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(I did some copypaste over my typos...) - Masubibot joined <Masterjun>!mb random <Masubibot>0.0799042469729 <Masterjun>\o/ <WarHippy>!mb random <Masubibot>0.180919919963 <WarHippy>neat * Masterjun made his first irc bot <WarHippy>congrats <WarHippy>what's mb? <Masterjun>Megabyte <WarHippy>ah, is that your bot's name? <Masterjun>I mean Megabit <Masterjun>obviously <link_7777>nice Masterjun. I just did one of my own for my twitch chat over christmas <Masterjun>(no it's actually just a bad abbreviation for the bad nick of my bot) <ThunderAxe>!mb random <Masubibot>0.790100602039 <ThunderAxe>:o <ThunderAxe>!mb time <Masubibot>uuuh, that command sure looks strange, try "!mb help" for help <ThunderAxe>yeah. very strange. <Masterjun>it does look strange! <Masterjun>with the t and i and all those other letters <Masterjun>!mb random <Masubibot>0.537087308723 <Masubibot>!mj <ThunderAxe>O_o <Masubibot>!mj random <Masterjun>0.537087308723 <ThunderAxe>this is a dream. <Masubibot>ThunderAxe: actually it's not that hard to do <Masterjun>ThunderAxe: considering irc bots are basically just clients too <ThunderAxe>it was just an extremely mind-blowing moment. <Masubibot>gotta know the protocol though <ThunderAxe>666://satan <Masterjun>anyways, does this work <Masterjun>!mb help <Masubibot>I'm sorry, I don't have this help message ready yet <ThunderAxe>Masubibot: don't worry, take your time <ThunderAxe>oops I forgot you're just a bot. also, you don't know what "time" means. <Masterjun>TASVideoAgent: help <TASVideoAgent>Masterjun: Go away unless you have something interesting to say. <ThunderAxe>TASVideoAgent: I have something interesting to say. <TASVideoAgent>ThunderAxe: Don't you talk to me. <Spikestuff>"4am" <Spikestuff>I should probably stop watching Bepbop. <ThunderAxe>Spikestuff: is that an anime <fsvgm777>Spikestuff, you should probably go to bed instead. <fsvgm777>But then you'll be like "nuts to y'all, I don't need fookin' sleep". <Spikestuff>*Bebop <Spikestuff>fsvgm777: I don't always write "y'all" dude. <fsvgm777>Keyword being "always". <fsvgm777>Meaning you do sometimes. <Spikestuff>Oh <Spikestuff>My <Spikestuff>God <Spikestuff>He did the keyword thing <Mothrayas>y'all kidding y'all of course y'all he always writes y'all, y'all <Spikestuff>he did my line <Spikestuff>"you all kidding you all of course you all he always writes "you all", you all." || wat <Mothrayas>y'all <ThunderAxe>is that pirate lingo - Vampier quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) <Mothrayas>no, that's yarr <fsvgm777>No, it's Kanuck. <ThunderAxe>so it's different from arr. <Mothrayas>aye <Spikestuff>no it's "yarr har" <Spikestuff>...wait <Spikestuff>different pirates... <Spikestuff>uh... <LexSfX>09:06:28 <fsvgm777> No, it's Kanuck. <LexSfX>what!? <LexSfX>canadians don't say "y'all" <LexSfX>that's a southern usa thing <LexSfX>texas, south carolina, etc. <pirate>canadians say "sorry y'all" <LexSfX>i'm canadian and i haven't heard that <ThunderAxe>Canada is big I think <ThunderAxe>you have bot English and French lang <ThunderAxe>*both <pirate>you don't start your sentences with "i'm sorry" <pirate>clearly you're a fake canadian <LexSfX>lol <ThunderAxe>except in the case it's your first name * ThunderAxe ba dum tss <Spikestuff>pirate: and a pissed off Canadian says "y'all sorry?" <LexSfX>"ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?" <LexSfX>http://areyoufuckingsorry.com/ <Spikestuff>that's not "y'all" <LexSfX>i never claimed it was <Atma>LexSfX: if you have to ask the answer is no <Spikestuff>butts. <Spikestuff>THE ANSWER IS BUTTS <Spikestuff>OR BOOTY <Spikestuff>JESUS, CAN'T TAKE ANY OF YOU ANYWHERE. - chozandrias joined <chozandrias>Mornin yall <SpikeyMuffin>you got to be kidding me... <RGamma>Bed <Tompa>Sounds good - Tompa quit () <Scum>^See, never be afraid to ask. <Mothrayas>if only that can be used to make specific people leave at your command <ThunderAxe>LOL * ThunderAxe wonders if he is a specific person <Masterjun>ThunderAxe: Bed * ThunderAxe unknown command <Masterjun>ThunderAxe: Bad <ThunderAxe>Masterjun: so Mothrayas told me to ask you about how's going DTC. so, how's going? - Mothrayas quit (Quit: temporary bye) <Masterjun>hah <ThunderAxe>LOL <Masterjun>he hides
