Post subject: SNES TASer of 2019 - Doomsday31415
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Please nominate eligible TASers. Nominations are open until 2020-01-07 23:59 UTC. Voting is open until 2020-01-14 23:59 UTC. SNES TASer of 2019 candidates: BrunoVisnadi Doomsday31415 EZGames69 fmp grassini nymx Sniq total WarHippy Yuzuhara_3 Congratulations to the winner, Doomsday31415! <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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EZGames69 must be SNES TASer of 2019.
Cuphead TASes desyncs unfortunately.
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TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
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Doomsday31415 <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Skilled player (1244)
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I nominate fmp, total and Yuzuhara_3 for their A Link to the Past TAS
Emulator Coder
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In addition to some excellent nominations by others, nymx and grassini.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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After a decently thorough check through the list of eligible SNES TASers, I nominate (and by that, now apparently seconding Nach) nymx (for the technical and sometimes dynamic SNES Krusty's Super Fun House (USA v1.1) [3889] puzzles, routing & optimization). Sniq (for the SNES Super Metroid (JPN/USA) "100%" [4010] routing aspects, room strategy ingenuity and heavy movement and luck optimization grind). I would also nominate DES (referred to by Doomsday31415 in the SNES Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (JPN v1.0) [3975] submission, and initially thought about nominating Doomsday31415 for it, but as afterthought I decided against it, as the major work and improvement (of about 2 minutes over Dooty's TAS compared to Doomsday31415's 7 seconds over DES) there seemed to stem rather from DES (also pointed out in the 1st line in the Special Thanks part of the submission text), while certainly Doomsday31415 also incorporated own ideas into the finished product. Other than that, I'm also wondering about Tompa with his SNES Donkey Kong Country (USA v1.0) "all stages, walkathon" [3956] submission, but when I look through the Walkathon TAS, while it visually doesn't appear to have flaws, I'm a bit skeptical about it but also find it hard to judge the difficulty of TASing it under Walkathon conditions, aswell as the effort put into it, and would leave that to others more familiar with the production of the TAS to gauge how it compares to the rest in view of nominating or not nominating Tompa for it. The optimization level of Technickle's SNES Top Gear 2 (USA) "all tracks" [4091] submission - while being a long TAS - seemed (as Maru pointed out in the judging section of the submission text) questionable, indeed. There were also (in my opinion) many ''game end glitch'' TASes, but they seemed to either build up on already formerly existing concepts that made it possible, were TASed in teams, or were provided with a route from someone else, respectively, and besides that, with them being qualitatively quite different from normal TASes, I'm uncertain as to how to sort them in with the game code technicalities as well, and I think elaborations in submission texts could have helped at some points to get a better idea of that. ------------------------------ Also (and please don't get me wrong) I don't want to come over as rude or biased either and instead I try to be objective about this; but I just also like to be thorough, and as Nach mentioned in the Nomination rules thread ( ): [quote Nach]If you think someone has made a nomination which is truly undeserving, please point it out so there can be a proper discussion. However, arguments which are a matter of opinion and personal taste are uncalled for. [/quote] I'd like to point out that for this specific (SNES related) award category nomination I do find EZGames69's nomination of Warhippy, well, ''truely undeserving'' (which may sound rather harsh, but I guess forum members can see and judge it for themselves). On the SNES FireStriker (USA) "2 players" [3965] submission text ( ), Warhippy noted: [quote Warhippy]Other comments I chose this game for it's simple and unique gameplay and because it hadn't been done yet. It was a fun little project, and I hope to find more like these in the future. [/quote] ------------------------------ Edited by Nach to add some formatting to make this easier to read.
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
Emulator Coder
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Aran Jaeger wrote:
I'd like to point out that for this specific (SNES related) award category nomination I do find EZGames69's nomination of Warhippy, well, ''truely undeserving'' (which may sound rather harsh, but I guess forum members can see and judge it for themselves). On the [3965] SNES FireStriker "2 players" by WarHippy in 08:17.66 submission text Warhippy noted:
Warhippy wrote:
Other comments I chose this game for it's simple and unique gameplay and because it hadn't been done yet. It was a fun little project, and I hope to find more like these in the future.
