After many years, it appears that our site growth has began to slow. Videos of video-games just aren't that interesting anymore. People don't care for classic systems.
Therefore, in order to ensure the continued popularity and success of our site, we will be shifting away from Tool-Assisted Superplays and focus more on something that appeals to everyone - food.
For now we will continue to accept submissions as usual, but we will be adding an upload to send in your Tool-Assisted Spaghetti Videos. By focusing more on kitchen mastery, we can reach a broader audience who can focus on our site. Remember, with great sauce comes great spaghetti.
We will be adding tiers like Brunch and Dinner to better differentiate between the various culinary creations you guys come up with.
We have secured funding for a grand prize for our new focus. Whoever is the first who can correctly guess what I ate for dinner today will win the grand prize of:
"ONE / MILLION" Dollars.
Please note there will be a processing fee of approximately $0.000001 in order to collect your winnings. Local taxes may also apply.