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Post subject: quite the demanding features
Site Developer, Skilled player (1985)
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<sniq> or can you teleport to the future with bizhawk? i doubt it
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
Reviewer, Skilled player (1317)
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<ThunderAxe31>good morning <Masterjun>sup ThunderAxe31 <ThunderAxe31>seriously I thought you was Moth <ThunderAxe31>lol <Mothrayas>we get this a lot <Masterjun>sup Masterjun <Mothrayas>sup Mothrayas <ThunderAxe31>sup ThunderAxe31 <Masterjun>ThunderAxe31: why are you greeting yourself <ThunderAxe31>you did that too <ThunderAxe31>LOL <Mothrayas>no, I was greeting Moth * ThunderAxe31 is amused to the point of suffering
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Editor, Publisher, Expert player (2609)
Joined: 10/12/2011
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<Masterjun> hah, finally I can reject some April Fools submissions
<TASVideoAgent> Submission #5439: MUGG's GBA Mario Pinball Land in 07:21.22 ACCEPTED for Moons by Masterjun: http://tasvideos.org/5439S.html
<Mothrayas> ya did the rejecting thing wrong
<Fog> ^
<Masterjun> oops
<TASVideoAgent> Submission #5437: Fog's Wii The Smurfs Dance Party in 00:47.57 REJECTED by Masterjun: http://tasvideos.org/5437S.html
<Masterjun> I think I got it now
<Mothrayas> \o/
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Post subject: Spikestuff is trying to learn English-
Emulator Coder
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<Spikestuff> Warepire: Unlucky we don't have a Spikestuff-English Translator. <Nach> But Spikestuff cannot learn more than four moves. Forget an older move to make room for English Translator? <Warepire> Spikestuff, do you want to forget Seppuku?
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
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Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
            Warepire just finished watching a movie he started watching when he came home... about 16:00
23:11   Warepire        (6 hours ago)
23:20   FluffyTheMoth   thas a long movie then
23:20   Warepire        FluffyTheMoth: No, lots and lots of breaks
            Warepire watched Up.
23:20   FluffyTheMoth   you know there are a lot of old man jokes I can make about that
            Warepire slaps FluffyTheMoth with his catheter.
23:21   Fog^            gross
23:21   Warepire        If FluffyTheMoth calls me an old man, then I reserve the right to behave like one.
23:21   FluffyTheMoth   all old men slap people with catheters
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: Nach answers questions
Editor, Experienced player (842)
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Location: France
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: I was always the good kid, but I had one teacher who found me highly annoying and decided to take his frustration out on me
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: I had this one class, where the teacher would give a test each week where he would just copy the practice questions that appear every couple of pages and hand them out as a test, and always the day before the teacher would go over it as review
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: Now at the time, my memory was so amazing that I could memorize those couple of pages and the question pages perfectly
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: So one time he says okay, let's pick one randomly, Nach, what's the answer to 16... and I just blurted out "D". And he says wait you didn't even read the question yet!
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: so he says okay Nach, but you won't get this one, 27... and I blurt out A
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: so he gets all annoyed that I memorized the correct multiple choice answer to each question, thinking I didn't know the material. And he knew that I got a perfect score on every test. He felt this was a kind of cheating.
