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Why is there a discussion about RTA on TASVideos. Does there need to be yet another OoT topic locked?
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
I guess the main problem for RTS is getting the bomb drops, you'd need 2 before DC, which very rare giving you only bushes in KV and some rocks, not sure if you can get a drop from the enemies in DC though? Saying it takes too long to wait on bombs and you can't get max height is very extraneous unless you provide the numbers and probabilities and have actually done some testing. And like I said, you don't necessarily need 20 extra bombs after lighting eyes, if it saves 1:00, then you could skip mostly all of the SS/HISS/pressure jumps, which would make the run easier in a way.
Here's a novel idea: why don't you ask the best real-time runners? You know, the people who do runs every day and know what's feasible for real-time and what isn't. Most of them hang around the ZSR forums or IRC channel. The community is very active. It's not like nobody has thought of this before. TASVideos, while a great place to discuss new TAS strategies, is a pretty terrible place to try to come up with the next big console tech. For the record, yes, you can get a bomb drop from the Beamos in DC. Getting a drop before DC is the bigger problem. You would have to RBA gaunts to even have a chance at all (to pick up bushes), and at that point you're RBAing 3 different items instead of 1 before DC (~15 seconds added just to RBA). If by some miracle you got a drop on the way to DC and a drop from the Beamos, that'd give you 9 bombs. Getting on the head should take at least 6 bombs (I did a triple staircase from the side and was still under the jawline, with no wall to my back). It seems like it'd be more like 10+ given how little height you gain from each hover after staircasing without a wall or the hover boots, but it may as well be a million at that point. If you somehow get enough drops and show off some crazy hovering skills to get on the head (and still have 2 bombs left to light the eyes), you could get the chest before KD and have 5 bombs. To conserve bombs you could use bomb flowers on KD (slower), end the fight with a deathwarp from another bomb flower (WAY slower), and have 4 bombs for the rest of the run. You need at least 6 just to continue (GC boulders, DMT boulder, Fairy Fountain wall, OI for magic, bridge megaflip, OI for prelude). That puts you at -2 bombs with no superslides or any other timesavers, and it's a long walk to Gerudo Valley. It's not that it can't be done. It might even be faster (as a TAS would likely show). But nobody is going to do a run with 3 or more REQUIRED miracle bomb drops, along with a crazy hover. But more importantly, even if this was a good idea for the route, bringing it up in this thread is completely pointless. It's a known idea. No console runners are currently buying it. Maybe someday they will, but arguing about it in this thread is completely pointless. So yeah, can this thread be about TAS strategies please?
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So for a TAS, you could double RBA to get gauntlets (you really need to do this to pick up bushes?) and bag +30s, drop a bush, get bomb, drop bomb, drop another bush or two, SS off bomb and pick up 1-4 more bomb drops from bushes that explode, for 19-30 bombs, +4s -3s=+1s. You might be able to stair case by beamos and use beamos for a staircase hit, and get bomb drop from beamos when it explodes, I don't know if you can jump off beams too. You might not even have to get up to jaw line because you can throw the bombs a bit higher than that and fairly far too. The hovering would cost 5s for first 3 hits and then 4s more for each bomb used after that, so 13-17s. So that's about 44-57s extra depending on how many hovers it takes. A RTS takes about 2:40 extra from middle beamos to get bomb bag and light eyes, so a TAS would be maybe 2:30, it's a fairly simple path that's mostly waiting on bomb flowers, doors, pillars and flipping/backwalking/rolling in straight lines. So For a TAS it would save about 150 - (44 to 57s) 106s to 93s plus get way more bombs, and not to mention the time saved from SSs with by having bombs on the way to and inside DC and not waiting on first bomb flower in DC. If a RTS can with some consistency get it with just 1 bush/rock drop + 1-3 beamos drop(s) then I feel it would a big saver and well worth it, but I'll end the discussion with that and bring the idea to ZSR.com
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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you really need to do this to pick up bushes?
