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Movie Information

  • This movie was made with the --no-gui argument.
  • MD5 Hash: f56702cf036cdf306606e2e94d0faf40
  • You can download the game here:
  • Content warning: This movie contains flashing lights, gore, a depiction of suicide and a dead animal corpse.

About this game and movie

The Impossible Quiz 2 is the sequel to the game The Impossible Quiz Deluxe, with updated graphics and 120 new questions.
This movie aims to complete the last question as fast as possible, independent of the rating I get at the end. It accomplishes that task roughly 25 seconds faster than the RTA WR


When you get a Skip, you can skip any question you want, but only once, knowing what questions to skip is an important part of this run.
Ghost Items
If you obtain a Skip (or a Fusestopper) and complete two questions before they go to the corner, you will not obtain the item, which means you have to wait on some occasions.

Interesting Questions

Question 4
Unlike its predecessor, this game has RNG elements to it, many of which can make the run faster or slower, and this is the first question like that. I manipulate the system time to get the word "Arse" which is faster than every other possible word by at least 2 frames.
Question 9
This question houses the first Skip of the run. Fortunately, it doesn't waste anytime to collect it. However, I can't collect it too late or else I'll suffer the Ghost Item glitch, erasing the Skip.
Question 12
This is the first maze question of the game, which is a common theme for this game. The maze questions work off a "checkpoint" system, what I mean by that is that there are points you have to pass in order to grab the key, if you don't pass these points, touching the key will make you lose a life and it will reset the question, this was probably implemented to prevent cheating. For this question, you have to pass through the bifurcation to successfully get the key.
Question 17
This is the second question that has RNG elements. In this case, I only got two variants across the RNG manipulation I did for other questions, and I ended up getting the variant that was faster between the two, on accident technically.
Question 29
There is a green bomb that gives you a skip when it explodes. It may have looked like I had to wait more time that I should, but if you remember the Ghost Items glitch, it makes sense.
Question 38
In this question, you have to press any key on your computer 85 times, meaning I press 16 keys (libTAS's input limit per frame) every frame. Increasing or outright removing this limit would make this question faster.
Question 39
This is another maze question, and in this case, the checkpoint is an area next to the vanish bottle. The "issue" I mentioned in my Impossible Quiz Book TAS is that when you collect the vanish bottle, libTAS will crash, which made me believe that it was impossible, but I discovered that you didn't need to collect the bottle in order to progress, but I still collect it anyways >:)
Question 49
This is the third question with RNG elements. In this case, I get the "43?9Enter" variant, which is significantly faster than every other variant, mostly because it doesn't involve pressing too many keys or waiting.
Question 50
This is the first question that is skipped, this is because the question is very long, containing two minigames with cutscenes in between, so it makes sense to skip it. If you're wondering, the question looks like this
Question 52
This is a rubbing question. Rubbing questions are very hard to TAS and I'm pretty sure that way I rubbed wasn't 100% the fastest way, but that's hard to test.
Question 60
In this question, you have to drag Longcat down until her face is on screen. Since there is no mouse limit, I can immediately complete the task by moving the mouse about 4000 units down.
Question 63
This question contains the 3rd Skip of the game, in order to get it, you must simply press "q". It doesn't waste any time to collect it.
Question 66
In this question, I obtain a Fusestopper (without losing time), and as you can see, it disappears after I complete question 68, this is an example of the Ghost Items glitch.
Question 67
This is the third maze question, and also perhaps the most infamous question in the game. There are many possible checkpoint paths, but the fastest one I found was going to the green button, then going to the visibility pocket before the key.
Question 70
This is the final RNG question that I manipulated. Chris (the cat) will be punched a random amount of times between 3 and 14, and you then have to memorize how many times he was punched in order to successfully answer question 75. I obviously try to go for only 3 punches, which is way faster than getting more punches.
Question 87
In this question, an arrow pointing to the correct egg to click will appear randomly with other carrots that only serve as a distraction, and you have to react to it and click the correct egg. You can actually click the correct egg before the arrow appears, but only after a specific point for some reason.
Question 88
This question involves waiting 15 seconds, that why it's skipped.
Question 91
This is technically the final RNG question, the time it takes for the reticle to appear is random. I didn't manipulate it using the system time, unlike every RNG other question, I instead manipulated it by shooting Amy prematurely. Even though I lost a life, I also got the reticle to appear about 50 frames earlier.
Question 99
This question is a minigame where you have to pop 99 red balloons in order to progress. Since it takes a pretty long time for the 99 balloons to appear, this is the final question to be skipped, which takes a life away for some reason. If you're wondering, the question looks like this
Question 104
This is another rubbing question, and just like question 52, I also think this question can be improved, specially because all of the windows took different amount of time to clear, one only took 28 frames, the most common time to take was 38 frames, and one took a whopping 48 frame to clear, which is two seconds with 24fps.
Question 108
This is the final maze question, but unlike every other maze question, this one doesn't have a checkpoint system to prevent cheating, meaning you can just teleport your mouse to the end immediately.
Question 112
In this question you have to move inside the can opener, then outside, which is why you can see the mute and quality buttons being highlighted

