Don't worry, I did the same with QuackShot... I was using wrong addresses.
Here's some addresses I found for the Genesis version:
(for the Gens emulator)
function mickey()
speX = memory.readlongsigned(0x0FF067A)
posG = memory.readword(0x0FF0674)
posP = memory.readword(0x0FF066A)
posF = memory.readword(0x0FF066E)
gui.text(20,40,"Speed: "..speX)
gui.text(20,50,"PosiG: "..posG)
gui.text(20,60,"PosiP: "..posP)
gui.text(20,70,"PosiF: "..posF)
I don't know if all Genesis games use 4 byte addresses for character speed,
but so far I was able to improve the walking method in two of my old runs.
To bunny hop in this game is pretty simple; jump and then release the jump button at the desired height.
Hold the jump button again, while still in the air, and Mickey will jump as soon as he touches the ground.
and here's a test run using BizHawk to show you the bunny hop in action.
But please, use Gens if you're going to make a new run!
(you end up behind of the old run using BizHawk...)