All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
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687 688 689
1296 1297
4915S (r3) Samsara 8:04 PM Diff
4915S (r2) TASVideoAgent Fixed links (Minor edit) 7:07 PM Diff
4915S (r1) xy2_ 7:07 PM Diff
3005M (r2) CoolKirby shortened story, added run info 6:56 PM Diff
4913S (r16) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:50 PM Diff
3370S (r10) McBobX 4:08 PM Diff
3370S (r9) McBobX 4:01 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/TheFlintstones (r21) brunovalads Minor add in score address (Minor edit) 3:14 PM Diff
2943M (r3) fsvgm777 3:12 PM Diff
2819M (r3) fsvgm777 3:10 PM Diff
4912S (r2) Samsara 11:51 PM Diff
4910S (r2) ars4326 Claimed for judging 11:13 PM Diff
4909S (r2) ars4326 Claimed for judging 11:12 PM Diff
4913S (r15) xy2_ 10:17 PM Diff
4913S (r14) xy2_ stair clipping 10:12 PM Diff
4913S (r13) xy2_ (Minor edit) 9:22 PM Diff
4913S (r12) xy2_ hitbox clipping 9:20 PM Diff
GameResources/DS/BrainAgeTrainYourBrainInMinutesADay (r24) xy2_ wording edit (Minor edit) 4:56 PM Diff
GameResources/DS/BrainAgeTrainYourBrainInMinutesADay (r23) xy2_ realism edit (Minor edit) 4:54 PM Diff
HomePages/feos (r119) feos 9:59 AM Diff
HomePages/arandomgameTASer (r34) arandomgameTASer 10:07 PM Diff
4908S (r7) Samsara 8:24 PM Diff
3005M (r1) feos Disney's The Lion King 1 1/2 12:14 PM Diff
4901S (r6) feos (Minor edit) 11:47 AM Diff
ReverseEngineering (r29) feos (Minor edit) 8:26 AM Diff
ReverseEngineering (r28) feos (Minor edit) 8:02 AM Diff
ReverseEngineering (r27) feos (Minor edit) 8:01 AM Diff
4159S (r8) McBobX 4:27 AM Diff
4914S (r2) Denial140 Removing stupid comment. (Minor edit) 11:27 PM Diff
4914S (r1) Denial140 11:23 PM Diff
HomePages/arandomgameTASer (r33) arandomgameTASer 10:09 PM Diff
HomePages/arandomgameTASer (r32) arandomgameTASer 10:03 PM Diff
HomePages/arandomgameTASer (r31) arandomgameTASer 9:57 PM Diff
HomePages/arandomgameTASer (r30) arandomgameTASer 7:38 PM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r81) feos 4:26 PM Diff
RU/Guidelines (r1) feos 4:25 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r7) MUGG 2:51 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r6) MUGG 12:23 PM Diff
3004M (r1) fsvgm777 Sesame Street Countdown 9:41 AM Diff
4913S (r11) NitroGenesis game select 12:08 AM Diff
4913S (r10) xy2_ (Minor edit) 9:49 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r5) MUGG (Minor edit) 8:39 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r4) MUGG (Minor edit) 8:33 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r3) MUGG 8:22 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG (r152) MUGG (Minor edit) 8:21 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r2) MUGG (Minor edit) 8:20 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG/MLSSLuaScript (r1) MUGG 8:18 PM Diff
4913S (r9) xy2_ (Minor edit) 7:38 PM Diff
4913S (r8) xy2_ stair glitch 7:10 PM Diff
4913S (r7) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:39 PM Diff
4913S (r6) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:23 PM Diff
4913S (r5) Samsara 6:18 PM Diff
4913S (r4) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:17 PM Diff
4913S (r3) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:15 PM Diff
4913S (r2) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:11 PM Diff
4913S (r1) xy2_ (Minor edit) 6:10 PM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r80) feos reverse engineer 4:10 PM Diff
4902S (r8) adelikat 10:47 PM Diff
4902S (r7) fsvgm777 10:21 PM Diff
4912S (r1) slamo 8:15 PM Diff
SubmissionInstructions (r50) feos Русская версия 5:10 PM Diff
RU/SubmissionInstructions (r3) feos 5:04 PM Diff
RU/SubmissionInstructions (r2) feos 4:58 PM Diff
3003M (r1) fsvgm777 Eek! The Cat 4:37 PM Diff
TASBot (r29) dwangoAC Added Nach SMB on SMAS info, other fixes 4:24 PM Diff
RU/SubmissionInstructions (r1) feos russian version. to be verified... 3:35 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG (r151) MUGG (Minor edit) 1:10 PM Diff
4911S (r4) finap13 12:24 PM Diff
TASBot (r28) dwangoAC A bit more for SGDQ 2015, but still need more for endrift's work 7:33 AM Diff
TASBot (r27) TASVideoAgent Fixed links (Minor edit) 7:21 AM Diff
TASBot (r26) dwangoAC Add Choco Mountain competitors, TPP movie file link 7:21 AM Diff
4902S (r6) Samsara 5:09 AM Diff
4911S (r3) finap13 12:24 AM Diff
4908S (r6) Samsara 9:15 PM Diff
4911S (r2) finap13 Added special thanks section 8:53 PM Diff
GameResources/Genesis/EarthwormJim2 (r14) feos (Minor edit) 6:59 PM Diff
HomePages/GoddessMaria (r24) GoddessMaria 5:45 PM Diff
Bizhawk/Libretro (r24) zeromus 8:07 AM Diff
4907S (r8) YamiAmarillo 5:50 AM Diff
4911S (r1) finap13 2:18 AM Diff
4902S (r5) Samsara 2:13 AM Diff
4910S (r1) qqwref 11:31 PM Diff
4909S (r1) qqwref 11:28 PM Diff
4901S (r5) feos Pub 6:02 PM Diff
4907S (r7) Truncated judging 3:13 PM Diff
3367S (r7) McBobX 2:56 PM Diff
3368S (r6) McBobX 2:56 PM Diff
3370S (r8) McBobX 2:55 PM Diff
4905S (r11) fsvgm777 (Minor edit) 1:29 PM Diff
4905S (r10) fsvgm777 1:24 PM Diff
HomePages/Chef_Stef (r54) Chef_Stef Updated page with latest TAS info and activities. 11:49 PM Diff
4905S (r9) Noxxa 10:07 PM Diff
4905S (r8) Noxxa 10:02 PM Diff
4037S (r7) McBobX 8:55 PM Diff
4908S (r5) Samsara 4:06 PM Diff
4908S (r4) gamerretro2 4:01 PM Diff
4908S (r3) Samsara 3:45 PM Diff
GameResources/Genesis/EarthwormJim2 (r13) feos Randomness 3:40 PM Diff
4908S (r2) fsvgm777 Now properly edited. 3:36 PM Diff
4908S (r1) gamerretro2 3:35 PM Diff
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687 688 689
1296 1297

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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