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: So I find him in the office after class photocopying the page, cutting the questions out of the copy, cutting off the numbers and rearranging them.
link_7777	in fairness him pulling the questions directly from the book was also cheating
Nach	link_7777: but it gets better
Nach	he noted I still got a 100 on that test
Nach	link_7777: so the next review day, he says Nach, okay I'm not going to tell you what the number is, but let me ask you, which of the following is not a form of currency... and I said on the spot C
Nach	he completely lost it
link_7777	lol
FluffyTheMoth	Nach: ha
Nach	besides throwing an eraser at me, I found him after class not only cutting off the question numbers and reordering them, but also cutting off the answer letters and reordering them too, and then glueing them to a new sheet to copy
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: yep
Nach	anyways I kept on getting 100
Nach	I don't think he ever appreciated I knew the material, and happened to memorize every bit of it, including the numbers, letters, answers, all of it
Nach	for the end of the year final, he was promising he was going to get me and that I wouldn't get a perfect score again
Nach	...well he was wrong
Nach	since that particular teacher kept throwing erasers at me, I decided to rattle his chain for a bit
Nach	I know he used to bike to and from school
Nach	so one day, a few minutes before he knew I was leaving, I rolled out in front of his bike a tool kit with screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, and stuff, and held stuff in my hand, to make it look like I was up to something
Nach	er, before I knew he was leaving*
Nach	he notices me and comes running up "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???"
Nach	so I roll the stuff up, put on the guiltest look I could muster, and said "Nothing sir! I want you to have a *safe* trip home!"
Nach	he commented "you must think I'm stupid, I'm walking home!"
FluffyTheMoth	so then he walked home for no reason
Nach	yep
Nach	it gets better
Nach	he came the next day with a car, and picked up his bike, assuming I imagine to take it somewhere for inspection or something
Nach	he came the day after that, pulled me out of class, and said "Tell me already, what did you do to my bike? Just tell me already!"
Nach	and of course I told him, Nothing sir! I just want you to be safe!
Nach	he was going ballistic
Nach	after like a week, he pulls me aside, and says "You didn't do anything did you?", to which I responded "I've been telling you that the whole time"
Warepire	Nach: He never test-rode his bike during that entire time? Did he think you put nitroglycerin in the saddle or something?
Nach	Warepire: I think during that interim of a week he propably test rode it, and finally realized there's nothing wrong
FluffyTheMoth	it's probably easy to placebo yourself into thinking something's wrong in such a case too
Nach	yep
Nach	that was part of the point of my intentionally guilty look, do nothing, make it seem like I'm hiding something
Nach	surely Nach is lying? right? right?
Nach	since teachers always think students are out to get them, every time a teacher annoyed me, I decided to help coax their worst fears, without ever actually doing anything
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 Warepire	People ask me for my help all the time.
 Warepire	Some days I don't work on my own things at all
 Nach		 Warepire: then you're a lead 
 Warepire	Nope, because I don't do any of the lead programmer roles, like govern the issue tracker, decide what people work on, status summaries of projects to the manager etc
 Nach		 Warepire: okay then, you're a partial lead 
 Nach		 sometimes certain roles are split or combined
 Warepire	That I can agree on
 feos		 a partial lead. the one who partially leads.
 Warepire	50% lead, 50% other metals
 Warepire	Like heavy metal, speed metal, thrash metal, power metal, prog metal, death metal
 feos		 lol
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
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Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
14:29	muggphone1		Guys
14:30	muggphone1		I missed my bus because the driver drove off 2 min too early
14:30	muggphone1		Now have to wait 30 min next bus. Entertain me?
14:34	TASVideoAgent	New submission! Go and see #5641: Hutchinson's GB Dr.Franken in 13:03.27 at http://tasvideos.org/5641S.html
14:34		TASVideoAgent сменил тему комнаты на: Official IRC channel of TASVideos.org | Latest publication: [3502] GB Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (JPN) by Mothrayas & Tremane in 16:56.52 >> http://tasvideos.org/3502M.html | Latest submission: http://tasvideos.org/5641S.html
14:34	TASVideoAgent	New topic by TASVideoAgent (WorkB: #5641: Hutchinson's GB Dr.Franken in 13:03.27): http://tasvideos.org/forum/t/19486 [a:1]
14:35	muggphone1		Ok guys.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Editor, Skilled player (1199)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085
<ThunderAxe31> I felt incredibly lazy and tired... but somehow managed double metor lagless hitless. what.