Yes, but you can destroy them with items if you have them.
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rog wrote:
you really need to do this to pick up bushes?
Yes, but you can destroy them with items if you have them.
What items besides bombs can you use?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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you do use bombs you get from a stone. it's not rocket science. bloob did it in his tas.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
rog wrote:
you really need to do this to pick up bushes?
Yes, but you can destroy them with items if you have them.
What items besides bombs can you use?
Uh, sword, megaton hammer, maybe boomerang?, and probably some other useless things you'd never have in a speed run. The only real option is to use bombs, or pick them up, both of which require a not insignificant amount of time to get.
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Deku Stick jumpslashes can destroy bushes (though not any other deku stick attack). Also Epona, but that seems rather impractical.
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As Slowi said, we don't RBA Gauntlets, we simply RBA bomb bag and a bottle on to the bomb slot (needed to be able to get bomb drops). After that we pick up a stone (no need for gauntlets here) and get a bomb drop. Using this 5 bombs we blow up bushes and get many many more bomb drops. Bushes can be found in many different places; the best places to refill bombs is probably Lost Woods and Lake Hylia. Btw, because we would want to avoid any controversies we would steal the rod twice instead of using deku stick on B to kill King Dodongo. There's no need to start a discussion about this. What will be used is decided by the people who do the run, Swordless Link, Bloobiebla and me and we all agree that for this route dropping a few seconds and stealing the rod twice is the way to go. Another note on the TAS route. As we get access to bomb drops without visiting Dodongo's Cavern we can put it anywhere we want. It is clearly best to put DC right before getting magic. Lemme show you the reasons for that: - Doing to DC after getting Cojiro and going to Lost Woods to trade for Odd Mushroom afterwards would force us to watch both the Death Mountain Trail and Goron City Intro cutscenes. Entering this areas from different entrances would allow us to skip them. - After getting magic we warp to Lake Hylia any way, because this is the quickest way to get to Gerudo Valley to trade for the Broken Sword. When we are at lake Hylia any way, we can simply quickly hover up to the Fishing Pond once again and steal the rod. And please, I beg nobody to suggest using Lon Lon to get Stick on B. It is clearly slower, because we have to wait for the egg to hatch and thus want to spend as much time at areas with progressing ingame-time as possible. In Lon Lon ingame doesn't progress.
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Which rock would you use after cojiro? And would you still go to DM trail after cojiro if you do DC after magic? Because the having access to the middle bushes in KV right after cojiro might be worth the 15s if no rock is within 15s on route before you need to SS and what not.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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okay, once again. There's a rock behind the skulltula house, 3 seconds away from the woman giving you cojiro. There we also get our bugs from. We get 5 bombs from that rock and use 1 bomb of those to blow up the bushes next to the tree. I think we should be able to get at least 15 bombs just from that one explosion at the tree. Afterwards we go to Hyrule Field and get to the Lost Woods from there. Just watch Bloob's run once again and you'll understand.
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Two Tektite hovers then? Hm. Will there be any variation between them due to the RNG or something? Or since you're entering from different locations? Also, can somebody explain to me how Bottle B is done in ZFG's most recent run? I'm guessing you swing the bottle, press B, start, equip the sword? As seen [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5GvPPBGKFw#t=21m14s]here[/URL]
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For the second hover you can just use bombs. No need for Tektite.
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Ah, right. Brain farts ^^
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Kuwaga wrote:
Also, can somebody explain to me how Bottle B is done in ZFG's most recent run? I'm guessing you swing the bottle, press B, start, equip the sword? As seen [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5GvPPBGKFw#t=21m14s]here[/URL]
Swing the bottle and on the first frame the bottle is visible, press B. Equipping master sword is only necessary to have deku sticks on B after dieing, or else you just become swordless. Since a TAS won't be using sticks on B, that probably won't be necessary. Though actually, since a TAS will steal the rod, it would probably be faster to do shield swipe to get bottle on B with the rod (pull out bottle, shield, press B, Z+R, hold bottle button, release R to swing bottle and catch something and it should go over B) since that would save a pause.
