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DrD2k9 wrote:
Current WIP. Using default JPC-rr settings. TASing this has been tedious. I've discovered that the mouse is not always the fastest input method for movement (keyboard is often used at screen transitions).
Nice! Since we can't seem to find a way to get that global variable set so we can skip out to the burger joint, this seems to be the best way. It looks optimized to me, and no random events to worry about. Yeah, it can be tedious to do this. It's definitively worth checking keyboard input vs mouse, as you've found out.
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c-square wrote:
Yeah, it can be tedious to do this.
It makes me miss the piano-roll input method of bizhawk/FCEUX.
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Ok, challenge. Can someone figure out if the time Roger has to wait on Phleebhut for the terminator is RNG dependent or a set amount? EDIT: I've been trying to compare the gear method vs. the pod method of killing Arnoid. I can't get him to show up on the pod screen even after waiting over a minute (in game). I think I'm missing some trigger that causes him to appear on the pod screen. Going upstairs in the World 'O Wonders will immediately spawn him coming up the elevator as soon as Roger reaches the upper scaffold level with the motor. As of right now, this is the faster of the two methods for this TAS even with some extra commands. This method is rarely seen in normal speedruns. Likely because it take more time with the text input and extra screens than simply luring Arnoid to the pods. Unless we can determine how to trigger Arnoid faster for the pod screen, I don't see how that method is going to be faster.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
Ok, challenge. Can someone figure out if the time Roger has to wait on Phleebhut for the terminator is RNG dependent or a set amount?
I think it should be RNG dependent. Both whether he appears as well as how long it takes him. I'm not sure how easy it is to manipulate RNG in this game. There is no "Y-enter" trick that works in this game, unlike the first two.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
Ok, challenge. Can someone figure out if the time Roger has to wait on Phleebhut for the terminator is RNG dependent or a set amount?
Here's the code you're looking for:
(switch global110
			(if (== (Random 1 2) 2)
			((= gNewAct (Act new:)) posn: 1000 1000 init:)
				(= gSeconds (Random 2 10))
			((= gNewAct (Act new:)) posn: 1000 1000 init:)
			(= gSeconds 3)
When you enter the screen, if you've met the terminator but he hasn't found you get (global110 value of 1), then there's a 50% chance he'll show up on this screen at all. If he does show up, then there's a wait of between 2 and 10 seconds before he shows up. Alternatively, if he was chasing you and got close enough from the last screen (global110 value of 2), then he's guaranteed to show up after three seconds. Looks like what you want to do is get rng numbers set up so that he appears, and it's after only two seconds before he starts coming for you. Looks like we might want to go hunting for that rng again. Unfortunately, this is SCI not AGI, so it may be a different calculation. Note: Random is called on almost every screen on this planet to determine the wait time until the terminator finds you. EDIT: You may be able to fiddle with the rng if you try different routes to the pods. A South-South-East route should line you up with a different random number than a South-East-South route, which will be different than a East-South-South route. If none of those work, you can also play around with the rng by changing the route you take to the World of Wonders (there are six different routes you could try). Combine those with the three from above and there are 18 different possible routes overall, each resulting in a different rng for the pod screen.
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Thanks! I will try some different directions and see what results. At least I know I only have to wait about 10 seconds to know if he's going to show or not. Other potential uses of RNG manipulation (depending on game code): Shortening the wait for the space pirates to leave the survey site on Ortega. Preventing Attacks/blocks in the Robot Fight. Speeding up the arrival of enemy ships in the space battle at the end of the game, and/or changing the pattern of ships in front/back (though I don't think I've ever seen this as anything but alternating front/back).
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c-square wrote:
Looks like what you want to do is get rng numbers set up so that he appears, and it's after only two seconds before he starts coming for you. Looks like we might want to go hunting for that rng again. Unfortunately, this is SCI not AGI, so it may be a different calculation.
If it takes much RNG manipulation (other than altering the initial RTC time) it probably isn't worth it. I.E. changing screens a few extra times may negate the savings in time for the arrival delay.
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Interesting (and completely off-topic) theory: Roger Wilco is a Time-Lord. His pockets are bigger on the inside. And he travels through time.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
(though I don't think I've ever seen this as anything but alternating front/back).
That one isn't random. Of course, the initial random seed is going to depend on the system timer again.
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Radiant wrote:
Of course, the initial random seed is going to depend on the system timer again.
But how did we know the calculation? I've been looking everywhere i can think of and searching online and can't find anything. How did you find it for SQ1?