<FatRatKnight> Damage free no-lag double meteor?
<ThunderAxe31> yes, that
<FatRatKnight> ... Wow, that sounded like some kind of made up crazy name or something.
<ThunderAxe31> meteor shower*
<ThunderAxe31> & Knuckles (tm)
<ThunderAxe31> LOL
<FatRatKnight> Damage-Free No-Lag Double-Hit Meteor Shower & Knuckles (tm)!
<FatRatKnight> That last exclamation point is necessary for the effect.
<FatRatKnight> Otherwise, it would have about 70% impressiveness.
<ThunderAxe31> lol
<ThunderAxe31> where is Moth when the best jokes happen
<ThunderAxe31> that's the kind of humor he likes
<FatRatKnight> A second exclamation point would be less efficient, but still adds more impressiveness if desired.
<FatRatKnight> Third and beyond just adds noobishment with no real impressiveness added.
<ThunderAxe31> stop my brain is bleeding already :D
<FatRatKnight> Observe the effects for yourself:
<FatRatKnight> Damage-Free No-Lag Double-Hit Meteor Shower & Knuckles (tm)!!
<FatRatKnight> Damage-Free No-Lag Double-Hit Meteor Shower & Knuckles (tm)!!!!!!!!!!!!
<ThunderAxe31> !x10
<ThunderAxe31> I'm not even sure I remember how to observe things anymore
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21:19   feos            "Support EEPROM (93c46) support for SMS" 
21:19   feos            does anyone support the EEPROM support support for SMS?
21:19   Sophira         xy2_: I can't use a VM as I only have one GPU and IIRC last time I tried to try BizHawk in a VM it didn't like not having a GPU to work with. I don't quite remember though, I should try again.
21:20   Warepire        If you pay me enough money I support as much support of EEPROM support as you need feos.
21:20       feos pays Warepire 3 Nachs
21:20   adelikat_       feos, feel free to fix my typos 
21:20   Warepire        As much as I like Nachs, that's not a valid currency in my country
21:21   feos            Warepire: move to tasvideos pro country
21:21   feos            yu can buy everything for 1 Nach, and then 2 times everything
21:22       Warepire moves to tasvideos pro country, buys tasvideos pro country, and 2 feos
21:22   Masterjun       good job
21:22   Masterjun       now what?
21:22   Warepire        Masterjun: Then the world, obviously.
21:23   Masterjun       you bought away our precious tasvideos pro country, but what is your ultimate goal
21:23   Warepire        Taking over the world, Masterjun.
21:23   Masterjun       and then what?
21:23   Warepire        The Unvierse!
21:24   Masterjun       yeah yeah, I mean it makes sense, but I guess there is not the one ultimate goal you're aiming for
21:24   feos            then destroy it
21:24   Warepire        Nah, first, I will take over the multiverse, and tame Korroth to do my bidding.