So your point is that you think WarHippy's only SNES related TAS is too simple to warrant an award for the work he created? Okay. There's two questions we should answer: 1) Was this a good movie deserving of recognition, regardless of how easy or hard it was for the author to make? 2) That he had to deal with 2 players at once, enemy movement, and some other aspects of the game may still make the game difficult to TAS. Just because WarHippy found it to be simple for himself, doesn't mean others would also find it as simple. So do other players also find that movie to be really simple to make?
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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[quote Nach]So your point is that you think WarHippy's only SNES related TAS is too simple to warrant an award for the work he created?[/quote] Well, to be fair, I have to say that I am not sure if the judging of the nomination of a TAS or TASer for a given award category to be ''truely undeserving'' is meant (in the original statement by you/Nach from the Nomination rules thread) in an absolute sense for the TAS/TASer together with the award category ''in a vacuum'', or if it is meant in a relative sense, when compared to all other eligible TASes or TASers. In the latter sense I think my judgement applies. In the former certainly not (as the TAS isn't sloppy or anything, and otherwise I'd think it would then not have been accepted and published and eventually appeared in the list of TASes for the eligible TASers to begin with), because for example if there were no other eligible TASers, then Warhippy's TAS would be perfectly fine for putting WarHippy into the list of eligible TASers for this award category. However, I did interpret or understand your statement from the Nomination rules thread in the relative/comparative sense, as otherwise I'd be confused about the point of the statement, because the statement does not appear to refer to mistakes in the linked lists of eligible TASes or TASers but refers to nominations from member posts in the associated nomination threads Now, if the statement from the Nomination rules thread is meant to be applied or seen in an absolute sense for a given TAS or TASer, without relative comparison to other choices for a given year, then disregard my ''(un)deserving''-related statement on the matter. But in this case, I would actually be curious about what cases should then possibly fall under this rule, where the rule would apply while at the same time the TAS or TASer would be contained in the list of eligible TASes or TASers, respectively. At least I don't think the statement from the Nomination rules thread was meant to make people point out mistakes in the list of eligible TASes/TASers (as another statement points that out already <- no, this is wrong), but to point out nominations by members, which made me think there would have to exist at least some criteria by which a TAS/TASer could be part of eligible TASes/TASers but where nominating the TAS/TASer could at the same time be ''truely undeserving'' (in some admittedly not further specified or clarified manner, at least to me, currently it seems that way). So much for the general concept related thoughts from my side. For the specific case that I was referring to, while I did watch WarHippy's TAS to get my own impression on what it is like (and to be honest, I think having 2 characters was more a help than it being in the way of TASing the game, for controlling the projectile's trajectories, but I may be wrong on that and I think WarHippy would probably be best to judge that), I was seeing WarHippy's own comments on what I thought referred to the difficulty of making the TAS, and I was checking the TAS out while going through the list of eligible TASers, and had just beforehand read the Nomination rules and had this ''please point it out'' from it in mind and remembered that WarHippy was nominated by someone. Now, if this was wrong, then I stand corrected, but in the end it anyway wouldn't be up to me to decide this, I found your appeal (from the Nomination rules thread) to be more meant as a heads-up directed at forum members for when they see something potentially fitting the case, so that members may point such out, so that staff could look into it. I think this should answer your/Nach's question 1). And for question 2), it depends on what others think of it (the TAS, or of WarHippy as the corresponding eligible TASer) I guess. I mean I could certainly think of how TASers can (let's say in this specific case for SNES TASing progress in general) contribute in various other ways that may not be tracked or shown by providing lists of TASes and who made TASes in the given year, but as (to my knowledge) there is so far in no award category for TASers (rather than TASes) ever any eligible person in a list of eligible TASers without a TAS, I think but also wonder if TASing efforts besides or outside of producing completed TASes are to be neglected or not