Experienced player (603)
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For everybody demanding some crazy TAS actions, here's the video to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeh-pj3vgQk
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MrGrunz wrote:
For everybody demanding some crazy TAS actions, here's the video to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeh-pj3vgQk
Nice :D I love these videos!
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After getting magic we warp to Lake Hylia any way, because this is the quickest way to get to Gerudo Valley to trade for the Broken Sword. When we are at lake Hylia any way, we can simply quickly hover up to the Fishing Pond once again and steal the rod.
How were you planning to warp to lake Hylia after magic? I checked the differences in routes: from shop to Odd mushroom going through forest is about 70s and uses 2 bombs, 1 for HISS and 1 for pressure jump. Shop to Odd Mushroom going through DMT and GV is about 89s which includes the extra cut scenes and uses no extra bombs (you'd have to use one in GV eventually for both routes) So it saves about 19s but uses 2 extra bombs. But if not mistaken doing doing DC before magic would be around 20s off route so you blow all savings by doing it that way. So... Couldn't you do DC after getting Odd Mushroom? It's only 1-2s off route compared to about 20s from magic. I checked on the shroom timer, it takes a RTS takes 46s of timer countdown from lighting eyes to exit of DC, and has 1:43 extra time left, so 1:43-(46+1)=56s that you'd have of odd mushroom timer from start of DC to opening eyes. For the hovering, it's 5s first 3 hovers, 4s each after that, so 17-29s depending on number of hovers (which really needs more testing) You might be able to glitch through the jaw line like DoT skip without lighting eyes. Then 4s to light eyes in which timer counts. So a maximum of 33s. 56-33=23s of timer from start of DC to starting hovers, worst case, 9 hovers, or 35s best case, 6 hovers. It takes about 12s of timer from start DC to middle beamos, so that seems like you'd have around 11s for 9 hovers, or 23s for 6 hovers of time to spare.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Kuwaga wrote:
Two Tektite hovers then? Hm. Will there be any variation between them due to the RNG or something?
The Tecktite's are in a preset position. You'll notice that from the Japanese run that hexed most of Bloob's input.
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This a post a made at ZSR.com, it's intended for RTS but most of it is very relevant for TAS as well, so bear that in mind. "I'm guessing this will be met with some violent opposition as was the case when I suggested: try harder for DoT skip, hover into spirit temple and skip bean, and skip sword in child section; I'm not sure why so many members of this community are violently against intelligently timing and testing plausible routes, and insist intuition alone is all that is necessary even though they're wrong many times. I think WASD or some other mod banned me from ZFG twitch channel last for talking along these lines I post below, which further reinforces my assessment above. The Current Route uses Lon Lon and gets bomb bag in DC, tries 2-3 trees for nuts. It can't only be improved by missing no SSs, HISS, or pressures jumps which is a feat never seen before; or doing unbuffered valley skip, which is also very hard. There's some other possible routes such as RBA bomb bag with Cojiro and Lastly Tektite which likely have higher probability of being to save time: -Saves the 3:07 it takes from start DC to light eyes with getting bomb bag and one death (which I think is needed for some BA stuff) is the main benefit, but there's some others as well... -Having bombs before DC allows you to do DC w/e, it could be right after odd mushroom which is only 1-2s off route. Normally you'd be doing to DC after getting Cojiro and going to Lost Woods to trade for Odd Mushroom afterwards which forces you to watch both the Death Mountain Trail (11s) and Goron City Intro (7s) cutscenes. This way you would enter these areas from different entrances and thus allow you to skip them. The current way, DMT, takes 89s from shop to odd M, and going through forest takes about 70s and using a 2 extra bombs, 1 for HISS and 1 for pressure jump. This would save an additional 19s. I checked the Odd M timer: There is 