21:25   TASVideoAgent	Page Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory edited by feos (drop eeprom support support): http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory.html
21:26   Fog^            add eeprom eeprom support support support
21:26   feos            see what you've done Warepire. we can't support eeprom support anymore
21:26   Warepire        Sorry feos =/
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: My first non-typo misunderstable message
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<Masterjun>wait this is a 3D game <Spookstuff>No... it's 4D. <ThunderAxe31>are you counting the astral realm? <Spookstuff>Nah, that's 5D. <ThunderAxe31>more Ds, more fun <Spookstuff>^ Take that out of context <Masterjun>yeah I was just about to say that <ThunderAxe31>I'm not sure, did I just said something misunderstable?... <Spookstuff>I'll message you. * Spookstuff tells ThunderAxe31 <Spookstuff><ThunderAxe31> LOOOOOL <Spookstuff><ThunderAxe31> AHAHAHAH <ThunderAxe31>oh I see now. sorry for being such a pure soul. * ThunderAxe31 is still laughing
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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Shamelessly doing it again. [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Deleted torrent: rushattack-tasv4-arc.avi.torrent --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Deleted URL: http://www.archive.org/download/TASVideos_Nes/rushattack-tasv4-arc.avi --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Deleted file/URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kRjjLOT_Y0 --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Added mirror site URL: http://archive.org/download/rushnattack-tasv4-arc/rushnattack-tasv4-arc.mkv --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Added online watching URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lULyH9K7EeI --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:33]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Added torrent file: rushnattack-tasv4-arc.mkv.torrent (size: 22317042) --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:34]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Added mirror site URL: http://archive.org/download/rushnattack-tasv4-arc/rushnattack-tasv4-arc_512kb.mp4 --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:34]    TASVideoAgent:    Movie [499] NES Rush'n Attack (USA) by Arc in 09:37.27 edited by Dacicus: Added torrent file: rushnattack-tasv4-arc_512kb.mp4.torrent (size: 31001685) --> http://tasvideos.org/499M.html [01:35]    Dacicus:                and that should finish off the Rush'ns [01:37]        feos dies
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
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Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
[19:15]    Nach           GPLv3 tries to redefine more English than GPLv2. Hence it appears GPLv3 is actually weaker in most cases [19:15]    ais523        true: there are a few other really major reasons, e.g. GPLv3 is compatible with many more non-copyleft open source licenses than GPLv2 is [19:16]    ais523        Nach: I think the reason for redefining words is to make the license more consistent across jurisdictions [19:16]    ais523        it might be weaker in the US but more likely to hold elsewhere [19:16]    Nach           ais523: I think it's for brainwashing, er, marketing [19:18]    Nach           If you ever become a defendant in a GPL case, bring in experts witnesses from oxford and webster, and demolish the entire foundation of the GPL as nonsensical [19:19]    ais523        I don't plan to violate either the letter or spirit of the GPL [19:20]    Warepire    Nach: A battle royale of linguistics? Sounds exciting. [19:21]    Nach           Warepire: the whole GPL rests upon you accepting their redefinition of English. Refuse to accept it! [19:21]    Warepire    I don't think I want to try just for laughs though. [19:21]    Nach           Warepire: a key is keeping a straight face throughout
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: Nach being Nach
Site Developer, Skilled player (1985)
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Location: Germany
<Mutter_> Hey im using mutter, how do I change my username? <Nach> Mutter_: type /quit <Nach> then it'll ask for your new name * Mutter_ has quit (Client Quit)
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
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11:53 <feos> ThunderAxe31: hi do you have a linux installation capable of running libTAS?
11:54 <ThunderAxe31> I only have an old Linux Mint version for USB live booting
11:54 <ThunderAxe31> why you ask?
11:54 -!- feos [~feos@95-25-108-126.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:55 -!- feos [~feos@95-25-108-126.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #tasvideos
11:55 <ThunderAxe31> feos: <ThunderAxe31>I only have an old Linux Mint version for USB live booting
11:55 <ThunderAxe31> <ThunderAxe31>why you ask?
11:55 -!- feos [~feos@95-25-108-126.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:55 <ThunderAxe31> ERROR 666: ANSWER SUCKS
11:56 -!- feos [~feos@95-25-108-126.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #tasvideos
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19:21   <Spitestuff>    I like to have a murder streak thank you very much.
19:21   <ThunderAxe31>  Spitestuff: I'm sorry.
19:21       *Spitestuff assumes Dragon Quest
19:21   <Spitestuff>    You mother fucker.
19:22   <TASVideoAgent> Submission #5777: Hoandjzj's DS Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies in 6:06:01.94 ACCEPTED for Moons by ThunderAxe31: http://tasvideos.org/5777S.html
19:22   <Spitestuff>    YOU MOTHER FUCKER
19:22   <ThunderAxe31>  just how did you
19:22   <ThunderAxe31>  what even are you
19:22       *ThunderAxe31 panicks
19:22   <TASVideoAgent> Post edited by ThunderAxe31 (WorkB: #5777: Hoandjzj's DS Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies in 6:06:01.94): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/463548#463548 [a:10]
19:24   <TASVideoAgent> Submission #5777: Hoandjzj's DS Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies in 6:06:01.94 undergoing publication to Moons by Spikestuff: http://tasvideos.org/5777S.html
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
Joined: 4/17/2010
Posts: 11453
Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
[21:01] <Masterjun> I finally made a FAQ page
[21:01] <Masterjun> satisFAQtion
[21:01] <Mothrayas> yay
[21:01] <EZGames69> That took FAQing ages
[21:01] <Evil_3D>   *insert FAQ joke here*
[21:01] <Masterjun> you keep doing the same joke
[21:02] <Mothrayas> we've already gone through all the FAQ jokes
[21:02] <Masterjun> and that's a FAQt
[21:02] <EZGames69> Gfdi guys
[21:02] <Mothrayas> well I have like one left
[21:03] <Masterjun> did you manuFAQture it yourself?
