Published on 9/7/2024
The Impossible Quiz 2 is a Flash puzzle quiz game and the sequel to The Impossible Quiz. Like with the first game, this game is ostensibly a quiz game filled with hard questions that require some unconventional ways of thinking of logic However, this one escalates things a little further than the previous game with more pop culture references, more 2000s internet memes, more "not questions", and more animations. In addition, it also introduces the mascot cat of the series as one of its many recurring characters.
Mikewillplays in this rather-daring run beats the game in record time without resorting to a possible glitch or debug feature that instantly skips every question. Certain questions have the RNG manipulated to get faster answers and using skips to skip questions that would take too long to complete.

FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING: The user input in this run includes flashing lights that may trigger epilepsy.
Content Warning: This run contains sequences of suicide as comedy, animal abuse, and gratuitous gore.
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Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
libTAS version 1.4.5 + ruffle-nightly-2024_01_16

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