So, I don't see this being particularly helpful as far as the TAS for N-Tranced is concerned, but definitely something that I feel is worth noting.
So, very recently, someone started running N-Tranced RTA and I knew something felt off. There was a box that wasn't there normally. It seems like the version of N-Tranced that was released as part of "Crash & Spyro Super Pack 1" has differences to the regular version.
I made a video quickly showing off the box that does not appear in the normal version and interactions with the box (2nd Volcano level)
It has also been noted that the hint/tutorial thing at the start of the first atlus ball level is also missing.
I played through the game until "Rocks can roll", and was not able to observe any changes other than what I have already noted. However, there may be parts of the game that I cannot tell by simply looking (i.e. is the character speed different? are there glitches that do not exist on the regular cart?).
This also means VV was willing to change parts of the game for the multicart version. This is a list of all the multicarts that I can find that may be affected similarly:
-Crash & Spyro SuperPack Vol 1 (N-Tranced & Season of Ice)
-Crash & Spyro SuperPack Vol 2 (CNK & Season of Fire)
-Crash & Spyro SuperPack Vol 3 (Fusion & Fusion/Purple & Orange)
-Crash SuperPack (N-Tranced & CNK)
I've yet to play around with the Crash SuperPack version of N-Tranced, but I'd guess it would be similar to the crash & spyro port.
I'm not too familiar with how the TAS community feels about official multicarts like this, but I felt it was definitely worth mentioning.
EDIT: Upon further reading, the packs I have described above are the PAL SuperPack carts. NTSC-U regions seem to have gotten a separate super pack, one which has the same game as volume 3, one that has the same games as the crash superpack, and one that has both Huge Adventure and Season of Ice.
EDIT 2: It seems the differences present in PAL Superpack Vol 1 N-Tranced are the same differences present in the J version of N-Tranced. The same may be true for the other games contained in these packs.[/b]