considered for the purpose of such categories. Or are they not? Also, I guess it did help to format my post. I didn't think of it, so thanks, and I'll try to improve on that. Edit: Slight correction: There is a statement from the Nomination rules thread about pointing out eligible TASes/TASers that aren't already in the list, as opposed to what I thought, namely the pointing out of in the list contained option(s) of which someone thinks it/they shouldn't belong in there. As such, I could think of the statement [quote Nach]If you think someone has made a nomination which is truly undeserving, please point it out so there can be a proper discussion. However, arguments which are a matter of opinion and personal taste are uncalled for. [/quote] may (though indirectly then, I think) refer to ''false positives''/in the list contained options of which someone may think the option(s) shouldn't belong in there, but in that case I guess an option from the list would only be subject to be potentially removed if the option is mentioned by a member as nomination, and otherwise is kept in the list. Though for this case I think one could have just stated that if someone thinks that they found a mistake in the list, that they should point that out. Admittedly that would be a way to go about it, as ''questioning a member's nomination of a TAS/TASer'' may at that point just aswell be seen as questioning the TAS/TASer being in the list of eligible ones to begin with; fair enough. If that was the intent of it (rather than if someone thinks they see a significant relative discrepancy between nominated TASes/TASers), then I understand and would take my statement regarding EZGames69's nomination of WarHippy back.
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
Emulator Coder
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Aran Jaeger wrote:
Well, to be fair, I have to say that I am not sure if the judging of the nomination of a TAS or TASer for a given award category to be ''truely undeserving'' is meant (in the original statement by you/Nach from the Nomination rules thread) in an absolute sense for the TAS/TASer together with the award category ''in a vacuum'', or if it is meant in a relative sense, when compared to all other eligible TASes or TASers.
That's a good question. My statement is a bit of both actually. In terms of how different TASs / TASers relatively compare against each other each year is a matter of people's own personal opinion and tastes. What one person sees as trash is another person's treasure. Which is the point of the voting. People get to choose their favorite(s) or what in their opinion is the best of the top tier of contenders that year. We don't want to remove the possibility of voting for an option if it's just one member's opinion that TAS or player wasn't that great. However, given the volume each year, you want to take relativity into account. If there's a couple of users that made dozens of TASs, and some that made multi hour TASs, multiple starred runs and so on, adding someone to the list with just a vanilla 5 minute movie is probably undeserving. The nominations should represent the cream of the crop for that year, not the cream of the crop + random player. It's important to understand things in the absolute sense as well. If someone made the most entertaining movie ever, he deserves to be recognized for the voting, even if there's other people who overall put out more high quality content providing strong competition for the award. If it turns out if there are no candidates in the absolute sense. Meaning everything produced in the specified category was mediocre, just boring uninteresting under 5 minute movies, we should probably not be offering the award for that category in that year.
Aran Jaeger wrote:
However, I did interpret or understand your statement from the Nomination rules thread in the relative/comparative sense, as otherwise I'd be confused about the point of the statement, because the statement does not appear to refer to mistakes in the linked lists of eligible TASes or TASers but refers to nominations from member posts in the associated nomination threads
There can be mistakes as well, and people should point it out when they notice them. Also in some situations, like the Speedy TAS award, we get several invalid nominations each year, because we don't have a movie tag labeling movies with high speed movement, so we cannot produce a mostly accurate list for that even if we wanted to.
Aran Jaeger wrote:
Now, if the statement from the Nomination rules thread is meant to be applied or seen in an absolute sense for a given TAS or TASer, without relative comparison to other choices for a given year, then disregard my ''(un)deserving''-related statement on the matter. But in this case, I would actually be curious about what cases should then possibly fall under this rule, where the rule would apply while at the same time the TAS or TASer would be contained in the list of eligible TASes or TASers, respectively.