[21:03] <Mothrayas> yes
[21:05] <Masterjun> FAQe news
[21:06] <Mothrayas> so here's the setup
[21:06] <Mothrayas> Often times when you're wondering about things, it helps a lot to have some self-reflection. Have a good think about exactly what you are unsure of, see if you can find the solution, and if you can find it, it helps you towards independently finding good answers and being able to continue on without the help of others. So, what you should do is frequently ask yourself a question, and see if you can think of an answer and find the solution on your own.
[21:06] <Mothrayas> ...
[21:06] <Mothrayas> In other words, go FAQ yourself.
[21:07] <Masterjun> omg this time it even makes sense!
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: guess who failed to sleep again
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
Joined: 4/17/2010
Posts: 11453
Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
[02:10] <KennyMan666> According to the Bible, marriage is between a man, her sister, and their slave girls
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Post subject: Forums require confidence and visual language
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
<Masterjun> see, I like people starting their posts with "Behold" <Masterjun> going into the reply with full confidence <Nach> Masterjun: I do behold! <Nach> Masterjun: here's your dose of behold for today from your friendly neighborhood Nach. <Masterjun> ah yeah, that's where I saw it! <Masterjun> it's great <Nach> thank you <Masterjun> Nach is my favorite neighborhood <Nach> Masterjun: A neighborhood where you can walk around with confidence <Masterjun> A neighborhood where it is required you walk around with confidence, otherwise you will be taken out back and shot
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: Engineers must love their tools
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
<Nach> dwangoAC: Sweetheart, how are you? <dwangoAC> Mighty friendly greetin' ya got there <Nach> dwangoAC: I reserve these friendly greetings for you <dwangoAC> And me alone? <Nach> dwangoAC: No, I just really like appliances, and you're my only appliance in #tasvideos <dwangoAC> So glad I can be that for you * dwangoAC feels like such a tool
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: It ain't valentine's day, except for feos
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
<Nach> Raise your hand if you love feos * Nach raises hand * Mothrayas raises hand * Nach glares at Masterjun * Masterjun ... * Masterjun raises hand * Nach glares at EZGames69 * EZGames69 raises hand in fear <Nach> Okay, we can agree that we who are present love feos <feos> thanks * ThunderAxe31 raises hand <feos> lol what a flashmob
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: Masterjun remarks on successfully tricking people
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
<Masterjun> I'm surprised people want verification movies, since when can you simply count off the time it takes to set up a glitch? <Nach> Masterjun: It's amazing how you pulled the wool over so many people in that thread <Masterjun> yes indeed <Masterjun> I was expecting the number of replies, but not by a lot of different people <Masterjun> it goes like this, I have a setup SRAM which has 3 empty files, then I do a subframe reset to set the first 33 bytes of SRAM to 00, making a corrupted file which wins the game <Masterjun> so then, if I'm allowed to set the SRAM, why didn't set it to the corrupted file in the first place? <Masterjun> because that would start the game with a working file, which throws off people so that they wouldn't argue in favor of me
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: The true origin story of the TASVideos Spaghetti Monster
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