Possible improvements

I've already mentioned better rubbing on questions 52 and 104 and better luck in question 91, and maybe there's a better variant on question 17, but besides that, I can't think of many improvements. That is if you don't consider increasing the framerate, which would make many questions, most notably the rubbing questions, significantly faster, for example: In the RTA WR, Benbenq99 completes question 104 in just 4 seconds, mostly due to a higher mouse refresh rate (the mouse's refresh rate for this game in libTAS is just 24 frames per second). However, from my understanding, you can't increase the framerate arbitrarily if it doesn't generate new tricks, which is why I was able to do it for Book 1 but not here.

Suggested screenshot

Frame 825

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #9114: Mikewillplays's Flash The Impossible Quiz 2 in 05:23.58
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Content warning: This movie contains flashing lights
Doesn't help that the author opt'd to do some of it themselves (question 69). Also would personally rather have seen a "perfect game/all questions" instead of "a bit crap". Meh vote.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Content warning: This movie contains flashing lights
Doesn't help that the author opt'd to do some of it themselves (question 69).
I feel this is an unfair comparison.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Editor, Active player (405)
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Despite the previous post being deleted, I'm still curious why q104 is significantly slower than RTA.
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Randomno wrote:
Despite the previous post being deleted, I'm still curious why q104 is significantly slower than RTA.
Apologies, hasty delete on my part, but it's listed under 'Possible Improvements':
That is if you don't consider increasing the framerate, which would make many questions, most notably the rubbing questions, significantly faster, for example: In the RTA WR, Benbenq99 completes question 104 in just 4 seconds, mostly due to a higher mouse refresh rate (the mouse's refresh rate for this game in libTAS is just 24 frames per second). However, from my understanding, you can't increase the framerate arbitrarily if it doesn't generate new tricks, which is why I was able to do it for Book 1 but not here.
However, that does mean that RTA finishes this question with 10 seconds left, but the TAS with only 4 seconds, which does look a little bit odd.
Editor, Active player (405)
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Posts: 233
Ah there it is. I wasn't aware that Flash would even process inputs above the SWF's framerate, but I guess it differs for mouse and keyboard. Where does your understanding about arbitrary framerate increases come from, is it a previous judgment?
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Also would personally rather have seen a "perfect game/all questions" instead of "a bit crap".
That would be the closest thing to a "100%" branch, which I'm planning. It wouldn't be very hard to make, aside from question 99.
Where does your understanding about arbitrary framerate increases come from, is it a previous judgment?
This is a quote from feos on the Impossible Quiz Demo TAS submission, this is what gave me the idea that you couldn't increase the fps arbitrarily:
RTA using higher framerate is understandable because it makes the game poll input more frequently, giving more room for a human. But this is not accurate because Adobe Flash Player doesn't expose framerate controls, and it might give unintended speed advantages to a TAS. So in a TAS allowing arbitrary framerate is not justified, at least not in an official publication.
I had another conversation with him regarding this topic on the server but this sentence sums it up best Also, if you're wondering, here's every question that would be noticeably faster if the fps was increased: -52 -73 -78 -104 -112 -Technically every mouse question that doesn't involve waiting
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BTW my view evolved since then Post #525953.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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That submission/judgment implies that Impossible Quiz demo speedrunners are editing the SWF's framerate, which doesn't look to be the case.
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Randomno wrote:
That submission/judgment implies that Impossible Quiz demo speedrunners are editing the SWF's framerate, which doesn't look to be the case.
Original quote my judgment was referring to:
most high level speedruns running the game at 60 or 144 frames per second
There's no way to run FlashPlayer at exact arbitrary framerate. I didn't imply they're editing the SWF files. But now I have to ask how they actually set specific framerate?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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They don't, it's just the mouse's polling rate on most monitors from what I understand
Editor, Active player (405)
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Mikewillplays wrote:
They don't, it's just the mouse's polling rate on most monitors from what I understand
This is what I think as well, seems like a misunderstanding (or bad wording) by the author.