Submission #7774: floppafloppies64's N64 No Speed Limit 64 "1 Star" in 09:36.32

Nintendo 64
1 Star
(Submitted: Super Mario 64 (U) [!].z64 USA)
mupen64-rr 1.0.9
Submitted by floppafloppies64 on 11/3/2022 6:24 PM
Submission Comments
In this TAS, I finish the No Speed Limit 64 Rom Hack (Which removes the speed cap and makes the character move incredibly fast), with 1 Star. The slope dives make the character go abnormally fast, so in this case I don't recommend watching this if you have some sort of motion sickness.
Objectives and used Emulator
  • Emulator used: Mupen 64 1.0.9
  • Finish the game with 1 Star as fast as possible.
Last Edited by floppafloppies64 on 11/6/2022 6:12 PM
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