If someone nominated a TAS with very low ratings, and it's borderline whether it should be in the Moons category, then it's undeserving to get a TAS award. If someone nominated a player with barely no work done that year, or relatively uninspired work compared to that year's choices, it would be undeserving.
Aran Jaeger wrote:
Now, if this was wrong, then I stand corrected, but in the end it anyway wouldn't be up to me to decide this, I found your appeal (from the Nomination rules thread) to be more meant as a heads-up directed at forum members for when they see something potentially fitting the case, so that members may point such out, so that staff could look into it.
I don't know that you're wrong, as I haven't watched the movie. It'd be good to hear from the nominator as well as the judge of the movie to weigh in whether and why they think this sole body of work warrants an award for best SNES TASer of the year.
Aran Jaeger wrote:
I think but also wonder if TASing efforts besides or outside of producing completed TASes are to be neglected or not considered for the purpose of such categories. Or are they not?
You are correct, it's not about the effort itself, it's about the final product. People should not be nominated solely on effort, as we have no way to accurately assess it. It should be about what we see in the movies they make. I only brought up this second question because you quoted the author as saying it's simple. If the only thing they worked on is too simple as it appears in the final product, that probably does not warrant an award. So I mispoke above, what I meant to ask is how simple does the result appear to be. That there's multiple players and enemy movement and other things, it doesn't look completely trivial. But others should weigh in too.
Aran Jaeger wrote:
Also, I guess it did help to format my post. I didn't think of it, so thanks, and I'll try to improve on that.
A little bit of formatting can go a long way it making it easier for readers to comprehend. Some bolding and underlining of key points are useful too.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Huh, didn't realize this discussion was going on or else I would have chimed in earlier. I'll be (would have been) the first to admit to some surprise at being nominated. I may have forgotten that I even submitted a TAS this past year :p If someone else really finds amazement from my work, then that makes me happy. It definitely did take effort to coordinate both characters. As far as I personally feel about Firestriker, I missed opportunities to create true art and fantastic super-human play on pretty much every level. There is so much downtime between both characters that I relied on the shortness of the levels to cover up. There were also several parts that I thought were 'good enough' and just pushed on. For these reasons I do agree with Aran's objection. I didn't put in a level of work that I'd consider award-worthy :/ That TAS was mainly practice in 2-player for an upcoming project. And you can rest assured that I'm not going to roll over so easily for 2020 :)
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If staff would like to keep WarHippy off of the list that's ok. I really only gave him a nomination because I liked what he did with FireStrike and thought it was a really great snes game. maybe it would be more appropriate to nominate the tas for SNES tas of the year instead of just the TASer.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Emulator Coder
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EZGames69 wrote:
If staff would like to keep WarHippy off of the list that's ok.
We don't want to keep WarHippy off, we just want to ensure the nominations are deserving.
EZGames69 wrote:
I really only gave him a nomination because I liked what he did with FireStrike and thought it was a really great snes game.
Do you think the work he did on FireStrike was good enough that he should be considered the best, or among the best players for SNES of the year?
EZGames69 wrote:
maybe it would be more appropriate to nominate the tas for SNES tas of the year instead of just the TASer.
If you think it was the best SNES TAS of the year, you should definitely nominate it.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
EZGames69 wrote:
I really only gave him a nomination because I liked what he did with FireStrike and thought it was a really great snes game.
Do you think the work he did on FireStrike was good enough that he should be considered the best, or among the best players for SNES of the year?
there isnt that much competition for SNES TASer of the year this year, so I wanted to choose at least one single tas taser from the list to give some representation. I thought WarHippy was a good choice so I went with him.
Nach wrote:
EZGames69 wrote:
maybe it would be more appropriate to nominate the tas for SNES tas of the year instead of just the TASer.
If you think it was the best SNES TAS of the year, you should definitely nominate it.
