I know I'd say I wouldn't give anything away so as not to spoil anything, however I will tell a sad little story with Lava lagoon... (which actually desynched for me twice, I have no idea why since those stopped when I switched to 1.0 ROM *shrug*)
I watched Snapdragon's 102% SS and I found that yes you can use Enguarde in the section before the bonus, and that while you have to backtrack a little to get him and then dismount in order to hit clapper, that it was still lightning fast to zoom through the levels. But of course, I have to test whether this is faster or not.... and it's not it's slower by 100 frames than the method in V8 which is just leave him and swim normally. :'( poor Enguarde.
Here's a halfway mark spoiler, halfway done with Lava Lagoon and halfway done with Crocodile Cauldron (normally I hate giving WIPs with incomplete levels) but this is to showcase what it would look like if I used Enguarde, plus show the first 3 stages of Crocodile Cauldron done (Hothead Hop, Kannon's Klaim, Jungle Jinxes.) When Lava Lagoon is done it won't have that Enguarde section.
Crocodile Cauldron midway spoiler, Enguarde test run in Lava Lagoon