All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
1 2
428 429 430
1308 1309
7138S (r1) MrWint 4:54 PM Diff
7132S (r8) feos (Minor edit) 4:28 PM Diff
LegacyPages/Judging/LongestJudgmentNotes (r10) feos 7132S 4:27 PM Diff
7132S (r7) TASVideoAgent Fixed links (Minor edit) 4:23 PM Diff
7132S (r6) feos 4:22 PM Diff
HomePages/Samsara/SMB1 (r27) feos I hope you don't mind (Minor edit) 3:11 PM Diff
1181M (r4) Bigbass 2:59 PM Diff
4082M (r2) Bigbass 2:59 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r31) feos (Minor edit) 2:57 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r30) feos (Minor edit) 2:55 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r29) feos (Minor edit) 2:53 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r28) feos 3556S (Minor edit) 2:51 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r27) feos 3556S 2:50 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r26) feos (Minor edit) 1:52 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r25) feos (Minor edit) 12:45 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r24) feos Table 12:32 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r23) feos Table (Minor edit) 12:31 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r22) feos Table (Minor edit) 12:30 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r21) feos Table (Minor edit) 12:27 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r20) feos Table (Minor edit) 12:26 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r19) feos Table 12:23 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r18) feos (Minor edit) 12:19 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r17) feos 7132S (Minor edit) 12:12 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r16) feos (Minor edit) 12:10 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r15) feos (Minor edit) 12:08 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r14) feos (Minor edit) 12:06 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r13) feos (Minor edit) 12:05 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r12) feos (Minor edit) 12:04 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r11) feos (Minor edit) 12:02 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r10) feos (Minor edit) 12:01 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r9) feos (Minor edit) 11:57 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r8) feos Output 11:23 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r7) feos Output 11:22 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r6) feos Output 11:20 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r5) feos Output 11:18 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r4) feos Output 11:14 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r3) feos Output (Minor edit) 11:09 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r2) feos Output 11:08 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/ButtonStats (r1) feos 11:03 AM Diff
4046M (r2) Bigbass 9:19 AM Diff
970M (r2) Bigbass 9:17 AM Diff
7108S (r38) EZGames69 2:07 AM Diff
7108S (r37) Samsara 2:02 AM Diff
7137S (r3) Spikestuff Title fix, rom correction and cleaned up comments (Minor edit) 1:05 AM Diff
4465M (r2) Bigbass 6:52 PM Diff
7137S (r2) Samsara 6:09 PM Diff
6929S (r6) Samsara 6:06 PM Diff
7103S (r8) Samsara 6:05 PM Diff
7137S (r1) grow420zombie 3:57 PM Diff
4465M (r1) Spikestuff Pokémon: Gold Version 2:30 PM Diff
GameResources/PSX/BugsBunnyLostInTime (r9) AleMastroianni 12:42 PM Diff
GameResources/PSX/BugsBunnyLostInTime (r8) AleMastroianni 9:35 AM Diff
7049S (r11) AmaizumiUni 6:08 AM Diff
4464M (r1) Zinfidel Black Castle 5:57 AM Diff
7136S (r2) Samsara 4:39 AM Diff
7136S (r1) naruko 4:29 AM Diff
7120S (r6) Samsara 3:50 AM Diff
7133S (r5) Samsara 3:50 AM Diff
GameResources/PSX/CrashTeamRacing (r4) AleMastroianni 5:54 PM Diff
GameResources/PSX/CrashTeamRacing (r3) AleMastroianni 5:52 PM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r41) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 5:11 PM Diff
7135S (r2) Spikestuff Fixed. 3:05 PM Diff
7135S (r1) Vaan666 2:52 PM Diff
7134S (r5) Nach 12:39 PM Diff
7134S (r4) feos 11:55 AM Diff
7134S (r3) feos 11:53 AM Diff
7134S (r2) Spikestuff (Minor edit) 11:45 AM Diff
7134S (r1) eien86 11:30 AM Diff
3662M (r6) TiKevin83 Only the 1P Dragster 5.57 has been verified 5:16 AM Diff
7129S (r5) Zinfidel Claim (Minor edit) 10:41 PM Diff
LiveChat (r13) Nach Add weblink for IRC 9:00 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r236) TASVideoAgent Fixed links (Minor edit) 5:47 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r235) feos (Minor edit) 5:47 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r234) feos link dolphin thread 5:44 PM Diff
7129S (r4) feos 2:13 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r36) slamo Drives for late 90s 7:13 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r35) slamo Instruction for setting GPU RAM 6:42 PM Diff
1387M (r6) EZGames69 updating the old description 4:47 PM Diff
7117S (r14) Spikestuff (Minor edit) 4:27 PM Diff
HomePages/Zinfidel/PixelAspectRatio (r8) Zinfidel Atari 2600 7:05 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r34) slamo Late 90s verification movie is up 4:56 AM Diff
DreamTeamContest (r14) Really_Tall Updated start date for DTC10 (now one day earlier) 2:51 AM Diff
4463M (r2) Zinfidel Fix italics. (Minor edit) 5:23 PM Diff
4463M (r1) Zinfidel Spider-Man 5:13 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r233) feos audio files 2:20 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r232) feos (Minor edit) 2:13 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r231) feos (Minor edit) 2:10 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r230) feos FXAA 2:08 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r229) feos goodizers. this involves so much problems that not everyone is advised to even bother trying 2:04 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r228) feos decode 1:34 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r227) feos Dolphin 5.0. no goodizers yet 1:25 PM Diff
2598S (r9) knbnitkr 10:40 AM Diff
2837S (r25) knbnitkr 10:40 AM Diff
2839S (r24) knbnitkr 10:40 AM Diff
2487S (r33) knbnitkr 10:40 AM Diff
2836S (r18) knbnitkr 10:39 AM Diff
2838S (r13) knbnitkr 10:39 AM Diff
2453S (r24) knbnitkr 10:38 AM Diff
2598S (r8) knbnitkr 10:33 AM Diff
2453S (r23) knbnitkr 10:33 AM Diff
1 2
428 429 430
1308 1309

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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