I will do that
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Emulator Coder
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Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
WarHippy wrote:
For these reasons I do agree with Aran's objection. I didn't put in a level of work that I'd consider award-worthy :/
Despite the level of work not being up to what you consider your personal best, it seems EZGames69 found your TAS to be the best SNES run of the year (or among the best). You yourself also said the movie wasn't completely trivial. EZGames69 also has a good point that no single TASer had a large body of work this year. Under those conditions, it appears that EZGames69 does find you deserve this award. While others may disagree, that should be good enough for a nomination.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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One More Nomination: Doomsday31415
Cuphead TASes desyncs unfortunately.
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My vote is for NYMX but is there supposed to be some kind of button to click or box to check? I got nadda.
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[quote worsel]My vote is for NYMX but is there supposed to be some kind of button to click or box to check? I got nadda.[/quote] Before this question ends up unanswered, I think the rules are such that (and I think that was due to past abuse of the voting system) there is some forum activity related conditions that a TASVideos member needs to meet in order to be able to vote. Regarding the voting for award categories, I actually don't see a mentioning of these conditions (and maybe it would be good to add this, although that then may lead people to try to ''rush'' through whatever extra steps are preventing them from voting, but then again such behavior may be easily detectable again) within the Voting rules thread ( ), but I think I remember reading about them on one of the many pages that address functional aspects of TASVideos. I'm currently searching for where the rules state this (and when I find it I'll edit this post, unless maybe someone else posted it by then already) giving up on finding it for now, but can only find a TASVideos page that addresses a similar situation for Post voting at the very bottom of this page: . Edit: Also, this page mentions the topic of abuse of the voting system (near the bottom), but I don't see it answering your question, so it may be elsewhere: . It doesn't seem to be covered in the so-called ''access map'' though ( ). The Forum Ranks page doesn't seem to go into it either ( ). Another edit: Ah! I found a place that at least clarifies if a member can or cannot vote, and that is for a given thread page on the site the bottom right corner after all the posts. For example for me it shows for this page: [quote SNES TASer of 2019 - Voting now! thread]You can post new topics in this forum You can reply to topics in this forum You can edit your posts in this forum You can delete your posts in this forum You can vote in polls in this forum[/quote] More editing: The Login page goes into some permissions, but doesn't seem to have more information on this either ( ). Furthermore, the News page ( ) claims: [quote TASVideos News page]2019 Awards voting! posted by Mothrayas at 2020-01-08 00:37:51 The nominations are in for our annual TAS and TASer awards! During this week, registered members can now vote for their favorite TASes and TASers of the past year here.[/quote] So from just this message one may think being a registered member would suffice for rating, I guess, but this may not be entirely true. I also cannot find an answer to the question in the ''Newcomer's Anticipated Questions'' page from the ''The Newbie Corner'' topic ( ).
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
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Thanks Aran Jaeger, I looked around too trying to find an answer but came up empty before I made that first post. Always rough being the new guy but thanks for trying!
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To prevent abuse, Lurkers can't vote in polls. You need to at least have a minimum number of posts. I would tell you the number, but given how that information can't be found anywhere it's probably intentionally hidden.
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I wasn't planning to vote since I haven't seen many of the year's TAS's, but since this looked to be a tie, I decided to take a look to see if I should change my mind on that. Here's my reasoning: Looking at the submissions of both myself (Doomsday31415) and nymx, each made one big submission and one collaboration. The collaborations are relatively small, so they'll be ignored for this comparison and the focus will be on "the big ones". In general, both submissions got wildly good praise, had detailed explanations, and had a ton of work put into them. As evidenced by the fact they're tied in the SNES TAS of the year (albeit losing to a third submission), they're both clearly impressive. So if I think they're both the same level, why vote for one over the other? Simple: the comparison video. Simply put, my submission includes a comparison video, and this is something everyone submitting should include. It's likely part of the reason why the entertainment rating is so much higher (although it's unclear how much of that is just the length of the other game). This advantage also extends to the collaboration. In other words, if by voting myself into the lead I can encourage others to make comparison videos for their submissions, I think it's a good cause.