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Update: I've gotten Arnoid to appear at the pod screen by doing a couple extra screen transitions. I'm going to play around some more and try to minimize this until we can find a more controllable method of manipulating the RNG.
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Ideally you should be able to do it without any extra screen transitions. Also, the order you buy the orat and undies may make a difference as the sales dude’s animations call random too.
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AAAAARGH, I did the whole trash zapping sequence typing 'zap' each time instead of using F3. Crud...that was a bunch of wasted time....oh well, going back and redoing. As far as Arnoid is concerned. The scorpazoid showed up a few times in my trials which changed RNG in some paths. I did use one extra screen transition to get the RNG to make him spawn very quickly, but it also yielded him arriving from the top of the screen and getting to the pods faster than other directions. This was the fastest way I could find from the different permutations of paths to kill him with the pods.
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...and done. I'll upload the temp encode and submit the run tomorrow. Temp encode runs 16:38. Final input is much earlier as there is quite a bit of endgame cut-scene and credits.
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Wow, that was fast! Congrats!
DrD2k9 wrote:
But how did we know the calculation? I've been looking everywhere i can think of and searching online and can't find anything. How did you find it for SQ1?
By reading the source code of the engine, not of the game. I can find out as needed when it becomes relevant for other SCI games.
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Radiant wrote:
By reading the source code of the engine, not of the game. I can find out as needed when it becomes relevant for other SCI games.
So the calculation we used for SQ1 should be accurate for the first 3 KQ game as well?
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Link to video Temp Encode The last input happens at the text flash just before the black hole of the endgame cut-scene.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
So the calculation we used for SQ1 should be accurate for the first 3 KQ game as well?
For every AGI game, yes.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
Temp Encode The last input happens at the text flash just before the black hole of the endgame cut-scene.
Great job! I’m surprised how fast the robot battle was. I wonder if the wait for the surveyors to leave is random. I’ll check when I have a minute. I’m guessing the Two Guys’ text bubbles can’t be skipped. Are you thinking of hitting the KQ series next?
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c-square wrote:
I wonder if the wait for the surveyors to leave is random.
Perhaps. I tried a few different paths to the site, but all my attempts resulted in them leaving at roughly the same time. Perhaps no random calls on Ortega happen before then so RNG would need to be manipulated earlier if they are indeed random. I'm really hoping I don't have to re-run this game.
I’m guessing the Two Guys’ text bubbles can’t be skipped.
Nope. I think it's around 45 seconds from leaving Pestulon before the warning for the battle with the space bandits.
Are you thinking of hitting the KQ series next?
I will probably look into it eventually. I'll likely attempt to finish out the SQ series first though. I'm also considering some Lucas Arts games (Indy and the Fate of Atlantis for one).
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And now I'm back to square one on this run. FractalFusion pointed out a faster way to input text commands. It unfortunately affects every single text input in the run meaning I have to start from scratch. But it also means it could save a significant chunk of time. EDIT: Radiant, are you interested in helping dig into the RNG some more since I have to start over anyway?
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DrD2k9 wrote:
And now I'm back to square one on this run. FractalFusion pointed out a faster way to input text commands. It unfortunately affects every single text input in the run meaning I have to start from scratch. But it also means it could save a significant chunk of time. EDIT: Radiant, are you interested in helping dig into the RNG some more since I have to start over anyway?
Wow, that sucks. It also means both my QFG TASses are sub-optimal too. But I don’t have the patience or time to redo them at the moment. As you said, even with the emulator improvements, TASsing these is tedious. I commend you for your dedication. It may have been acceptable as is, but I understand not wanting to publish a sub-optimal run.
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c-square wrote:
I commend you for your dedication. It may have been acceptable as is, but I understand not wanting to publish a sub-optimal run.
Do you think I should un-cancel it and see what a judge does? I'd be very surprised if one accepted it given the known improvement potential.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
c-square wrote:
I commend you for your dedication. It may have been acceptable as is, but I understand not wanting to publish a sub-optimal run.
Do you think I should un-cancel it and see what a judge does? I'd be very surprised if one accepted it given the known improvement potential.
Even before that, have you done a quick test to see if what FF says is true? I was just trying the game on DosBox, and clicking on the command box does absolutely nothing. If you can't get it to work either, then your run is optimal and you can submit it! Oh, and BTW, the wait for the surveyors to leave is hard set to 30 something (cycles? seconds? both?). EDIT: The Two Guys' whining is somewhat skipable! This should at least be worth investigating since it's right at the end of the run. Also, I noticed that in the video he shot even before it was locked on and it hit. You could try taking shots before lock on too.