diff
780M (r3) CloakTheLurker 9:00 PM Diff
1584M (r10) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 8:56 PM Diff
4462M (r2) CloakTheLurker 8:53 PM Diff
3067M (r3) CloakTheLurker 8:52 PM Diff
833M (r3) CloakTheLurker 8:52 PM Diff
475M (r4) CloakTheLurker 8:51 PM Diff
689M (r5) CloakTheLurker 8:51 PM Diff
1866M (r4) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 8:49 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r327) CloakTheLurker added notes for qFCEUX 8:40 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r326) CloakTheLurker moved FCEU warning to top 7:54 PM Diff
1131M (r7) CloakTheLurker 7:26 PM Diff
514M (r3) CloakTheLurker 7:25 PM Diff
940M (r4) CloakTheLurker 7:24 PM Diff
1121M (r3) CloakTheLurker 7:24 PM Diff
710M (r7) CloakTheLurker 7:23 PM Diff
765M (r4) CloakTheLurker 7:21 PM Diff
SandBox (r24) feos 4:38 PM Diff
7595S (r7) feos 4:21 PM Diff
7625S (r3) Archanfel 1:54 PM Diff
7600S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 12:47 PM Diff
7611S (r7) despoa Claimed for publication 12:47 PM Diff
4789M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4789 12:44 PM Diff
HomePages/Fortranm/ListofDKReleases (r30) Fortranm 6:50 AM Diff
4788M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4788 2:37 AM Diff
1153M (r4) CloakTheLurker 2:28 AM Diff
1693M (r7) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 2:27 AM Diff
1837M (r5) CloakTheLurker 2:25 AM Diff
1603M (r3) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 2:23 AM Diff
410M (r3) CloakTheLurker 2:22 AM Diff
1906M (r4) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 2:16 AM Diff
323M (r2) CloakTheLurker 2:12 AM Diff
350M (r2) CloakTheLurker 2:11 AM Diff
284M (r3) CloakTheLurker 2:01 AM Diff
1 2 158 159 160
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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