1:43 extra time left on timer to use. It takes a RTS takes 46s of timer countdown from lighting eyes to exit of DC, so 1:43-(46+1)=56s that you'd have of odd mushroom timer from start of DC to opening eyes. For the hovering, it's 5s first 3 hovers, 4s each after that, so 17-29s depending on number of hovers (which really needs more testing) You might be able to glitch through the jaw line like DoT skip without lighting eyes. Then 4s to light eyes in which timer counts. So a maximum of 33s. 56-33=23s of timer from start of DC to starting hovers, worst case, 9 hovers, or 35s best case, 6 hovers. It takes about 12s of timer from start DC to middle beamos, so that seems like you'd have around 11s for 9 hovers, or 23s for 6 hovers of time to spare. So you'd have to be able to get with 11 hovers maximum if doing while going against Odd M timer to save those extra 19s, This would only allow for 1 beamos drop unless you can do it in 6-8 hovers since it takes about 15s to get an 2nd drop from a 2nd beamos. -Doing DC right before magic I don't think would save any time because I believe it's about 19s off route, so you'd waste the 19s you save by going through forest afters shop. -You can buy bombs from the shop for 35r which means 27r extra I believe, you can get 5 from jumping platforms after KF shop and 1-2 in bush after that, then get the 20r in the river and maybe 1-2r extra (not sure) which should let you get 27r extra at about 8s extra, which is faster and more consistent than RBAing gaunlets to try for bush drop. -After buying bombs, you can try 1 bomb on the 5 bushes in KV, and 1 bomb on the bushes in LW (2 more optional bushes to check), if you get 1 drop from these, you'd have 5+5-4(KV bushes, HISS, pressure jump, LW bushes)= 6 bombs, use one on middle beamos and you'd have 10, 8 to hover and 2 for eyes. Or, check no bushes, get to DC with 3 bombs, and double beamos for 12 bombs (use bomb flower on one), I'm not sure, do you need one for GV blockade? There's other options of course by these seem most likely and the best chances for luck, again we really need to test how many hovers it tends to take and if you can skip lighting eyes. So in summary, this route should save 19s from alternate KV shop to DC route, and start DC to light eyes would take about 12s to middle beamos, about 24s for hovering (8 hovers), 17s to light eyes; so 12+24+17= 53s, compared to 3:07 the current route so another 2:14, so 2:33 of raw savings Granted you'll only have 2-5 bombs after DC instead 17; however, only 5 are needed, the rest are are for SSs and pressure jump, and there's more places to try for bombs drops as well. Even if you have to get an extra drop and/or and skip the extra SSs they save less than 1:00 altogether. I'm not sure if you could sell bugs twice and buy 2 sets of bombs either... And Lastly to tektite: I'm not sure the exact completion rate Pokey gets it but I've heard around 10%, which is certainly much much higher than missing no SSs, HISS, or pressure jumps. The time this would save needs to be calculated and tested, but pretty soon one of these routes will be necessary to save time over the current one."
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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What you are writing about has literally nothing to do with the TAS route. -.- TAS RBAs bombs anyway, TAS does DC right before magic anyway. Well in a route where the LACS is used. One that skips that is whole different ballgame anyway.
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For the TAS, the odd Mushroom timer can be extended if absolutely necessary with the navi-during-sidehop technique used in SL's MST's Fire Temple, right? And as for the RTS, every run of ZFG's seems to involve leaving Lon Lon ranch as adult, twice, with a lot of sidehops along the farm wall, when I'm sure I've read balkwalking long distances is always faster.
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Call me inattentive but how come a new thread for this game was started?
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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The last one was locked.
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With Navi trick on sidehop, doing DC on Mush timer seems very good for TAS, this way you could save 20s by not going off route and do DC after getting mushroom.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."