<TASVideoAgent> New reply by Nach (The original Spaghetti post): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/468939#468939 [a:1] <Mothrayas> Nach: I would watch Tool-Assisted Spaghetti movies if it involved tying people up <Nach> Mothrayas: me too! <Mothrayas> let's found a new TASVideos for this purpose <TASVideoAgent> New reply by Evil_3D (The really get the ball rolling Spaghetti post): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/468941#468941 [a:1] * Nach ultra-pets Evil_3D * Evil_3D ultra-purrs_3D <Mothrayas> 3D purring technology <Nach> Mothrayas: so, who are we going to tie up first in our crazy Spaghetti Kitchen? <Mothrayas> Nach: I vote Masterjun <Nach> okay <Masterjun> this doesn't sound good <Nach> Masterjun: you've been selected into our diabolical automatic kitchen to be tied up by a 3D evil Spaghetti machine <Mothrayas> in 3D !! <Nach> Mothrayas: Yes, in 3D!!! <Nach> Things don't look good for Masterjun. Will he survive? <Masterjun> do things look 3D for Masterjun as well? <Mothrayas> Masterjun: yes, but it's virtual boy 3D <Nach> oh noes Masterjun legs are tied up by all that Spaghetti, whatever will he do? <Masterjun> Nach: nooo <Nach> oh noes, now his arms are pinned down too! Will Masterjun be able to flex correctly in order to chew his way out? <Mothrayas> Masterjun: flex! <Nach> nobody throw Masterjun a super mushroom * Masterjun spawns super mushroom out of reserve box by pressing select <Nach> The spaghetti tightens <Nach> will Masterjun reach the super mushroom before he's shredded? <Nach> hooray, Masterjun got the super mushroom <Nach> Masterjun grows large and bursts through most but not all the Spaghetti holding him down <Mothrayas> there's spaghetti everywhere! <Nach> indeed! <Nach> two new robots arrive to begin applying Spaghetti really fast to extra large Masterjun, but one of them trips over all the Spaghetti on the floor <Mothrayas> nooo, the spaghetti-bot! <Mothrayas> what an ironic way to go <Nach> the spaghetti bot after spinning around like mad for a moment goes all 3D, and appears right next to Masterjun and begins helping the other two to apply Spaghetti too <Nach> It looks like all hope for Masterjun may be lost <Nach> What's this? A wild Warp appears over Masterjun, and throws a feather at him, before disappearing back into a 3D portal <Nach> Masterjun now grows a cape right out of his shoulders <Masterjun> neat <Nach> what will Masterjun do? <Masterjun> spin to win <Nach> Masterjun spins super quickly pulling all the Spaghetti into himself and becomes a giant Spaghetti monster in his own right! <Nach> Giant Spaghetti monster Masterjun stomps his way past the robots and makes it safely out of the kitchen! <Mothrayas> I'd worship it <Nach> Giant Spaghetti monster Masterjun attracts a large crowd of worshipers and lives happily ever after. The end. <Nach> "The End" has a giant blue smiley next to it <Masterjun> :D <Mothrayas> I like this story <Mothrayas> 8/10 would read again <Nach> thanks! <Nach> Special thanks: Warp, Evil_3D, Mothrayas <Mothrayas> special thanks to our producers for providing all the spaghetti we needed <Masterjun> man, what a plot twist <Nach> didn't see that one coming <Masterjun> the Warp gate <Evil_3D> We have to talk to dwangoAC about the new Spaghetti block at GDQ... or KDQ? <Mothrayas> dwangoAC: we may need to look into bringing industrial amounts of spaghetti to the SGDQ TAS block <TASVideoAgent> New reply by Nach (OT: Memorable IRC Quotes.): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/468945#468945 [a:1] (The true origin story of the TASVideos Spaghetti Monster) * Evil_3D hyper... purrs! <Mothrayas> good kitty! :D * Nach grins at Evil_3D with a blue face :D <Nach> Mothrayas: you can now read it again, in all its cleaned up glory <Mothrayas> Nach: great, now our spaghetti adventures are recorded in history forever <Nach> Mothrayas: horray! <Masterjun> I feel honored but also abused <Mothrayas> just remember, it was for a good cause <Nach> Masterjun: overall, it was a fairly good story made up on the spot and changing wildly as it went along <Nach> short too, the kind of story you can tell your grandkids without them getting bored <Mothrayas> it's also a good origin story <Nach> Way better than Spiderman <MemoryTAS> With great sauce comes great spaghetti
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Location: The Netherlands
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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