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Helloo! My name is NidoqueenOfPain, and after moths of delibaration, i have finnaly desided to join and submit my first ever tas! As you can probbly tell from my usernaem, i am a girl gamer who loves pokamon and doto! Apologes for my bad english, im from viet nam and i still learning! ok, without futher adiu, lets begin!!1!
Dogz 2 (and its sista gaem Catz 2) are a pear of gaems from the well-nown Petz franchice, the sequels to Dogz 1 and Catz 1 (obviusly). The gamer bee advans verson is rather diffrent from the home consle verson, as insted af being an adventre game similar to the dog island, it is a pet simulater were you get to car for yor very own virtul pet (a puppy or a kitten, depinding on the game).

Beggining of the gaem

After silecting 'new game' i have to chose my caracter. for obvius raisins i chose the girl with the ligt blue outfit, cause its my fav color. Next, i put in my name. Cause the limit is six leters, i cant put in my hole usernaem, so i go for 'QUEEN' instead.
After that, their is the puppy survy. This aparrently dose not effect which puppys will appaer all that much, so i just go ahed and pick the first anser it defalts to on each qestion.

Day 1

After the intro cutseen, i wait a spesific nuber of frams on the final tex box befor entiring the shop. This manupilaets luk so that the dog i want to have spans on the shelf drectly in front of me.
quenn is very picky when it comes to puppys, you see. She wants herslef a Miniture Daschund, and she wonts it now! The clark offers to let her cary it arund for a bit, but aint nobody got time fo dat!
After coming hom from teh Petz Shop, queen finnaly gets to intrudose her litle dog to his new surounddings. Inspeared by her favorit carton caracter, she desides to name him 'Itchy' - a very fiting name for a Dashund, wodn't you think?
After traning her new pet for a bit, quenn piks him up and takes him otside so he can expore the gardin. going bak inside, she then has a coversaton with her daddy about the puppys new name (i wait a secund on ech paeg of text so yo can red whatn their sayng!)
Next, she takes te brush out of the coset, and takes it utside to grom itchey. quenn relly wants to maek shure itchys coat is nise and smoth, so she brushes him rigt thru until teetime.
Later, after fedding both itchee and herslef, quenn tries to take him outsid agin, but mom wont let her cos its to dark. So insted, she tekas him into the bedroom so he can hava a rest, swopping him with teh puppit. quuen then triews to go bakc down stares, but mum stops hre and sens her to bed bcos its nin o colck.

Doy 2

Beep-beep, beep-beep. its monday, tiem to get up. Fourtunatly, quenn has enough time to play sum puppey reversi b4 shcool. im not gong to spiol the resuts, wotch four youself!
Between brekfast time and gong-to-schol tiem, queen tries to giv itchiy sum moar traning. Howevewr, thigs dont quit go acording to plan...
In an efort to maek up for teh mishapps, Quenn tris to give her pet sum dog fodd for brekfist. BUt, mom innterupts and tels her its time to go to skool.
After coming home from scholl, queen gets out the vacum claener and uses it to give itchy a cleen. Then she gets out the stufed rabitt to ease him into anohter rond of trining folowwed by a drank of woter. Then she tkes him outide agan for som mor gardon eksploring.
quenn then plys with the cd plaer to kill som tiem util dinertime
more taining yay
sorry if im runing ot of tings two say. im not vry gud at etended riting theirs one more day but im not ging to spil it
ok bye dont forget to vote

Samsara: tried to watch this movie but i had to paws it early. it was a bit of a ruff watch: all bark and no bite really. eventually my stomach started growling, so i ate a couple hot dogs but they made me feel bloated and pug-ly, thankfully that all went away after a nice shih tzu. oops that got a bit personal, sorry for those far-fetched statements. i gotta go retrieve something from the lab, i'll catch you later. btw i think you'd be cute with EgixBacon, but that's just the schipperke in me speaking, i'm not gonna hound you two on it or anything. anyway, i'll be keeping tabbies on this submission.
Noxxa: jugdin
Noxxa: rejecting because of various forms of abuse, including against fleas, gardens, radio sets, housewives, and possibly also the dog. actually, never mind all of that, rejecting because you almost lost a game of puppy reversi to an actual puppy

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #5062: EgixBacon's GBA Dogz 2 "paw-around" in 14:49.71
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FanFiction|Youtube Still on Win7! Take that, Microsoft!
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I don't get it. Was the game completed? Or did you get the best dog ever?
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
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From the submission text, my guess was NitroGenesis. I was close... kind of.
MrTickles wrote:
Was the game completed? Or did you get the best dog ever?
This is a simulation/"virtual pet" game, and I don't know if it has an ending. Instead, the run ends when the author successfully turns the character's dog against her, and she lays down to contemplate what she just did.
TASVideoAgentOfPAIN wrote:
for obvius raisins
Voting Yes for obvious raisins.
Joined: 6/4/2009
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that's one disfunctional familly i see there, i'm sure the DAD is beating his wife and neglecting his daughter and that the MOM is having an affair: exept for when they eat, they are NEVER togheter AND the MOM is seen ONCE OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN FOR THE WHOLE GAME.... i'm sure she think that "make me a goddamn sandwitch" is her second name by now, she is always drinking coffe ( or is it just coffe ?) and she's so affraid of coming out the kitchen that the house is drity... the daughter's erratic behavior and her violence against the puppy is another key indice, you see her developing an OCD by playing reversi for the whole day, turning the radio on and off about 40 times and going to her bed to cry deeply when she thinks nobody watch.... 6.5/10 would call social services.
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om, nom, nom... want more!