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[quote Doomsday31415]Simply put, my submission includes a comparison video, and this is something everyone submitting should include. It's likely part of the reason why the entertainment rating is so much higher (although it's unclear how much of that is just the length of the other game). This advantage also extends to the collaboration. In other words, if by voting myself into the lead I can encourage others to make comparison videos for their submissions, I think it's a good cause.[/quote] Pardon me, but I find this to be a cute excuse, entirely ignoring or taking in someone else's (DES's) work (reference: ): [quote Doomsday31415 in Submission #6365] When I first started this TAS, I was blissfully unaware that someone by the name of DES had already made a TAS significantly faster than Dooty's record here on TASVideos. In the end, I ended up saving nearly 7 seconds compared to DES and nearly 2 minutes compared to Dooty. Given how small the vast majority of time saves are now, I'd say it's safe to say the frame wars have begun. Special Thanks DES: Without their hard work (and the input file showing how they did it), this TAS wouldn't be anywhere near as good. They also pointed out a few improvements. [/quote]
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)
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Aran Jaeger wrote:
Doomsday31415 wrote:
Simply put, my submission includes a comparison video, and this is something everyone submitting should include. It's likely part of the reason why the entertainment rating is so much higher (although it's unclear how much of that is just the length of the other game). This advantage also extends to the collaboration. In other words, if by voting myself into the lead I can encourage others to make comparison videos for their submissions, I think it's a good cause.
Pardon me, but I find this to be a cute excuse, entirely ignoring or taking in someone else's (DES's) work (reference: )
This is completely false, Doomsday originally had DES as a coauthor, but it was DES who wanted it to be removed, not Doomsday's. Please do some research before you go making claims like this
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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[quote EZGames69]This is completely false, Doomsday originally had DES as a coauthor, but it was DES who wanted it to be removed, not Doomsday's. Please do some research before you go making claims like this[/quote] Sorry, but I'm not the one not doing my research, and you are missing the point here, EZGames69. As such, I'd suggest to you to not react out of affect to posts (as it can obscure one's own judgement), but to give yourself some time for consideration a priori, so that you may reach to some further conclusions yourself without them having to be pointed out to you by others. [quote Doomsday31415]Sorry, I asked Mothrayas to update you on the situation depending on how it went, but I guess that never happened. :( In summary, DES requested to be removed as a co-author due to lack of involvement in the current TAS. This was confirmed in a discord chat room with Mothrayas present. [/quote] Being authored for a TAS or not doesn't determine how much work went into a given TAS by a given person or whose TASing skills it is that make a TAS end up the way it does as finished product. And DES requesting to be removed from the TAS doesn't negate nor eradicate DES's by the time already existing contributions, in particular and especially the input file, that constituted Doomsday31415's basis to continue working on from there. So yes, DES may not have worked together with Doomsday31415 (which confirms my initial perspective on it, because I thought the same), but worked with significant effectiveness on an improvement of Dooty's TAS long before Doomsday31415 started his own TAS project on it, according to Doomsday31415 himself. As such, I still see my critique justified.
collect, analyse, categorise. "Mathematics - When tool-assisted skills are just not enough" ;) Don't want to be taking up so much space adding to posts, but might be worth mentioning and letting others know for what games 1) already some TAS work has been done (ordered in decreasing amount, relative to a game completion) by me and 2) I am (in decreasing order) planning/considering to TAS them. Those would majorly be SNES games (if not, it will be indicated in the list) I'm focusing on. 1) Spanky's Quest; On the Ball/Cameltry; Musya; Super R-Type; Plok; Sutte Hakkun; The Wizard of Oz; Battletoads Doubledragon; Super Ghouls'n Ghosts; Firepower 2000; Brain Lord; Warios Woods; Super Turrican; The Humans. 2) Secret Command (SEGA); Star Force (NES); Hyperzone; Aladdin; R-Type 3; Power Blade 2 (NES); Super Turrican 2; First Samurai. (last updated: 18.03.2018)